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GFF and GTF file manipulation and interconversion

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Overview and motivation

gffutils is a Python package used for doing things with GFF files that are too complicated for a simple awk or grep command line call. For example, to get a BED file of genes from a GFF file, you can use something simple like:

grep "gene" chr2.gff | awk '{print $1,$4,$5}' > out.bed

But how would you use command line tools to get:

  • all the exons of a gene
  • exons that are found in all isoforms of a gene
  • a BED file of 3' exons from genes longer than 5 kb
  • average number of isoforms for genes on the plus strand

These more complex questions are actually quite easy to answer using gffutils. This is made possible by importing a GFF or GTF file into a sqlite3 database -- a one-time process -- and then searching and manipulating the contents of the database to do useful things.


An older, somewhat slower version can still be found at, but that version is no longer actively developed.


pip install gffutils

Or, after cloning the git repository:

python develop

Creating a database

A GFF or GTF file needs to be imported into a local, single-file database befor using with gffutils. This database is a standard sqlite3 database, so it can also be used independently of gffutils in other downstream tasks. It can take several minutes to create (depending on your input file) but it's a one-time procedure.

Here we get an example file that ships with gffutils, and create a database filename named after it but in the current working directory: In practice you would provide your own GFF or GTF file.

>>> # example filenames >>> import os >>> import gffutils >>> gff_fn = gffutils.example_filename('dm3-5-genes.gff3') >>> db_fn = os.path.basename(gff_fn) + '.db'

Then, create the database:

>>> import gffutils >>> gffutils.create_db(gff_fn, db_fn)

You will see some output, something like this:

Populating features table and first-order relations: 192 (99%)...done in 0.3s
Updating 2nd-order relations...done in 0.8s
Creating indexes...done in 2.8s

Now you're ready to use gffutils...

Using the database interactively

To connect to the database, simply create a FeatureDB class by passing the database filename:

>>> import gffutils >>> db_fn = 'dm3-5-genes.gff3.db' >>> db = gffutils.FeatureDB(db_fn)

For reference, the schema is:

>>> db.print_schema() CREATE TABLE features ( id text, chrom text, start int, stop int, strand text, featuretype text, score float, source text, frame text, attributes text, primary key (id) ) CREATE TABLE relations ( parent text, child text, level int, primary key(parent,child,level) ) CREATE TABLE meta ( filetype text )

Note that most FeatureDB methods return iterators for performance. Show the featuretypes that were in the GFF file:

>>> # Which kinds of featuretypes are in the database? >>> print list(db.featuretypes()) ['CDS', 'exon', 'five_prime_UTR', 'gene', 'intron', 'mRNA', 'three_prime_UTR']

Return an iterator of all the features of one type:

>>> genes = db.features_of_type('gene') >>> gene = >>> type(gene) <type 'gffutils.gfffeature.Feature'>

Feature objects have attributes like:

>>> gene.chrom '2L'

>>> gene.start 114726

>>> gene.stop 156030

>>> gene.featuretype 'gene'

>>> len(gene) 41305

Feature.attributes is a dictionary-like object:

>>> gene.attributes.keys() ['Ontology_term', 'gbunit', 'derived_computed_cyto', 'Alias', 'Dbxref', 'ID', 'Name']

>>> gene.attributes['Name'] 'CG11455'

The primary key in the database for a feature is the ID field. So you can access features by their ID directly if you know it:

>>> ID = gene.attributes['ID']

>>> print ID FBgn0031228

>>> assert db[ID] == gene

Instead of a string ID, you can also use the Feature object itself:

>>> assert db[gene] == gene

Printing a Feature prints the full GFF line:

>>> print gene #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 2L FlyBase gene 114726 156030 . + . ID=FBgn0031228;Name=CG11455;Alias=NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase 15 kDa,NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase 15 kDa subunit;Ontology_term=SO:0000010,SO:0000087,GO:0006120,GO:0003954,GO:0005747;Dbxref=FlyBase:FBan0011455,FlyBase_Annotation_IDs:CG11455,GB_protein:AAF51538,GB_protein:ACZ94135,GB_protein:ACZ94134,GB_protein:AAN10510,GB_protein:ACZ94133,GB:AI404167,GB:AY069186,GB_protein:AAL39331,GB:CZ476154,MITODROME:MTDROME11455,UniProt/TrEMBL:Q7K1C0,INTERPRO:IPR019342,OrthoDB5_Drosophila:EOG5GHZJ8,OrthoDB5_Diptera:EOG5BRW72,OrthoDB5_Insecta:EOG5WPZSP,OrthoDB5_Arthropoda:EOG5N5TDD,OrthoDB5_Metazoa:EOG5PCDK4,EntrezGene:33179,InterologFinder:33179,BIOGRID:59439,FlyAtlas:CG11455-RA,GenomeRNAi:33179;gbunit=AE014134;derived_computed_cyto=21B3-21B3

The major advantage of gffutils is the ability to navigate the hierarchy of relationships. The FeatureDB.children() and FeatureDB.parents() methods are the workhorses for this.

By default, all child (and grandchild, etc) features will be returned using the FeatureDB.children() method.

>>> len(list(db.children(gene))) 73

Looks like a pretty complex gene:

>>> from collections import Counter >>> Counter(i.featuretype for i in db.children(gene)) Counter({'intron': 17, 'five_prime_UTR': 16, 'exon': 13, 'CDS': 13, 'mRNA': 11, 'three_prime_UTR': 3})

We can restrict the children to only a selected featuretype:

>>> len(list(db.children(gene, featuretype='mRNA'))) 11

Are any of these exons constitutive (present in all isoforms)?

>>> # All isoforms for this gene >>> isoforms = set( for i in db.children(gene, featuretype='mRNA'))

>>> # Iterate through the child exons; if the exon's parent mRNAs are the >>> # same as all the isoforms for the gene, then it's consitutive.

>>> constitutive = [] >>> for exon in db.children(gene, featuretype='exon'): ... parent_isoforms = set( for i in db.parents(exon, featuretype='mRNA')) ... ... if isoforms == parent_isoforms: ... constitutive.append(

>>> constitutive ['FBgn0031228:13']

Inspect that exon:

>>> exon = db['FBgn0031228:13'] >>> print exon #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 2L FlyBase exon 155858 156030 . + . ID=FBgn0031228:13;Name=CG11455:13;Parent=FBtr0078117,FBtr0078118,FBtr0301886,FBtr0301887,FBtr0301888,FBtr0306542,FBtr0330638,FBtr0330639,FBtr0330640,FBtr0330641,FBtr0330642;parent_type=mRNA

>>> len(exon.attributes['Parent']) 11

Exonic bp of the gene:

>>> # These exons overlap quite a bit; summing the length of all exons >>> # wouldn't make sense if we wanted to calculate RPKM or something >>> exons = list(db.children(gene, featuretype='exon')) >>> for exon in exons: ... print exon.start, exon.stop 114726 114991 155089 155178 155089 155784 155250 155784 155333 155410 155333 155429 155333 155784 155466 155784 155494 155784 155546 155784 155567 155784 155638 155784 155858 156030

>>> # So we can merge them to get the total exonic bp for this gene: >>> merged_exons = list(db.merge_features(db.children(gene, featuretype='exon'))) >>> for i in merged_exons: #doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE ... print i 2L . merged_exon 114726 114991 . + . 2L . merged_exon 155089 155784 . + . 2L . merged_exon 155858 156030 . + .

>>> sum(len(i) for i in merged_exons) 1135

Longest protein for this gene:

>>> lengths = {} >>> for isoform in db.children(gene, featuretype='mRNA'): ... lengths[] = sum(len(i) for i in db.children(isoform, featuretype='CDS')) >>> sorted(lengths.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[0] ('FBtr0301887', 306)

Longest transcript for this gene:

>>> lengths = {} >>> for isoform in db.children(gene, featuretype='mRNA'): ... lengths[] = sum(len(i) for i in db.children(isoform, featuretype='exon')) >>> sorted(lengths.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[0] ('FBtr0330641', 869)

Gene in the database with the most exons:

>>> gene_with_most, exon_count = None, 0 >>> for g in db.features_of_type('gene'): ... this_count = sum(1 for _ in db.children(g, featuretype='exon')) ... if this_count > exon_count: ... gene_with_most = g ... exon_count = this_count >>>, exon_count ('FBgn0031220', 18)


GFF and GTF file manipulation and interconversion






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