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OpenCraft Instance Manager

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The OpenCraft Instance Manager is a Django application to deploy and manage Open edX sandboxes on OpenStack virtual machines. It is primarily intended for testing new features, and can deploy sandboxes automatically from GitHub pull requests.


Vagrant install

For development, we recommend using Vagrant to automatically provision a development environment in a virtual machine. This helps to keep your development environment isolated from the rest of your system.

First, install VirtualBox and Vagrant. Then run:

vagrant up

This will provision a virtual machine running Ubuntu 14.04, set up local Postgres, MySQL, MongoDB and Redis, install the dependencies and run the tests.

Once the virtual machine is up and running, you can ssh into it with this command:

vagrant ssh

Vagrant will set up a VirtualBox share mapping your local development directory to /vagrant inside the virtual machine. Any changes you make locally will be reflected inside the virtual machine automatically.

Vagrant will map port 5000 inside the virtual machine to port 5000 on the host, so you can access the development server at http://localhost:5000/ using your web browser.

Local install (skip this step if using Vagrant)

If you prefer not to use Vagrant, you can install OpenCraft manually. Refer to the bootstrap script used by Vagrant for an example. Instructions based on Ubuntu 14.04.

Install the system package dependencies & virtualenv:

make install_system_dependencies
pip3 install --user virtualenv

You might also need to install PostgreSQL, MySQL and MongoDB:

make install_system_db_dependencies

Note that the tests expect to be able to access MySQL on localhost using the default port, connecting as the root user without a password.

Create a virtualenv, source it, and install the python requirements:

virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

You will need to create a database user to run the tests:

sudo -u postgres createuser -d <currentunixuser>

Where <currentunixuser> is the name of whatever user the app runs under.

When you have finished setting everything up, run the unit tests to make sure everything is working correctly:

make test_unit


Honcho will set up environment variables defined in the .env file at the root of your repository. If you are using vagrant for development, a basic .env file will already have been created for you, but you will need to add credentials for third-party services manually in order to run the development server or the integration tests.

The environment variables in .env customize the settings from opencraft/ which are loaded via env(). For more information about each setting, see the list of settings below, and opencraft/ As a minimum, you will need to add credentials for OpenStack, Gandi and GitHub. You can use this example .env file as a starting point:


A note on SSH keys

The instance manager uses Ansible to provision openedx sandboxes. Ansible uses SSH to run commands on remote servers, so you will need to configure the instance manager with an SSH key pair to use for this purpose.

First, as the user that the instance manager runs as (e.g. vagrant), run:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

This will create an ssh key pair for that user, saving it at ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/ by default. Next, we need to upload the public key to OpenStack. Make sure the nova command line client is installed:

pip install python-novaclient

Configure the client with your OpenStack credentials, then run:

nova keypair-add --pub_key ~/.ssh/ KEY_NAME

where KEY_NAME is the name used to identify this key pair in OpenStack. The OPENSTACK_SANDBOX_SSH_KEYNAME setting in your .env file should be set to this name.

OpenStack images

Open edX is currently designed to run on Ubuntu 12.04. Your OpenStack host may already have an image available for this version of Ubuntu, but for maximum compatibility we recommend the official Ubuntu cloud image. To add this image to OpenStack, install glance:

pip install python-glanceclient

Then, fetch the image and add it to OpenStack:

glance image-create \
  --disk-format=qcow2 \
  --container-format=bare \
  --file precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img \
  --name IMAGE_NAME \

where IMAGE_NAME is the name used to identify the image in OpenStack. The OPENSTACK_SANDBOX_BASE_IMAGE setting in your .env file should match this name:


OpenStack flavors

OpenStack instances come in various flavors, roughly equivalent to EC2 instance sizes. You must specify a flavor to use for sandboxes. To see a list of available flavors, run:

nova flavor-list

Set the OPENSTACK_SANDBOX_FLAVOR setting in your .env file to your chosen flavor:

OPENSTACK_SANDBOX_FLAVOR='{"name": "m1.medium"}'

Application settings

  • DEBUG Turn on debug mode. Use in development only (default: False)
  • SECRET_KEY Set this to something unique and keep it secret (required)
  • DATABASE_URL Your database, e.g. postgres://localhost/opencraft (required)
  • REDIS_URL (default: redis://localhost:6379/)
  • HUEY_ALWAYS_EAGER Set to True to run huey tasks synchronously, in the web process. Use in development only (default: False)
  • LOGGING_ROTATE_MAX_KBYTES: The max size of each log file (in KB, default: 10MB)
  • LOGGING_ROTATE_MAX_FILES: The max number of log files to keep (default: 60)

OpenStack credentials

  • OPENSTACK_USER Your openstack username (required)
  • OPENSTACK_PASSWORD Your openstack password (required)
  • OPENSTACK_TENANT Your openstack tenant name (required)
  • OPENSTACK_AUTH_URL Your openstack auth url (required)
  • OPENSTACK_REGION The openstack region to deploy sandboxes in (required)

DNS settings

  • INSTANCES_BASE_DOMAIN Instances are created as subdomains of this domain, e.g. (required)
  • GANDI_ZONE_ID The instance manager uses to set up DNS for sandboxes. This should be set to the zone attached to the domain set at INSTANCES_BASE_DOMAIN (required). To find it:
    1. Login on your domain at Gandi
    2. Go to -> Services > Domains > [yourdomain].com > Zone files > Edit the zone
    3. Get id from URL, eg. 00000000 for Needs to be an integer, not a string.
  • GANDI_API_KEY Your Gandi API key (required)

GitHub settings

  • GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN Your GirHub access token (required). Get it from
  • WATCH_ORGANIZATION The organization to watch (required). The instance manager will automatically set up sandboxes for pull requests made by members of this organization.
  • WATCH_FORK Sandboxes are created for pull requests made against this fork (default: edx/edx-platform)

Sandbox settings

  • OPENSTACK_SANDBOX_FLAVOR A json string specifying the instance flavor to use (default: {"ram": 4096, "disk": 40})
  • OPENSTACK_SANDBOX_BASE_IMAGE A json string specifying the base image to use (default: {"name": "Ubuntu 12.04"})
  • OPENSTACK_SANDBOX_SSH_KEYNAME The name of the default ssh key pair used to connect to sandbox instances (default: opencraft). This key pair should be registered with OpenStack first, and should be the default ssh key for the user the instance manager runs as.
  • OPENSTACK_SANDBOX_SSH_USERNAME The user to run ansible playbooks as when provisioning the sandbox (default: ubuntu)
  • INSTANCE_EPHEMERAL_DATABASES By default, instances use local mysql and mongo databases. Set this to False to use external databases instead (default: True)
  • INSTANCE_MYSQL_URL If using an external mysql database, set its url here
  • INSTANCE_MONGO_URL If using an external mongo database, set its url here


To run database migrations:

make migrate

The startup commands such as make run and make rundev check for pending migrations, and will exit before starting the server if any are found. You can also check for pending migrations manually with:

make migration_check

Creating a user

In order to login to the development server locally you will need to create a superuser by running:

honcho run ./ createsuperuser

Once created, you will be able to login with the username and password you set up.


To run the development server:

make rundev

Then go to:

To run the production server:

make run

To change the number of concurrent gunicorn workers run by the production server:

make run WORKERS=2

Process description

This runs three processes via Honcho, which reads Procfile or and loads the environment from the .env file:

  • web: the main HTTP server (Django + Werkzeug debugger in dev, gunicorn in prod)
  • websocket: the websocket server (Tornado)
  • worker: runs asynchronous jobs (Huey)

Important: the Werkzeug debugger started by the development server allows remote execution of Python commands. It should not be run in production.

Static assets collection

The web server started in the development environment also doesn't require collectstatic to run after each change.

The production environment automatically runs collectstatic on startup, but you can also run it manually:

make collectstatic

Running the tests

To run the whole test suite (pylint, pyflakes, pep8, unit tests, etc.):

make test

To run a single test, use make test_one:

make test_one instance.tests.models.test_server

You can also run Prospector, the unit tests, JS tests and integration tests independently:

make test_prospector
make test_unit
make test_js
make test_integration

JS tests can be run in your browser for debugging (run make test_js_web and then go to http://localhost:8888/ ), or in a CI manner via selenium and jasmine-ci (run make test_js).

Note that the integration tests aren't run by default, as they require a working OpenStack cluster configured. To run them, create a .env.integration file - your development environment is likely a good starting point:

cp .env .env.integration


To access the console, you can use shell_plus:

make shell

Provisioning sandboxes

GitHub pull requests

When configured correctly, the instance manager will automatically provision sandboxes whenever a pull request is made on GitHub on your configured WATCH_FORK, by members of your WATCH_ORGANIZATION.

To customize these sandboxes, you can add a Settings section to your pull request description, using the following format:

# Include extra ansible vars as yaml here

For example:


Note: You need to match the above format exactly.

Manual provisioning

If you want to provision a sandbox outside of a GitHub pull request, you can do so from the shell:

from instance.models.instance import OpenEdXInstance
from instance.tasks import provision_instance

instance = OpenEdXInstance.objects.create(

instance.ansible_extra_settings = """
# Add custom ansible settings here, as yaml

To reprovision an instance from the shell, simply run the provision_instance task again:

instance = OpenEdXInstance.objects.get(name__contains='...')

To delete an instance, ensuring that all virtual machines are terminated, run:


You can also access the Django command directly, using Honcho to load the environment:

honcho run ./ <command>


By default, sandboxes will use local, ephemeral databases that are destroyed when the sandbox is reprovisioned. If you want to reuse databases, change the INSTANCE_EPHEMERAL_DATABASES setting to False, set up external mysql and mongo databases and update the INSTANCE_MYSQL_URL and INSTANCE_MONGO_URL settings to point to these databases.

When provisioning a sandbox from the GitHub pull request, you can override the default by including (ephemeral databases) or (persistent databases) on the same line as the sandbox domain in the pull request description. For example:

This pull request adds reticulating splines to the LMS.

Test it here: (ephemeral databases)


OpenCraft - Instance Manager







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  • Python 91.1%
  • JavaScript 4.9%
  • HTML 2.2%
  • Makefile 1.1%
  • Other 0.7%