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Automatic RESTful backend for AppEngine

A simple restful backend setup for app engine so you can write your apps in javascript via frameworks like AngularJS or Backbone etc and not have to touch any app engine code. Or just using plain javascript and your own xhr calls.

Also, for added capabilities, there is a javascript library auto served at /tailbone.js which does additional niceties like bi-directional binding of your model and your backend to a javascript structure or simplified queries.

Special URLS

RESTful models:

POST /api/{modelname}/
  creates an object
PUT or POST /api/{modelname}/{id}
  updates an object, does a complete overwrite of the properites not a partial patch
GET /api/{modelname}/{id}
  Get a specific object
GET /api/{modelname}/?filter={propertyname==somevalue}&order={propertyname}&projection={propertyname1,propertyname2}
  Query a type
Any GET request can take an optional list of properties to return, the query will use those
to make a projection query which will only return those properties from the model.
The format of the projection is a comma seperated list of properties.
Note: non indexed properties (such as large text or binary fields cannot be given as a
projected property).
Note: if owners is not listed as one of the projected properties then only public properties
will be returned, because owners is needed to check ownership.

All restful models have two special properties:
"Id" which is a public id for the model
"owners" which is a private list of the user ids of owners for this model, which by default just
includes the user who creates it.

User models:

  special restful model that can only be edited by the user, authentication via Google Account
  Returns the current users information
  logs you in
  logs you out

Large files:

GET /api/files/
  Must be called first to get the special upload url that files can be posted to for storage.
    {"upload_url": "http://some-special-upload-url"}
GET /api/files/{id}
  returns the actual uploaded file
  if the file was an image it the POST call will return a special url called "image_url" which
  should be used as the url for any images, it will not only serve faster, but it can take
  additional parameters to automatically crop and produce thumbnail images. Do so by appending
  =sXX to the end of the url. For example =s200 will return a 200 sized image with the original
  aspect ratio. =s200-c will return a cropped 200 sized image.
    Actual binary file
POST {special url returned from GET /api/files/}
  uploads the form data to blobstore
  All files are public but obscured
  returns the files names, info and their ids
  also and image_url if the uploaded file was an image/(png|jpeg|jpg|webp|gif|bmp|tiff|ico)
      "filename": filename,
      "content_type": content_type,
      "creation": creation-date,
      "size": file-size,
      "image_url": optional-image-url-if-content_type-is-image
DELETE /api/files/{id}
  deletes a file from blobstore
  note there is no put to update an id you must always create a new one and delete the old


  Is a special api used for sending and recieving events across clients.
  This can be used by the /tailbone.js which defines functions like:
    tailbone.bind("name", function() { console.log("callback"); });


How to include:

to use tailbone.js please include the following in your <head>
<script src="/_ah/channel/jsapi" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="/tailbone.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>

Exported methods:

Model: ModelFactory that creates a new model type,
User: Automatically created special model for users info
FILTER: create a filter FILTER,
ORDER: create an order ORDER,
AND: AND of two or more filters,
OR: OR of two or more filters,
trigger: trigger an event,
bind: bind a js function by name ,
unbind: unbind a js function by name,
http: http includes simple XHR for json http.GET, http.POST, http.DELETE, used internally


var Todo = new tailbone.Model("todos");
var todos = Todo.query().filter("text", "==", "Go to store").order("-date");

var todo = new Todo();
todo.text = "Go to store"; =

todos.onchange = function() {
  todos.forEach(function(item, idx) {
    console.log(idx, item);


Automatic RESTful backend for AppEngine







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