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Python scripts

These are python scripts I have created, modified or used. Some scripts are for fun, while others have valuable use in production.

There's now 164 python files in this repo.

Script DocString No docstring provided.
cb_scripts/ Squares and Cubes for a range of numbers.
cb_scripts/ Remove common words from text.
cb_scripts/ Python Generator - Crawl Star Wars API (
cb_scripts/demo/ Demo of aiohttp package.
cb_scripts/demo/ Example of difflib.
cb_scripts/demo/ Hello, world. example using asyncio.
cb_scripts/demo/ No docstring provided.
cb_scripts/demo/ Demo of the turtule module.
cb_scripts/demo/ Asyncio demo finding next prime numbers for a list.
cb_scripts/demo/ Abstract Base Class (ABC) testing.
cb_scripts/demo/ Sample of functools.singledispatch.
cb_scripts/demo/ Demo on asyncio.
cb_scripts/demo/ Itertools demo.
cb_scripts/demo/ Car class.
cb_scripts/demo/ Monkey Patching - dynamically modify a class or module at runtime.
cb_scripts/demo/ Hello, World! Asyncio demo.
cb_scripts/demo/ Shelve demo.
cb_scripts/demo/ multiprocessing demo.
cb_scripts/ Prime Factorization.
cb_scripts/ Search and remove pyc files.
cb_scripts/ Crawler.
cb_scripts/ Basic Logging template.
cb_scripts/ Collatz Conjecture.
cb_scripts/ Replace all code letters with X.
cb_scripts/ Action Verbs.
cb_scripts/ Number of days from/until start/end of the month.
cb_scripts/ Sort clipboard using subprocess module.
cb_scripts/ FizzBuzz Test.
cb_scripts/ Fake text generator.
cb_scripts/ Programming Quotes.
cb_scripts/ NFL Quarterback Rating.
cb_scripts/ Binary Search Algorithm implmentation.
cb_scripts/ Dictonary Utils.
cb_scripts/ Unlock code.
cb_scripts/ Roll a die.
cb_scripts/ Site Checker.
cb_scripts/ Find all local ip addresses in an ip network.
cb_scripts/ Return the delta of the current date.
cb_scripts/ Flatten iterable.
cb_scripts/ YouTube utilities.
cb_scripts/ad/ Account Expiration
cb_scripts/ Get the latest version number of Python.
cb_scripts/ Generate the file a repo.
cb_scripts/ Windows Idletime - move mouse on idle time.
cb_scripts/ Coin Flip.
cb_scripts/nameo/ Bingo caller.
cb_scripts/nameo/ Bingo Drum class.
cb_scripts/nameo/ Bingo ball class.
cb_scripts/nameo/ No docstring provided.
cb_scripts/nameo/ Nameo main.
cb_scripts/nameo/ Bingo card generator.
cb_scripts/ Useful Information.
cb_scripts/ Download HTML page using standard library.
cb_scripts/ Shorten URLs using TinyURL.
cb_scripts/ifttt/ No docstring provided.
cb_scripts/ifttt/ IFTTT Maker Webhooks event trigger.
cb_scripts/ No docstring provided.
cb_scripts/ Time Zone - Resolve what time is it?
cb_scripts/ Python Script to get the Track, Artist and Album from iTunes.
cb_scripts/ Traffic light simulation.
cb_scripts/images/ Convert an image using Pillow.
cb_scripts/ Bored - Suggest an activity with
cb_scripts/ Get Articles from website urls.
cb_scripts/ External IP - using requests, get the extrenal IP Address.
cb_scripts/ Binary Search Tree.
cb_scripts/ Home directory.
cb_scripts/ Leap Year tester.
cb_scripts/weather_forecast/ Weather from OpenWeatherMap.
cb_scripts/ Useful commands.
cb_scripts/baseball/ No docstring provided.
cb_scripts/baseball/ No docstring provided.
cb_scripts/baseball/ No docstring provided.
cb_scripts/baseball/ No docstring provided.
cb_scripts/ Calculate the words per minute of text.
cb_scripts/ Simple clock using tkinter.
cb_scripts/ Play sound file at the top of every hour.
cb_scripts/ Print the calendars for last, this, and next
cb_scripts/ Markdown list maker.
cb_scripts/ Download latest Python from FTP site.
cb_scripts/cipher/ AES encryption using PyCrypto.
cb_scripts/cipher/ Cipher for encryption/decryption.
cb_scripts/cipher/ Rotational Cipher.
cb_scripts/cipher/ Reckon - simple substitution cipher.
cb_scripts/ Get the New York Jets schedule and scores of a season from
cb_scripts/ Weather from
cb_scripts/ Environment Variables.
cb_scripts/ List Virtual Environment Python versions.
cb_scripts/ Useful Weekday wrappers.
cb_scripts/ How does it go? - Lyrics scraper.
cb_scripts/ No docstring provided.
cb_scripts/ Week number matchups for Fantasy Baseball.
cb_scripts/ Print file contents.
cb_scripts/ Ping Scan
cb_scripts/ Game on.
cb_scripts/ Get Fantasy Baseball Keepers from years past.
cb_scripts/ Script to tell me to Sitdown and Standup throughout the day.
cb_scripts/ Clipboard History.
cb_scripts/ Rock, Paper, scissors.
cb_scripts/ Python Http server ("Hello, World!").
cb_scripts/ Dug Dice.
cb_scripts/ What next?
cb_scripts/city_times/ No docstring provided.
cb_scripts/city_times/ No docstring provided.
cb_scripts/ Lock the Screen.
cb_scripts/ Wordle word starter.
cb_scripts/ Find Biggest file.
cb_scripts/ Indentor using context manager.
cb_scripts/ Packt Free Learning book.
cb_scripts/ Look up the meaning of a word.
cb_scripts/ Mouse Mover.
cb_scripts/ Wrapper for textwrap module.
cb_scripts/ Rhythmic breathing.
cb_scripts/ Location data based on External IP address.
cb_scripts/ Five O'clock Whistle.
cb_scripts/ Find all links from url.
cb_scripts/ Random Name - Generate a random name.
cb_scripts/ Divisors: Find all the divisors of a number.
cb_scripts/ HTML Decorators Example.
cb_scripts/ SQLite3 database creation.
cb_scripts/sorting/ Merge Sort.
cb_scripts/sorting/ Insertion Sort.
cb_scripts/sorting/ Bubble Sort.
cb_scripts/ Monty Hall Game.
cb_scripts/ Find Pi to the nth digit.
cb_scripts/ Fake Names and addresses.
cb_scripts/ Today Holiday?
cb_scripts/ Salutation.
cb_scripts/ Switch variable case.
cb_scripts/ Create gif from directory.
cb_scripts/ Find all files matching a pattern.
cb_scripts/ Time to go.
cb_scripts/ Class based random password generator. Uses string, random, sys modules.
cb_scripts/ Time since a given date.
cb_scripts/ Digital Mistakes kata.
cb_scripts/ Next Prime Number.
cb_scripts/ Get the numbers for the superbowl box pools.
cb_scripts/ Sort Clipboard using pyperclip.
cb_scripts/ Take a Screenshot.
cb_scripts/ Isogram - determine if a word is an isogram.
cb_scripts/ Count words and the three most common ones.
cb_scripts/ logging example.
cb_scripts/ Distinct Files in directory.
cb_scripts/ Execution Time.
cb_scripts/ List all virtualenvs.
cb_scripts/ Collection of Utilities.
cb_scripts/ Itertools Recipes.
cb_scripts/ Python Script to get the status of MTA Service.
cb_scripts/ Move files to another folder.
cb_scripts/ Fibonacci.
cb_scripts/ Two Sums.
cb_scripts/ List modules used in Python files.
cb_scripts/ Get the latest stable version number of Python from FTP site.
cb_scripts/ Random Quote: Pick a Quote at random from a text file.
cb_scripts/ List file type info.
cb_scripts/ Sieve of Eratosthenes.
cb_scripts/ Rain. Tell if rain is in forecast.
cb_scripts/ Arrange Files - File organizer.
cb_scripts/ Create Coffee-Repo Master list.
cb_scripts/ Convert CSV file to JSON file.
cb_scripts/ Internet working.
cb_scripts/ Default initial password generator.
cb_scripts/ Archive Coffee-Repo list in
cb_scripts/uplink/ GitHub consumer using uplink package.


Python Scripts that I am working on.








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