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Gakki is a mixed architecture chat bot. It was designed to simulate conducting dialogues with humans.

An example of typical input would be some thing like this:

user: Hello
Gakki: Hi there!
user: Good morning! How are you doing?
Gakki: I am working on the HCI homework, thank you for asking.
user: How is your candidacy exam?
Gakki: I failed it!


I have designed and implemented the Gakki, a chat bot to conducts a conversation via text. Gakki shares many of the same goal as previous chat bot. However, its design has been driven some limitations of existing chat bots like ELIZA, ALICE, XiaoIce. I have reflected traditional choices and explored radically different points in the design space.


Current chat bots are either Rule-based or Corpus-based. For both of them, they are just some mixed regular expressions, parsers or complicated machine learning algorithms. Inspired by cognitive science, I was wondering if I could imitate how human minds work. I try to name part the corresponding name in human body, which increases code's readability and abstraction level.


I don't have time to write a complicated chat bot. Also, I don't expect the chat bot to speak many languages or serve various goals and purposes. Apart from designs, its implementation also should be as simple. For example, I don't need to re-implement some deep learning library.

Mixed Model

Existing chat bots are either rules-based or corpus-based. Rule-based models are good at handling situations which were defined before. But every rules need to be pre-defined before. Corpus-based model typically use deep learning to predict the next sentence. However, it need to be trained before. For some sentence like "What is the time", the accuracy won't increase even prolong the training time.

Design Overview

This part will introduce three main components of Gakki. Chatterbot: Machine learning in Python


Mouth and Ear

Mouth is the first component of the chat bot. It basic function is to get input from terminal, After that, it will preprocess the input and store it in the Memory.

1. CLean whitespace and Convert to ASCII

The first step is to any consecutive whitespace characters from the text and Converts unicode characters to ASCII character equivalents.

2. Remove Noise

Any text that is independent of the data context and the final output can be sentenced to noise. The general practice of removing noise is to prepare a dictionary of noise entities, one by one on the text object (or word by word) iteration, to eliminate the noise dictionary appears in the label.

Here is the python code:

def __remove_noise(text):
    :param text: 
    :return: noise_free_text
    # may update in the future
    noise_list = ["is", "a", "this", "..."]
    words = text.split()
    noise_free_words = [word for word in words if word not in noise_list]
    text = " ".join(noise_free_words)
    return text

3. Standard text

Text data often contains words or phrases that do not appear in any standard dictionary. Both search engines and models can not recognize these.

For example, acronyms, vocabulary labels and popular slang. This type of noise can be repaired by regular expressions and manually prepared data dictionaries. The following code uses the dictionary lookup method to replace the social slang in the text.

Here is the python code:

def __lookup_words(text):
    words = text.split() 
    new_words = [] 
    for word in words:
        if word.lower() in lookup_dict:
            word = lookup_dict[word.lower()]
        new_words.append(word) new_text = " ".join(new_words) 
        return new_text

Currently, the lookup_dict is from NLTK, a suite of libraries and programs for symbolic and statistical natural language processing (NLP).


Brain component has two parts, the first part is going to use regular expression to match the input sentences that are stored in the queue. If it matches, then the regular expression part will export the sentence to the ouput queue that are in the Memory. If not, the LSTM-RNN part will process the statement.

Regular Expression

Regular Expression was designed to respond some fixed structure sentence like "What is the time?", "100-93=?". LSTM-RNN models aren't good at handling these kinds of questions.

Some codes of the part from the existing projects on the GitHub.


LSTM (Long Short Tem Memory) is a special recurrent neural network, its particularity is that its neuron design can save the historical memory, which can solve the natural language processing of statistical methods can only consider the recent n words and ignore The question of the words before the longer.

I referred to the code from ( "LSTM"). In order to be able to apply word vectors, we use word2vec to generate word vectors.

def __predict_nextword():
    xlist = []
    ylist = []
    test_X = None
    #for i in range(len(seq)-100):
    for i in range(10):
        sequence = seq[i:i+20]
        if test_X is None:
            test_X = np.array(sequence)
            (match_word, max_cos) = vector2word(seq[i+20])
            print "right answer=", match_word, max_cos

    X = np.array(xlist)
    Y = np.array(ylist)
    net = tflearn.input_data([None, 20, 200])
    net = tflearn.lstm(net, 200)
    net = tflearn.fully_connected(net, 200, activation='linear')
    net = tflearn.regression(net, optimizer='sgd', learning_rate=0.1,
    model = tflearn.DNN(net), Y, n_epoch=500, batch_size=10,snapshot_epoch=False,show_metric=True)"model")
    predict = model.predict([test_X])
    return predict


Currently the main problem for the project is to find enough dataset to train the models. Initially, I thought NLTK may provide enough corpus. However, few of them are conversations. Recently, I realized I could use movie subtitle. Maybe I will do it in the future.

Related Work


ChatterBot is a machine-learning based conversational dialog engine build in Python which makes it possible to generate responses based on collections of known conversations. Due to its design, it to be trained to speak any language.

The main limitations of the ChatterBot is that it can only speak the sentence that was used to it before. In other words, it can't produce any new sentence.


Natural Language Processing Toolkit is the most commonly used Python library in the NLP field. NLTK has a chat package. With the help of the package, people can build a rules-based chat bot in a some simple efforts.

Future Work

  • Finish the train part
  • Integrate with Django and put a small demo on the AWS


ChatterBot is licensed under the BSD 3-clause license.