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Studio Ghibli Django app

How to create a development environment

To create a development environment with the right requirements virtualenv could be used.

$> virtualenv env <- Create the environment
$> . env/bin/activate <- Activate the environment
$> pip install -r requirements.txt

How to launch the application

$> ./ runserver

This command will launch the server on port 8000 and the app could be seen in the browser using the link

How to launch tests

There are three types of tests (unit, integration and acceptance).

$> ./ test --exclude-tag=acceptance-tests --exclude-tag=integration-tests <- Launch unit tests
$> ./ test --tag=integration-tests <- Launch integration tests
$> ./ test --tag=acceptance-tests <- Launch acceptance tests

Linting code

Checks, among other things, that the code conforms to the PEP8 conventions.

$> flake8

Things that could be improved

  • The acceptance test code could be made more readable by using the Page Object pattern.

  • By mocking the whole API when launching the acceptance tests we could made them faster and less fragile.

  • We could decouple our business code from the framework by using a Clean Arquitecture. Here we have make use of it when accessing the API and the cache, but the Django views could be improved by dividing the Django code from the code that is strictly business logic.

  • The views are tested through acceptance tests only. If they were more complicated we could use unit tests or better breakup the application between frontend and a backend that exposes an API.

  • Validations could be added to the entities (Movie and Character) so the are always in a correct state.

  • URL's that point to the API should be in a configuration object instead of directly in the api_client module.

  • Instead of using dependency injection implicitly through the python module system an explicit system could be used that will made dependencies easier to discover and configure (currently done using monkey-patching).

  • There is a warning when launching the application / tests because Django router does not like routes starting with a slash. It could be removed by redoing the url configuration and changing some tests (when Django finds an ending slash and there is none on the configuration it sends a redirect instead of going directly to the page).


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