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This repository contains the necessary packages and resources to run the simulated tmc_wrs_gazebo world


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This repository contains the necessary packages and resources to run the simulated tmc_wrs_gazebo world

About the HSR

This simulation is based on the original for the Human Support Robot(HSR). Please refer to the following to see the HSR repository.

docker installation

In order to run the simulator, docker and docker-compose are necessary.

In the case of a Windows or Mac environment, please install docker for Windows or Mac respectively.

In the case of Linux, please input the following commands and install docker.

$ curl -fsSL -o
$ sh

If you input the following command, even regular users will be able to execute the docker command.

$ sudo usermod -aG docker <USERNAME>

After executing the above command, log out then log in again.

Input the following command, then verify that docker can execute correctly.

$ docker info

Input the following commands and install docker-compose. As the docker-compose that can be installed via apt-get is old, please input all of the following commands to install the newest version of docker-compose.

$ sudo apt-get remove docker-compose
$ COMPOSE_VERSION=$(wget -O - | grep 'tag_name' | cut -d\" -f4)
$ sudo wget${COMPOSE_VERSION}/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` -O /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
$ sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/docker-compose


Please input the following commands to clone this repository.

$ git clone
$ cd tmc_justina_docker

Download all of the images necessary for running the simulator. As you will be downloading a large amount of data, please execute the following command in an environment that is connected to a high speed network.

$ ./

Starting the simulator

Please input the following command and start the simulator.

$ docker-compose up

Please open each of the following URLs in a browser, then move on to development.

In the workspace screen type the next commands:

$ ./
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch surge_et_ambula justina_gazebo.launch

Now in the simulation screen you can see the justina's GUI

Operation within the docker host PC

In order to communicate from the host PC that is running the docker image with the simulator's roscore, it is necessary that ROS_MASTER_URI is set appropriately. If you source the script that is located directly under this package as illustrated below, then it is possible to set ROS_MASTER_URI.

$ source ./

After starting the simulator, please check that ROS communication is working using the host PC.


This software is released under the BSD 3-Clause Clear License, see LICENSE.txt.


This repository contains the necessary packages and resources to run the simulated tmc_wrs_gazebo world







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