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Research Computing Administrative & Management Portal

Overview and App Structure

accounts - The accounts app contains all code for the creation, review, and approval of account requests. Also contained in this app is all code necessary for managing users and groups.

projects - The projects app contains all code for the request and management of projects and compute-time allocations.

mailer - The mailer app contains all code for sending emails from app-wide signals.

endpoints - The endpoints app exposes a selection of RESTful endpoints for accessing RCAMP data.

lib - The lib app contains shared code for the rest of the app.

rcamp - The rcamp directory contains site code and, most importantly, settings.

Setting up your dev environment

You will need Docker 18.03+ and Compose 1.21+ before you begin. Documentation for Docker can be found here:

Start by cloning RCAMP.

$ git clone
$ cd RCAMP

Set UWSGI_UID and UWSGI_GID. These are used to match the UID and GID inside and outside of the container, preventing a rebuild every time you need to make changes.

$ id -u $USER
$ export UWSGI_UID=1000

$ id -g $USER
$ export UWSGI_GID=1000

Build your dev environment and then start it using Compose.

$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d

Finish by migrating the DB and adding a superuser to the RCAMP app. You'll need to attach to the running RCAMP service to do this:

$ docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint "python3" rcamp-uwsgi migrate
$ docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint "python3" rcamp-uwsgi createsuperuser

The name, password, and email needed by the createsuperuser script can be whatever you like. You should now be able to view the webpage at localhost:8000.

Writing and Running Tests

Documentation on use of the RCAMP test framework can be found in the RCAMP Wiki Test Framework page.

$ docker-compose run --rm --entrypoint "python3" rcamp-uwsgi test