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Idea is to provide an *easy* way to store python objects in Redis, *without losing the power and the control of the Redis API*, in a ''limpid'' way. So, scope is to provide just as abstraction as needed.

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Idea is to provide an easy way to store objects in Redis, without losing the power and the control of the Redis API, in a limpid way. So, scope is to provide just as abstraction as needed.

For example:

  • Don't care about keys, limpyd do it for you
  • Retrieve objects from some of their attributes
  • Retrieve objects collection
  • CRUD abstraction
  • Keep the power of all the Redis data types in your own code

This is full R&D, so *do not* try to use it in production right now!

Example of configuration:

from redis import model

main_database = model.RedisDatabase(

class Bike(model.RedisModel):

    database = main_database

    name = model.HashableField(indexable=True, unique=True)
    color = model.HashableField()
    wheels = model.StringField(default=2)

So you can use it like this:

>>> mountainbike = Bike(name="mountainbike")
>>> mountainbike.wheels.get()
>>> mountainbike.wheels.incr()
>>> mountainbike.wheels.get()
>>> tricycle = Bike.collection(name="tricycle")[0]
>>> tricycle.wheels.get()
>>> tricycle.hmset(color="blue")
>>> tricycle.hmget('color')
>>> tricycle.hmget('color', 'name')
['blue', 'tricycle']
>>> tricycle.color.hget()
>>> tricycle.color.hset('yellow')
>>> tricycle.hmget('color')

In the following documentation you'll find these topics:


redis-limpyd is a project initiated by Yohan Boniface, using python to store "models" in Redis.

The project can be found here:

Yohan is helped in the developement by Stéphane "Twidi" Angel, with lot of work on his branches, aimed to be integrated upstream via pull requests when we have time to review code. You can found these branches here: (the develop branch is generally up to date with the work on all of them)

If you want to help, please fork (master or a feature branch, not develop) and work on a branch with a comprehensive name, write tests (seriously, everything is severely tested in limpyd) and make a pull request.


The first element to define when using limpyd is the database. The main goal of the database is to handle the conneciton to Redis and to host the models.

It's easy to define a database, as its arguments are the same as for a standard connection to Redis via redis-py:

from limpyd.database import RedisDatabase

main_database = RedisDatabase(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)

Then it's also easy to define the database (which is mandatory) on which a model is defined:

class Example(model.RedisModel):
    database = main_database
    some_field = fields.StringField()

If you have more than one model to host on a database, it's a good idea to create an abstract model:

class BaseModel(model.RedisModel):
    database = main_database
    abstract = True

class Foo(BaseModel):
    foo_field = fields.StringField()

class Bar(BaseModel):
    bar_field = fields.StringField()

Note that you cannot have two models with the same name (the name of the class) in the same database (for obvious collusion problems), but we provide a namespace attribute on models to resolve this problem (so you can use an external module with models named as yours). See Models to know how to use them.

It's not a good idea to declare many RedisDatabase objects on the same Redis database (defined with host+port+db), because of obvious colusion problems if models have the same name in each. So do it only if you really know what you're doing, and with different models only.


Models are the core of limpyd, it's why we're here. A RedisModel is a class, in a database, with some fields. Each instance of this model is a new object stored in Redis by limpyd.

Here a simple example:

class Example(model.RedisModel):
    database = main_database

    foo = field.StringField()
    bar = field.StringField()

To create an instance, it's as easy as:

>>> example = Example(foo='FOO', bar='BAR')

By just doing this, the fields are created, and a PKField is set with a value that you can use:

>>> print "New example object with pk #%s" %
New example object with pk #1

Then later to get an instance from Redis with it's pk, it's as simple as:

>>> example = Example(1)

So, to create an object, pass fields and their values as named arguments, and to retrieve it, pass its pk as the only argument. To retrieave instances via other fields than the pk, check the Collections section later in this document.

If you don't pass any argument to the RedisModel, default one from fields are taken and are saved. But if no arguments and no default values, you get an empty instance, with no filled fields and no pk set.

The pk will be created with the first field. It's important to know that we do not store any concept of "model", each field is totally independent, thought the keys to save them in Redis are based on the object's pk. So you can have 50 fields in a model and save only one of them.

Another really important thing to know is that when you create/retrieve an object, there is absolutely no data stored in it. Each time you access data via a field, the data is fetched from Redis, except if you use the Cache (actually activated by default)

Model attributes

When defining a model, you will add fields, but there is also some other attributes that are mandatory or may be useful.


The database attribute is mandatory and must be a RedisDatabase instance. See Database


You can't have two models with the same name on the same database. Except if you use namespacing.

Each model has a namespace, default to an empty string.

The namespace can be used to regroup models. All models about registration could have the namespace "registration", ones about the payment could have "payment", and so on.

With this you can have models with the same name in different namespaces, because the Redis keys created to store your data is computed with the namespace, the model name, and the pk of objects.


If you have many models sharing some field names, and/or within the same database and/or the same namespace, it could be useful to regroup all common stuff into a "base model", without using it to really store data in Redis.

For this you have the abstract attribute, False by default:

class Content(model.RedisModel):
    database = main_database
    namespace = "content"
    abstract = True

    title = fields.HashableField()
    pub_date = field.HashableField()

class Article(Content):
    content = fields.StringField()

class Image(Content):
    path = fields.HashableField()

In this example, only Article and Image are real models, both using the main_database database, the namespace "content", and having title and pub_date fields, in addition to their own.


As we don't store field values in the object, and to avoid querying Redis each time we need a value, limpyd implements a level of local cache. It's activated by default, just set the cacheable attribute on the model to False to deactivate it.

See Cache for more informations about this local cache.


The core module of limpyd provides 5 fields types, matching the ones in Redis:

You can also manage primary keys with these too fields:

All these fields can be indexed, cached, and manage the keys for you (they take the same arguments as the real Redis ones, as defined in the StrictRedis class of redis-py, but without the key parameter)

Another thing all fields have in common, is the way to delete them: use the delete method on a field, and both the field and its value will be removed from Redis.

Field attributes

When adding fields to a model, you can configure it with some attributes:


We provide a way to deactivate cache on a specific field is the cache is activated on the model. Simply pass the cacheable argument to False.

For more informations about the cache, check Cache.


It's possible to set default values for fields of type StringField and HashableField:

class Example(model.RedisModel):
    database = main_database
    foo = fields.StringField(default='FOO')
    bar = fields.StringField()

>>> example = Example(bar='BAR')

When setting a default value, the field will be saved when creating the instance. If you defined a PKField (not AutoPKField), don't forget to pass a value for it when creating the instance, it's needed to store other fields.


Sometimes getting objects from Redis by its primary key is not what you want. You may want to search for objects with a specific value for a specific field.

By setting the indexable argument to True when defining the field, this functionnality is automatically activated, and you'll be able to retrieve objects by filtering on this field using Collections.

To activate it, just set the indexable argument to True:

class Example(model.RedisModel):
    database = main_database
    foo = fields.StringField(indexable=True)
    bar = fields.StringField()

In this example you will be able to filter on the field foo but not on bar.

See Collections to know how to filter objects.


The unique argument is the same as the indexable one, except it will ensure that you can't have multiple objects with the same value for some fields. unique fields are also indexed, and can be filtered, as for the indexable argument.


class Example(model.RedisModel):
    database = main_database
    foo = fields.StringField(indexable=True)
    bar = fields.StringField(unique=True)

>>> example1 = Example(foo='FOO', bar='BAR')
>>> example2 = Example(foo='FOO', bar='BAR')
UniquenessError: Key :example:bar:BAR already exists (for instance 1)

See Collections to know how to filter objects, as for indexable.

Field types


StringField based fields allow the storage of strings, but some Redis string commands allow to treat them as integer, float or bits.


from limpyd import model, fields

class Example(model.RedisModel):
    database = main_database

    name = fields.StringField()

You can use this model like this:

>>> example = Example(name='foo')
>> example.delete()

The StringField type support these Redis string commands:


  • get
  • getbit
  • getrange
  • getset
  • strlen


  • append
  • decr
  • decrby
  • getset
  • incr
  • incrby
  • incrbyfloat
  • set
  • setbit
  • setnx
  • setrange


As for StringField, HashableField based fields allow the storage of strings. But all the HashableField fields of an instance are stored in the same Redis hash, the name of the field being the key in the hash.

To fully use the power of Redis hashes, we also provide two methods to get and set multiples field in one operation (see hmget and hmset). It's usually cheaper to store fields in hash that in strings. And it's faster to set/retrieve them using these two commands.

Example with simple commands:

class Example(model.RedisModel):
    database = main_database

    foo = fields.HashableField()
    bar = fields.HashableField()

1  # 1 because the hash field was created

The HashableField type support these Redis hash commands:


  • hget


  • hincrby
  • hincrbyfloat
  • hset
  • hsetnx


  • Note that to delete the value of a HashableField, you can use the hdel command, which do the same as the main delete one.


The two following commands are not called on the fields themselves, but on an instance.


hmget is called directly on an instance, and expects a list of field names to retrieve.

The result will be, as in Redis, a list of all values, in the same order.

If no names are provided, all the HashableField based fields will be fetched.

It's up to you to associate names and values, but you can find an example below:

class Example(model.RedisModel):
    database = main_database

    foo = fields.HashableField()
    bar = fields.HashableField()

    def hmget_dict(self, *args):
        A call to hmget but which return a dict with field names as keys, instead
        of only a list of values
        values = self.hmget(*args)
        keys = args or self._hashable_fields
        return dict(zip(keys, values))

>>> example = Example(foo='FOO', bar='BAR')
>>> example.hmget('foo', 'bar')
['FOO', 'BAR']
>>> example.hmget_dict('foo', 'bar')
{'bar': 'BAR', 'foo': 'FOO'}

hmset is the reverse of hmget, and also called directly on an instance, and expects named arguments with field names as keys, and new values to set as values.

Example (with same model as for hmget):

>>> example = Example()
>>> example.hmset(foo='FOO', bar='BAR')
>>> example.hmget('foo', 'bar')
['FOO', 'BAR']


SetField based fields can store many values in one field, using the set data type of Redis, an unordered set (with unique values).


from limpyd import model, fields

class Example(model.RedisModel):
    database = main_database

    stuff = fields.SetField()

You can use this model like this:

>>> example = Example()
>>> example.stuff.sadd('foo', 'bar')
2  # number of values really added to the set
>>> example.stuff.smembers()
set(['foo', 'bar'])
>>> example.stuff.sismember('bar')
>>> example.stuff.srem('bar')
>>> example.stuff.smembers()
>>> example.stuff.delete()

The SetField type support these Redis set commands:


  • scard
  • sismember
  • smembers
  • srandmember


  • sadd
  • spop
  • srem


ListField based fields can store many values in one field, using the list data type of Redis. Values are ordered, and are not unique (you can push many times the same value).


from limpyd import model, fields

class Example(model.RedisModel):
    database = main_database

    stuff = fields.ListField()

You can use this model like this:

>>> example = Example()
>>> example.stuff.rpush('foo', 'bar')
2  # number of values added to the list
>>> example.stuff.lrange(0, -1)
['foo', 'bar']
>>> example.stuff.lindex(1)
>>> example.stuff.lrem(1, 'bar')
1  # number of values really removed
>>> example.stuff.lrange(0, -1)
>>> example.stuff.delete()

The ListField type support these Redis list commands:


  • lindex
  • llen
  • lrange


  • linsert
  • lpop
  • lpush
  • lpushx
  • lrem
  • lset
  • ltrim
  • rpop
  • rpush
  • rpushx


SortedSetField based fields can store many values, each scored, in one field using the sorted-set data type of Redis. Values are unique (it's a set), and are ordered by their score.


from limpyd import model, fields

class Example(model.RedisModel):
    database = main_database

    stuff = fields.SortedSetField()

You can use this model like this:

>>> example = Example()
>>> example.stuff.zadd(foo=2.5, bar=1.1)
2  # number of values added to the sorted set
>>> example.stuff.zrange(0, -1)
['bar', 'foo']
>>> example.stuff.zrangebyscore(1, 2, withscores=True)
[('bar', 1.1)]
>>> example.stuff.zrem('bar')
1  # number of values really removed
>>> example.stuff.zrangebyscore(1, 2, withscores=True)
>>> example.stuff.delete()

The SortedSetField type support these Redis sorted set commands:


  • zcard
  • zcount
  • zrange
  • zrangebyscore
  • zrank
  • zrevrange
  • zrevrangebyscore
  • zrevrank
  • zscore


  • zadd
  • zincrby
  • zrem
  • zremrangebyrank
  • zremrangebyscore


PKField is a special subclass of StringField that manage primary keys of models. The PK of an object cannot be updated, as it serves to create keys of all its stored fields. It's this PK that is returned, with others, in Collections.

A PK can contain any sort of string you want: simple integers, float, long uuid, names...

If you want a PKField which will be automatically filled, and auto-incremented, see AutoPKField. Otherwise, with standard PKField, you must assign a value to it when creating an instance.

By default, a model has a AutoPKField attached to it, named pk. But you can redefine the nameand type of PKField you want.


class Foo(model.RedisModel):
    The PK field is `pk`, and will be auto-incremented.
    database = main_database

class Bar(model.RedisModel):
    The PK field is `id`, and will be auto-incremented.
    database = main_database
    id = fields.AutoPKField()

class Baz(model.RedisModel):
    The PK field is `name`, and won't be auto-incremented, so you must assign it a value when creating an instance.
    database = main_database
    name = fields.PKField()

Note that wathever name you use for the PKField (or AutoPKField), you can always access it via the name pk (but also we its real name). It's easier for abstraction.

To access the pk value of an object, you have many ways:

class Example(model.RedisModel):
    database = main_database
    id = fields.AutoPKField()
    name = fields.StringField()

>>> example = Example(name='foobar')
>>> example.get_pk()


A AutoPKField field is a PKField filled with auto-incremented integers, starting to 1. Assigning a value to of AutoPKField is forbidden.

It's a AutoPKField that is attached by default to every model, if no other one is defined.

See PKField for more details.


The main and obvious way to get data from Redis via limpyd is to know the primary key of objects and instantiate them one by one.

But some fields can be indexed, passing them the indexable or unique attribute.

If fields are indexed, it's possible to make query to retrieve many of them, using the collection method on the models.

The filtering has some limitations:

  • you can only filter on fields with indexable and/or unique attributes set to True
  • you can only filter on full values (limyd doesn't provide filters like "startswith", "contains"...)
  • all filters are "and"ed
  • no "not" (only able to find mathing fields, not to exlude some)
  • no "join" (filter on one model only)

The result of a call to the collection is lazy. The query is only sent to Redis when data is really needed, to display or do computation with them.

By default, a collection returns a list of primary keys for all the matching objects, but you can sort them, retrieve only a part, and/or directly get full instances instead of primary keys.

We will explain Filtering, Sorting, Slicing, Instanciating, and Lazyness below, based on this example:

class Person(model.RedisModel):
    database = main_database
    firstname = fields.HashableField(indexable=True)
    lastname = fields.HashableField(indexable=True)
    birth_year = fields.HashableField(indexable=True)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<[%s] %s %s (%s)>" % tuple([self.get_pk()] + self.hmget('firstname', 'lastname', 'birth_year'))

>>> Person(firstname='John', lastname='Smith', birth_year=1960)
<[1] John Smith (1960)>
>>> Person(firstname='John', lastname='Doe', birth_year=1965)
<[2] John Doe (1965)>
>>> Person(firstname='Emily', lastname='Smith', birth_year=1950)
<[3] Emily Smith (1950)>
>>> Person(firstname='Susan', lastname='Doe', birth_year=1960)
<[4] Susan Doe (1960)>


To filter, simply call the collection (class)method with fields you want to filter as keys, and wanted values as values:

>>> Person.collection(firstname='John')
['1', '2']
>>> Person.collection(firstname='john', lastname='Smith')
>>> Person.collection(birth_year=1965)
>>> Person.collection(birth_year=1965, lastname='Smith')

You cannot pass two filters with the same name. All filters are "and"ed.


To slice the result, simply act as it's the result of a collection is a list:

>>> Person.collection(firstname='John')
['1', '2']
>>> Person.collection(firstname='John')[1:2]


With the help of the sort command of Redis, limpyd is able to sort the result of collections.

It's as simple as calling the sort method of the collection. Use the by argument to specify on which field to sort.

Redis default sorting is numeric. If you want to sort values lexicographically, set the alpha parameter to True.


>>> Person.collection(firstname='John')
['1', '2']
>>> Person.collection(firstname='John').sort(by='lastname', alpha=True)
['2', '1']
>>> Person.collection(firstname='John').sort(by='lastname', alpha=True)[1:2]
>>> Person.collection().sort(by='birth_year')
['3', '1', '4', '2']


If you want to retrieve already instanciated objects, instead of only primary keys and having to do instanciation yourself, you simply have to call instances() on the result of the collection. The result of the collection and its methods (sort and instances) return a collection, so you can do chaining:

>>> Person.collection(firstname='John')
['1', '2']
>>> Person.collection(firstname='John').instances()
[<[1] John Smith (1960)>, <[2] John Doe (1965)>]
>>> Person.collection(firstname='John').instances().sort(by='lastname', alpha=True)
[<[2] John Doe (1965)>, <[1] John Smith (1960)>]
>>> Person.collection(firstname='John').sort(by='lastname', alpha=True).instances()
[<[2] John Doe (1965)>, <[1] John Smith (1960)>]
>>> Person.collection(firstname='John').sort(by='lastname', alpha=True).instances()[0]
[<[2] John Doe (1965)>


The result of a collection is lazy. In fact it's the collection itself, it's why we can chain calls to sort and instances.

The query is sent to Redis only when the data are needed. In the previous examples, data was needed to display them.

But if you do something like:

>>> results = Person.collection(firstname='John').instances())

nothing will be done while results is not printed, iterated...


As we don't store field values in the object, and to avoid querying Redis each time we need a value, limpyd implements a level of local cache.

On the model

This cache is activated by default for each model. To deactivate it, it's as simple as adding the attribute cacheable to False on the model:

class Example(model.RedisModel):
    database = main_database
    cacheable = False

    a_field = fields.StringField()

The use of the cache is transparent. If you got a value from a field, without updating it after that, the next time you'll get it, the value will be fetched from the cache. When a field is updated, its cached is cleared.


>>> example = Example()
>>> example.a_field.set('foo')
>>> example.a_field.get()  # call Redis_
>>> example.a_field.get()  # hit the cache
>>> example.a_field.set('bar')  # clear the cache
>>> example.a_field.get()  # call Redis_

On fields

If the cache is activated on the model, you can deactivate it at the field level. The reverse is not True (if the cache is deactivated for the model, you cannot activate it for a field).

To deactivate it for the field, just set the cacheable argument to True:

class Example(model.RedisModel):
    database = main_database
    foo = fields.StringField()
    bar = fields.StringField(cacheable=False)

Here the cache is activated for foo but not for bar.


Be careful that the cache is on the instance itself. If you create another instance on the same object, update a field, the cache from the first instance will not be cleared. It's also obviously the case if you work with multiple threads of workers.


To keep the core of limpyd, say, "limpid", we limited what it contains. But we added some extra stuff in the contrib module:

limpyd provide a way to link models, via the related contrib module. It's only shortcuts to already existing stuff, aiming to make relations easy.

Start with an example:

from limpyd import fields
from limpyd.contrib import related

class Person(related.RelatedModel):
    database = main_database
    name = fields.PKField()  # redefine a PK just for the example

class Group(related.RelatedModel):
    database = main_database
    name = fields.PKField()
    private = fields.StringField()
    owner = related.FKHashableField('Person')
    members = related.M2MSetField('Person', related_name='membership')

With this we can do stuff like this:

>>> core_devs = Group(name='limpyd core devs', private=0)
>>> ybon = Person(name='ybon')
>>> twidi = Person(name='twidi')
>>> core_devs.owner.hset(ybon)
>>> core_devs.members.sadd(twidi, ybon._pk)  # give a limpyd object, or a pk
>>> core_devs.members.smembers()
set(['ybon', 'twidi'])
>>> ybon.group_set(private=0)  # it's a collection, the limpyd way !
['limpyd core devs']
>>> twidi.membership()  # it's a collection too
['limpyd core devs']

To use related fields, you must use related.RelatedModel instead of model.RedisModel. It handles creation of related collections and manage propagation of deletion for us.

The related module provides 5 field types, based on the standard ones. All have the indexable attribute to True, and cacheable to False (for internal needs, we can't activate cache on related fields.)

There is one big addition on these fields over the normal one. Everywhere you can pass a value to store (in theory you would pass an object's primary key), you can pass an instance of a limpyd model. The primary key of these instances will be extraced for you.

Here are the new field types:


The FKStringField type is based on StringField and allow setting a foreign key.

It just stores the primary key of the related object in a StringField.


The FKHashableField type is based on HashableField and allow setting a foreign key.

It works like FKStringField but, as a HashableField, can be retrieved with other fields via the hmget method on the instance.


The M2MSetField type is based on SetField and allow setting many foreign keys, acting as a Many 2 Many fields.

If no order is needed, it's the best choice for M2M, because it's the lightest M2M field (memory occupation), and it's fast to check if an element is included (sismember, O(1)), or to remove one (srem, O(N) where N is the number of members to be removed.).

If you need ordering and unicity, check M2MSortedSetField.


The M2MListField type is based on ListField and allow setting many foreign keys, acting as a Many 2 Many fields.

It works like M2MSetField, with two differences, because it's a list and not a set:

  • the list of foreign keys is ordered
  • we can have many times the same foreign key

This type is usefull to keep the order of the foreign keys, but as it does not ensure unicity, the use cases are less obvious.

If you need ordering and unicity, check M2MSortedSetField.


The M2MSortedSetField type is based on SortedSetField and allow setting many foreign keys, acting as a Many 2 Many fields.

It works like M2MSetField, with one differences, because it's a sorted set and not a simple set: each foreign key has a score attached to it, and the list for foreign keys is sorted by this score.

This score is usefull to keep the entries unique AND sorted. It can be a date (as a timestamp because the score must be numeric), allowing, in our example (Person/Group), to keep list of members in the order they joined the group.

The related fields accept two new arguments when declaring them. One to tell to which model it's related (to), and one to give a name to the related collection


The first new argument (and the first in the list of accepted ones, useful to pass it without naming it), is to, the name of the model on which this field is related to.

Note that the related model must be on the same database.

It can accept a RelatedModel:

class Person(related.RelatedModel):
    database = main_database
    name = StringField()

class Group(related.RelatedModel):
    database = main_database
    name = StringField()
    owner = FKStringField(Person)

In this case the RelatedModel must be defined before the current model.

And it can accept a string. There is two ways to define model with a string:

  • the name of a RelatedModel:

    class Group(related.RelatedModel):
        database = main_database
        owner = FKStringField('Person')

If you want to link to a model with a different namespace than the one for the current model, you can add it:

class Group(related.RelatedModel):
    database = main_database
    owner = FKStringField('my_namespace:Person')
  • 'self', to define a link to the same model on which the related field is defined:

    class Group(related.RelatedModel):
        database = main_database
        parent = FKStringField('self')

The related_name argument is not mandatory, except in some cases described below.

This argument is the name which will be used to create the Related collection on the related model (the on described by the to argument)

If defined, it must be a string. This string can accept to formatable arguments: %(namespace)s and %(model)s which will be replaced by the namespace and name of the model on which the related field is defined. It's usefull for subclassing:

class Person(related.RelatedModel):
    database = main_database
    name = StringField()

class BaseGroup(related.RelatedModel):
    database = main_database
    namespace = 'groups'
    abstract = True

    name = StringField()
    owner = FKStringField('Person', related_name='%(namespace)s_%(model)s_set')

class PublicGroup(BaseGroup):

class PrivateGroup(BaseGroup):

In this example, a person will have two related collections:

  • groups_publicgroup_set, liked to the parent field of PublicGroup
  • groups_privategroup_set, liked to the parent field of PrivateGroup

Note that, exept for namespace that will be automatically converted if needed, related names should be valid python identifiers.

Related collections are the other side of the relation. They are created on the related model, based on the related_name argument used when creating the related field.

They are a shortcut to the real collection, but available to ease writing.

Let's define some models:

class Person(related.RelatedModel):
    database = main_database
    name = PKStringField()

class Group(related.RelatedModel):
    database = main_database
    name = PKStringField()
    private = fields.StringField(defaut=0)
    owner = FKStringField('Person', related_name='owned_groups')

Now we can do:

>>> group1 = Group(name='group 1')
>>> group2 = Group(name='group 1', private=1)
>>> person1 = Person(name='person 1')
>>> group1.owner.set(person1)
>>> group2.owner.set(person1)

To retrieve groups owned by person1, we can use the standard way:

>>> Group.collection(owner=person1.get_pk())
['group 1', 'group 2']

or, with the related collection:

>>> person1.owned_groups()
['group 1', 'group 2']

These two lines return exactly the same thing, a lazy collection (See Collections).

You can pass other filters too:

>>> person1.owned_groups(private=1)
['group 2']

Update and deletion

One of the main advantage of using related fields instead of doing it yourself, is that updates and deletions are handled as you would, transparently.

In the previous example, if the owner of a group is updated (or deleted), the previous owner doesn't have this group in its owned_group collections.

The same applies on the other side. If a person who is the owner of a group is deleted, the value of the groups'owner field is deleted too.

And it works with M2M fields too.


In the contrib module, we provide a way to wirk with pipelines as defined in redis-py, providimg abstraction to let the fields connect to the pipeline, not the real Redis connection (this won't be the case if you use the default pipeline in redis-py)

To activate this, you have to import and to use PipelineDatabase instead of the default RedisDatabase, without touching the arguments.

Instead of doing this:

from limpyd.database import RedisDatabase

main_database = RedisDatabase(

Just do:

from limpyd.contrib.database import PipelineDatabase

main_database = PipelineDatabase(

This PipelineDatabase class adds two methods: pipeline and transaction


The pipeline provides the same functionnalities as for the default pipeline in redis-py, but it handles transparently the use of the pipeline instead of the default collection for all fields operation.

But be aware that within a pipeline you cannot get values from fields to do something with them. It's because in a pipeline, all commands are sent in bulk, and all results are retrieved in bulk too (one for each command), when exiting the pipeline.

It does not mean that you cannot set many fields in one time in a pipeline, but you must have values not depending of other fields, and, also very important, you cannot update indexable fields ! (so no related fields either, because they are all indexable)

The best use for pipelines in limpyd, is to get a lot of values in one pass.

Say we have this model:

from limpyd.contrib.database import PipelineDatabase

main_database = PipelineDatabase(

class Person(model.RedisModel):
    database = main_database
    name = fields.StringField()
    city = fields.StringField(indexable=True)

Add some data:

Person(name='Jean Dupond', city='Paris')
Person(name='Francois Martin', city='Paris')
Person(name='John Smith', city='New York')
Person(name='John Doe', city='San Franciso')
Person(name='Paul Durand', city='Paris')

Say we have already a lot of Person saved, we can retrieve all names this way:

persons = list(Person.collection(city='Paris').instances())
with main_database.pipeline() as pipeline:
    for person in persons:
    names = pipeline.execute()
print names

This will result in only one call (within the pipeline):

>>> ['Jean Dupond', 'Francois Martin', 'Paul Durand']

All in one only call to the Redis server.

Note that in pipelines you can you the watch command, but it's easier to use the transaction method described below.


The transaction method available on the PipelineDatabase object, is the same as the one in redis-py, but using its own pipeline method.

The goal is to help using pipelines with watches.

The watch mechanism in Redis allow us to read values and use them in a pipeline, being sure that the values got in the first step were not updated by someone else since we read them.

Imagine the incr method doesn't exists. Here is a way to implement it with a transaction without race condition (ie without the risk of having our value updated by someone else between the moment we read it, and the moment we save it):

class Page(model.RedisModel):
    database = main_database  # a PipelineDatabase object
    url = fields.StringField(indexable=True)
    hits = fields.StringField()

    def incr_hits(self):
        Increment the number of hits without race condition

        def do_incr(pipeline):

            # transaction not started, we can read values
            previous_value = self.hits.get()

            # start the transaction (MANDATORY CALL)

            # set the new value

        # run `do_incr` in a transaction, watching for the hits field
        self.database.transaction(do_incr, *[self.hits])

In this example, the do_incr method will be aborted and executed again, restarting the transaction, each time the hits field of the object is updated elsewhere. So we are absolutely sure that we don't have any race conditions.

The argument of the transaction method are:

  • func, the function to run, encaspulated in a transaction. It must accept a pipeline argument.
  • *watches, a list of keys to watch (if a watched key is updated, the transaction is restarted and the function aborted and executed again). Note that you can pass keys as string, or fields of limpyd model instances (so their keys will be retrieved for you).

The transaction method returns the value returned by the execution of its internal pipeline. In our example, it will return [True].

Note that as for the pipeline method, you cannot update indexables fields in the transaction because read commands are used to update them.


Idea is to provide an *easy* way to store python objects in Redis, *without losing the power and the control of the Redis API*, in a ''limpid'' way. So, scope is to provide just as abstraction as needed.






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