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This is the instruction for the paper Python API Recommendation in Real-Time for ICSE AE track.


PyART is a real-time API recommendation tool for Python, which includes two main functions:

  • data-flow analysis for (incomplete or complete) Python code context,
  • real-time API recommendation.

Compared to classical tools, it has two important particularities:

  • it works on real-time recommendation scenario,
  • it provides data-flow analysis and API recommendation for dynamic language.



PyART works on Ubuntu 18.04 OS and requires:

  • Python (>= 3.6)
  • pytype
  • sklearn
  • pandas
  • joblib
  • nltk

If you want to run the baseline tool Pysonar2 for PyART on data-flow analysis, you need to install:

  • Java

User installation

The experiments of PyART are performed on Linux (Ubuntu 18+). The operation system can be downloaded on, or you can download *.iso file from and install it on vmware tools. Since there is Python 3.6+ installed in original ubuntu 18+ os, you just need to install java environment. You can use the following command to easily install Java (the default JDK) on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo apt-get install default-jdk

To verify the installation, by running the following command which will print the Java version:

java -version

To install other library dependencies, you can use the following commands:

sudo apt-get install libnss3 libfontconfig gconf-service libasound2 libatk1.0-0 libc6 libcairo2 libcups2 libdbus-1-3 libexpat1 libfontconfig1 libgcc1 libgconf-2-4 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 libglib2.0-0 libgtk-3-0 libnspr4 libpango-1.0-0 libpangocairo-1.0-0 libstdc++6 libx11-6 libx11-xcb1 libxcb1 libxcomposite1 libxcursor1 libxdamage1 libxext6 libxfixes3 libxi6 libxrandr2 libxrender1 libxss1 libxtst6 ca-certificates fonts-liberation libappindicator1 libnss3 lsb-release xdg-utils wget

python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip

python3 -m pip install pytype sklearn pandas joblib nltk

Since PyART also requires punkt package of nltk_data, you can run the following command:


>>> import nltk


If the above method is not useful, then you can download nltk_data from, and put it to any path in the following:

-'/[your '~' path]/' #such as /root/ or ~ 
- '/usr/' 
- '/usr/share/' 
- '/usr/lib/' 
- '/usr/share/' 
- '/usr/local/share/' 
- '/usr/lib/' 
- '/usr/local/lib/' 

and unzip in nltk_data/packages/tokenizers/:

cd nltk_data/packages/tokenizers/


and then run

cd ..

cp -r tokenizers/ ../


The evaluation results of PyART include two tasks, including Task1 (Dataflow evaluation) and Task2 (API recommendation evaluation). Task 1 is the evaluation experiment of data-flow analysis, which is reported in Table III for RQ1. Task 2 is the evaluation experiment of API Recommendation analysis, including intra-project recommendation (related to RQ2 and Table V ) and across-project recommendation (related to RQ3 and Table VI). We don’t include execution comparison with APIREC (Table IV) since the evaluation includes thousands of commit histories and needs several days.

Task1: Data flow analysis evaluation.

Task 1 includes our proposed tool PyART and our baseline tool Pysonar2, and is realized in DataFlowEvaluation directory:

cd PyART-demo/DataFlowEvaluation/

To run the baseline Pysonar2 for Task1, use the following command:

java -Xms3550M -jar pystyping-3.0-milestone.jar data/PROJ results/PROJ -clearcache

In which PROJ denotes your project names, such as:

java -Xms3550M -jar pystyping-3.0-milestone.jar data/cornice results/cornice -clearcache

or you can directly modify and use file:

chmod a+x


The input is stored in data/ and output is stored in results/. The dataflows are stored in results/PROJ/all-bindings.txt, results/PROJ/all-references.txt and results/PROJ/all-constraints.txt.   The excerpts of the console output of Pysonar2 for the cornice project are as follows:


To run PyART for Task 1, use the following command:

python3 > results/PROJ.txt

In which PROJ denotes your project names, such as:

python3 > results/cornice.txt

The input is stored in data/ and output is stored in results/PROJ.txt

The excerpts of the console output of PyART for the cornice project are as follows:


Since the ground truth of Task1 is obtained manually, the manual results is stored in ManaulCheckResults.xlsx.

How to reproduce Task1 for other projects:

-Store your project in data/ and change PROJ to your project name. Change the root_path variable to your project name in in line 39.

Task2: API recommendation evaluation.

Task2 is stored in PyART-demo/PyART dictionary, and includes two kinds of evaluation: intra-project recommendation (Table V) and across-project recommendation (Table VI ). Each evaluation includes two process: training and testing.

To run training process of intra-project recommendation in Task2, use the following command:

cd PyART-demo/PyART


The result of the command, which is set of feature vectors and labels, is output to *.csv files in traincsv/ dictionary. The input of the command is stored in testdata/.

The excerpts of the console output of PyART for the training of flask project are like the following:


in which the first line shows the current file, the second line shows a line of code which contains the recommendation point, the third line represents the information of the recommendtion point in the form of [file name]#[line number]#[caller]:[inferred type]#expected API.

Then use the following command to generate RF model:


The model is stored as *.pkl in traincsv/ dictionary.

The excerpts of the console output of PyART for generating model are as follows:


To reproduce training for your own project:

Store your project in testdata/, change the CURRENT_PROJ in in line 1329, and change the proj_name variable in in line 6.

To run testing process of intra-project recommendation in Task2, use the following command:


The recommendation results are printed in real time, you can use python3 > output/FILENAME to store results, in which FILENAME denotes your output file.

The excerpts of the console output of PyART for testing are like the following:


in which the first line shows the line of code which contains recommendation point, the second line represents the information of the recommendtion point in the form of [file name]#[line number]#[caller]:[inferred type]#expected API, the 'Recommend List' shows the Top-10 recommendaiton results of PyART, the 'Ranks:[2,1]' shows all the ranks that the expected API is at in the list (without OOV), the 'Ranks:[100,2,1]' shows all the ranks that the expected API is at in the list (including OOV), the top-k and mrr give accuraies.

To reproduce testing for your own project:

Store your project in testdata/, change the CURRENT_PROJ in in line 1463.

To run training process of across-project recommendation in Task2, use the following command:


The result of the command, which is set of feature vectors and labels, is output to *.csv files in traincsv-1/ dictionary. The input of the command is stored in traindata/. Since the training data for across-project is large, we only put a single project in traindata/, you can get our all training projects from Github with TrainDataList.txt. Then use the following command to generate RF model:


The model is stored as total.pkl in traincsv-1/ dictionary.

To run testing process of across-project recommendation in Task2, use the following command:


The recommendation results are printed in real time, you can use python3 > FILENAME to store results.

To reproduce testing for your own project:

Store your project in testdata/, change the CURRENT_PROJ in in line 1463.

The excerpts of the console output of PyART for across-project recommendation is similar to intra-project reocmmendation.


Other information in PyART:

The testJson/ dictionary stores *.json files that collect def information of the target project. Of course, the json file can be obtained directly by Regular Expression Extraction. In our demo, we extract it with understand tool. If you want to use understand, you should download understand for linux and use the following commands:

vim ~/.bashrc

export PATH="$PATH:/[path]/understand/scitools/bin/linux64"

export STIHOME="/[path]/understand/scitools"

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/[path]/understand/scitools/bin/linux64"

[This is not necessary if you do not use understand]


Testing demo for PyART







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