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C-meet backend

This is the repo for the backend of the c-meet system. (Dissertation Project: link)
The main components:

  • : handles all REST API requests from the frontend.
  • enables frontend clients to hold meetings.
  • database for meetings and events (using mongo)

Quick setup

The quickest way to setup the system is by using docker containers. The steps are as follows:

  1. Make sure you have docker installed.
  2. Go into docker directory, (cd docker)
  3. Run docker-compose up (NOTE: This also sets up the frontend)
  4. (Optional) The setup wont have any data. To generate sample data:
    1. Open bash in the container with image 'bakshi41c/mdt_meeting_server',
      (docker exec -it container_id_here /bin/sh)
    2. Run: python
  5. (Optional) The setup uses Ganache-CLI for a Ethereum test network. But the server account doesn't have any money, as such it can't deploy any smart contracts. Follow topping up server eth account section.

The front-end will be running on http://localhost.

Manual setup

If for any reason, docker is not an option, the system can be setup manually.

  1. Make sure you have python 3.7+ installed.
  2. Make sure you have MongoDB installed and running on port 27017 (can be configured).
  3. Make sure you have Ganache installed.
  4. Follow 'Setting up Ganache' section.
  5. (Optional) Follow 'Topping up server eth account' section.
  6. Run pip install -r requirements.txt.
  7. (Optional) SET env variable $MDT_SERVER_CONFIG to use custom config (It uses config.json as default).
  8. SET env variable $PYTHONPATH to this directory.
  9. (Optional) Run python to generate sample data.
  10. Run python
  11. Run python

Setting up Ganache

The system uses Ganache/Truffle for test Ethereum network. To setup Ganache:

  1. Download Ganache (GUI).
  2. Create a workspace.
  3. Go to settings, make sure the port is 8545 and network id is 5777.

This can also be done using Ganache-CLI.

Topping up server eth account

The server Ethereum account has no balanace at start, as such it cannot interact with the Ethereum network. To top up:

  1. Install Metamask extension in Chrome or Firefox.
  2. Connect Metamask to Ganache by setting up 'Custom RPC'. Ganache should be running on localhost:8545.
  3. Import one of the accounts from Ganache (using the account's private key). If using docker: the private key of all the test accounts should be printed in the console. If using Ganache GUI: the private key is hidden under the key icon. The test accounts should all have 100 ETH by default.
  4. Import the server's account into Metamask, using the sample_server_eth_key JSON file (select import type as 'JSON file' rather than 'Private Key' in Metamask).
  5. Transfer some (50 recommended) ETH from the Ganache test account to the server account.


The docker images that are generated from this repository:

New commits automatically generate new images.


The system utilises DeeID Websocket server. The default configuration uses the publicaly available server at: ws://

The DeeID mobile app (which is required to sign in) can be obtained from:

Other tools

Contract CLI

The contract CLI can be used to check and deploy smart contract without the web app. To use it, run python tests/ [meeting_id]

Meeting CLI

The meeting CLI can be used to generate meeting events without the web app. To use it, run python tests/ [staff_deeid] [staff private_key]


Server for c-meet






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