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Rock the Earth - Campaign Platform

## About Rock the Earth
Rock the Earth is a national nonprofit environmental organization dedicated to protecting and defending our natural resources through partnerships with the music industry and the worldwide environmental community to ensure a sustainable and healthy planet for all.

## Problem
Currently Rock the Earth is using pen and paper to sign up volunteers at concerts. They also need a way to inform more people about their campaign by leveraging social media and photos.

## Solution
An android app that allows users and organizers to signup supporters at concerts or anywhere and allows anyone to take picture have it display on the campaigm page. Along with the android app, is web app that allows users to view campaigns and all the photos (displayed in a grid) uploaded by the supporters and organizers with the capablity to share it on social media. The orangizer can also log onto the web app to view analytics/charts and download support data for Rock the Earth to import into salesforce. The android app will push data to a cloud database (Parse) then the web app will retrieve the updates.

Android App
	- Hammid
	- Avirek
	Tech Stack - Android, Java
	- Alan
	- Sheerim
	Tech Stack - Python, Flask, HTML, CSS, Javascript, C3.js
	- Patrick
	Tech Stack - Parse