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exo_plot is a plotting tool for Exotica searches in the High Energy Physics.

The input is a set of ROOT files, one per physics input, e.g. wjets, ttbar, stop_s, stop_t, etc. Each file has the same structure of folders and histograms.

The tool will load input files and merge plots into channels, e.g.: stop channel is the sum of inputs stop_s, stop_t, stop_tw, satop_s, etc.

Finally exo_plot will draw only those plots, that user asked for.

Read INSTALL instructions before using it.


The tool is highly customizable with YAML configuration files. It uses two configs:

  • channel config the description of inputs, such as ttbar, stop_t, satop_tw, their normalization (if any has to be applied), the collisions energy, luminosity; the file also describes how inputs should be merged into channels, e.g. zjets channel is the sum of inputs dy_10to50 and dy_50toinf; it also defines the color for each channel, if the plot has to be filled and line style; finally channels plotting order is defined at the end (any unspecified channel will be added to the bottom in random order) and channels abbreviations via regular expressions, e.g. mc will load channels ttbar, wjets, zjets and some more instead of specifying each channel separately
  • plot config here each plot parameters are described such as rebinning, user-range, x-title axis

Some parameters can be also configured with enviroment variables. These include:

EXO_PLOT_LABEL set label to plots EXO_PLOT_TFF_INPUT set the input plot for the TFractionFitter

Command line argument overrides enviroment variable value if used.


The input ROOT files should follow the name scheme: prefix.input.root, where prefix may be any string, input has to match that in the channel config, e.g. stop_s.

All files should have the same structure.


The most basic script is tempalate/ It will load files, and plot data vs background for all loaded plots. Run script without arguments to get help or use -h or --help options.

Common example when using zprime sframe production

/.../exo_plots/preselection/ --prefix ZprimePostSelectionCycle --channels data,mc,qcd,zp1p --channel-config 2012.input.yaml --plot-config 2012.plot.yaml --plots '/Electron_Chi2sel/*' --tff-input '/Event_LJetsel/MET'  -s pdf -v -b 4

The typical usage examples are given below

Study at Monte-Carlo

All MC channels

# plot all MC channels only, histogram ABC
./template/ --channels mc --plots '/path/inside/file/ABC'
# plot histograms ABC and DEF for MC channels
./template/ --channels mc --plots '/path/inside/file/ABC:/path/inside/file/DEF'
# The script supports bash completion in the plot names, e.g:
# plot pt of jet1, jet2, jet3 from some path for MC channels
./template/ --channels mc --plots '/path/jet?_pt'
# plot pt of jet1 and jet2 only from some path for MC channels
./template/ --channels mc --plots '/path/jet[12]_pt'
# plot jet1 pt and eta plots from some path for MC channels
./template/ --channels mc --plots '/path/jet1_{pt,eta}'

Let's take a look at specific channels

# wjets channel only
./template/ --channels wjets --plots '/path/inside/file/ABC'
# wjets and zjets channels only
./template/ --channels wjets,zjets --plots '/path/inside/file/ABC'

Compare MC to Data

# compare MC to data for plot ABC
./template/ --channels mc,data --plots '/path/inside/file/ABC'
# compare wjets+zjets to data for plot ABC
./template/ --channels wjets,zjets,data --plots '/path/inside/file/ABC'
# comare all MC but zjets to data for plot ABC: turn off channel with minus
./template/ --channels mc,-zjets,data --plots '/path/inside/file/ABC'

Custom Config

Sometimes it is necessary to make a small modification to channels or plot config. Instead of changing the global config in the config folder simply copy it, change and run the script with corresponding option, e.g.:

# use custom channel config
./ --channel-config my_channel_config.yaml
# use custom plot config
./ --plot-config my_plot_config.yaml

Further reading

The project documentation is bundled to the package and available in the docs folder : simply open md files in online with GitHub.

What's next?

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Plotting tool for the Exotica search






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