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Neural Networks are Surprisingly Modular


  1. Clustering and p-value plots
  2. Lesion test: MNIST, MNIST+Dropout, Fashion, Fashion+Dropout
  3. Learning curves notebook


We use make with a Makefile to automate the project.

  1. make datasets - Build all datasets (deterministic),
  2. make models - Train all NN models, both MLP and CNN.
  3. make test - Run tests (with pytest).
  4. make mlp-clustering - Run the notebook notebooks/mlp-clustering.ipynb that cluster all MLP models (including alternative explanation ones), and save the results as a table into results/mlp-clustering.csv.
  5. make mlp-lesion - Run the notebook notebooks/mlp-lesion-test.ipynb that perform the lesion test on all standard MLP models, and save the results as a table into results/mlp-lesion.xlsx.
  6. make mlp-double-lesion - Run the notebook notebooks/mlp-double-lesion-test.ipynb that perform the double lesion test on all standard MLP models.
  7. make mlp-learning-curve - Run the notebook notebooks/mlp-learning-curve.ipynb that plot the learning curves to selected set of MLP models.
  8. make mlp-clustering-stability - Run the notebook notebooks/mlp-clustering-stability.ipynb that train and cluster multiple trained instanced of all of the MLP models (including alternative explanation ones), and save the results as a table into results/mlp-clustering-stability-statistic.csv (NOTE: read the comment in the notebook about src/ before running it).
  9. make mlp-plots - Run the notebook nootebooks/mlp-plots.ipynb that generates many of the plots from the ICML 2020 paper.

Research Environment Setup

Requirements: Python 3.7 (It might work with an earlier version, but it wasn't tested)

There are two options to set up the environment:

  1. Using a Python virtual environment
  2. Using a Docker container

1. Python Virtual Environment

  1. Clone this repository

  2. Install graphviz

    1. Ubuntu/Debian: apt intall graphviz
    2. MacOS: brew install graphviz
  3. Install with pipenv install --dev

  4. On MacOs only, you will need to install pygraphviz separatly: pipenv run pip install pygraphviz --install-option="--include-path=/usr/local/Cellar/

  5. To enter the virtual environment, type pipenv shell

2. Docker

Useful: Lifecycle of Docker Container

Building the image (done if you've made changes you want to run on a Docker elsewhere)

Clone the repository and change to the devops directory.

docker build -t nnsurprisinglymodular/nn-clustering .

Running the Container

To get the container, run

docker pull nnsurprisinglymodular/nn-clusterin

First, you need a port number to your Jupyter Netbook - pick up a random number in the range 8000-8500.


  • Remove the comments before, and
  • Replace <PORT NUMBER> with your random port number (also in the instructions that will come later)
docker run \
-it \
-p <PORT NUMBER>:8888 \
--rm \
--name nn_clustering-$(whoami) \
--runtime=nvidia \  # REMOVE, if you don't have GPU
nnsurprisinglymodular/nn-clustering:latest \

And then type


This will by default not download model checkpoints, becuase they are many gigabytes of files. If you want to download checkpoints as well, run

bash --download_all

NB: to leave the container, use ctrl-P ctrl-Q. Typing exit will destroy the container.

Interacting With Container

docker exec \
-it nn_clustering-$(whoami) \

Running a Jupyter Notebook

Run this command:

jupyter notebook --allow-root --no-browser --ip= --port=8888

If the container is on your computer, just open the browser at the address: http://localhost:8888

If the container is on another server, you should forward the 8888 port through ssh on your personal machine with the command:

ssh -N -L localhost:8888:localhost:<PORT NUMBER> -i <PATH TO SSH PUBLIC KEY>  <USERNAME>@<SERVER ADDRESS>

After doing this, you can then open the jupyter notebook in your browser.


It is advised to learn how to use tmux, and run the Jupyter Notebook on a separate window:

3. AWS S3

To upload files or directories:

aws s3 cp --recursive <local> s3://nn-clustering/<remote>


CNN modularity analysis extension of






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