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1 PIPITS Setup

1.1 Download and install

Download the latest package:

$ wget

After downloading the package from github, extract it with:

$ tar -zxvf pipits-1.0.0.tar.gz

Then enter into the created directory and install the package with:

$ cd pipits-1.0.0
$ sudo python install

Alternatively if you want to install to a location other than the standard location, use "prefix".

$ python install --prefix=$HOME/.local

This is recommended if you don't have root access. Make sure executables are visible to the shell by existing in the search path, by adding "$HOME/.local/bin" to your PATH variable.

1.2 Dependencies

Download and install dependencies

PIPITS depends on a number of external dependencies which need to be downloaded and installed.

Once you downloaded and installed ITSx, we recommend you to re-HMMPRESS the HMM profiles as the HMMPRESS'ed profiles may not be compatible with the version of the HMMER you installed. So assumming you downloaded ITSx in "$HOME/Software" directory and installed it there:

$ cd $HOME/Software/ITSx_1.0.11/ITSx_db/HMMs
$ rm *.hmm.*
$ echo *.hmm | xargs -n1 hmmpress

1.3 Reference datasets

There are two reference datasets which need to be downloaded:

  1. UNITE fungal ITS reference training dataset

Download the most recent version of UNITE training data from their sourceforge webpage ( ), save it to an appropriate directory (e.g. $HOME/pipits/refdb) and extract the file.

For example:

$ mkdir -p $HOME/pipits_refdb
$ cd $HOME/pipits_refdb
$ wget
$ unzip

The extracted directory contains UNITE training files namely (a) FASTA file and (b) taxonomy file with lineage. We will use these files for retraining RDP Classifier a moment later.

  1. UNITE UCHIME reference dataset

We also need to download UNITE UCHIME reference dataset for chimera removal. Download it from UNITE repository (

For example:

$ cd $HOME/pipits_refdb
$ wget
$ unzip

1.4 Retrain RDP Classifier

We need to re-train RDP Classifier with the downloaded "UNITE fungal ITS reference training dataset". PIPITS provides a script called "retrain_rdp" for this task. To run the command, you need to give (i, ii) the files from "UNITE fungal ITS reference training dataset"; (iii) output directory name; and (iv) the location of the RDP Classifier .jar file. Note that this step does not need to be repeated until a new set of training data is available to retrain the classifier. For example:

$ cd $HOME/pipits_refdb
$ retrain_rdp -f fungalits_UNITE_trainingdata_07042014/UNITE.RDP_04.07.14.rmdup.fasta -t fungalits_UNITE_trainingdata_07042014/ -j $HOME/Software/rdp_classifier_2.9/dist/classifier.jar -o unite_retrained

1.5 Configuration file

Good! Now everything is set up, but before we get started, we need to let PIPITS know where all these dependencies, datasets, trained datasets are by editing a PIPITS configuration file. You can find a template "pipits_config" file in the downloaded PIPITS directory.

It looks like:

# PIPITS configuration #

# Lines beginning with "#" is ignored.

# If the dependencies are not visible to the shell, then their locations need to be defined here, for example:

FASTX_FASTQ_QUALITY_FILTER = /usr/bin/fastq_quality_filter
FASTX_FASTQ_TO_FASTA =       /usr/bin/fastq_to_fasta
BIOM =                       /usr/bin/biom
PEAR =                       $HOME/Software/pear-0.9.5-bin-64/pear-0.9.5-64
VSEARCH =                    $HOME/Software/vsearch
ITSx =                       $HOME/Software/ITSx_1.0.10/ITSx

# Location of RDP Classifier jar file must be specified, for example:

RDP_CLASSIFIER_JAR =            $HOME/Software/rdp_classifier_2.9/dist/classifier.jar

UNITE_REFERENCE_DATA_CHIMERA =  $HOME/pipits/refdb/final_release_version/uchime_sh_refs_dynamic_original_985_03.07.2014.fasta
UNITE_RETRAINED_DIR =           $HOME/pipits/refdb/unite_retrained

In the configuration file:

First, the dependency executables (except RDP Classifier as this comes with a .jar file) need to be specified in the "pipits_config" file unless the executables are visible to the shell by existing in executable search path (i.e. listed in the $PATH environment variable).

Second, you need to let PIPITS know where RDP Classifier is by adding the location of RDP Classifier ".jar"" file.

Third,the location of the UNITE UCHIME reference data, and the re-trained UNITE directory need to be specified.

Last but not least, once this file has been edited copy the file to your home directory and rename it as ".pipits_config" by typing the following:

$ cd $HOME/pipits-1.0.0
$ cp pipits_config  $HOME/.pipits_config

Ok, now you are all good to go! Let's go back to the downloaded PIPITS directory and test to see if everything is set up correctly by running PIPITS on a test dataset provided:

$ cd $HOME/pipits-1.0.0
$ pipits all -i test_data -x ITS2 --prefix pipits_test -v

Ensure you see "PIPITS_PROCESS ended successfully."

1.3 (Misc) For Ubuntu LTS users, installing dependencies using Bio-Linux packages

Some of the dependencies are available as a Bio-Linux package so Bio-Linux and Ubuntu LTS users are encouraged to make use of the Bio-Linux repository for these. To install Bio-Linux packages follow the instruction below.

You first need to add Bio-Linux repositories to your system. Add the following lines to a file "/etc/apt/sources.list file":

$ deb unstable bio-linux
$ deb precise main
$ deb-src precise main

Then run the command:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install bio-linux-keyring

Your system will then download the Bio-Linux Software Package List from our server. After the download you may install any of the packages from our repository.

Then install the packages, for example:

$ sudo apt-get install python-biom-format vsearch fastx-toolkit
  1. Getting started ==================

The PIPITS pipeline is divided into three parts:

  1. PIPITS PREP: prepares raw reads from Illumina MiSeq sequencers for ITS extraction
  2. PIPITS FUNITS: extracts fungal ITS regions from the reads
  3. PIPITS PROCESS: analyses the reads to produce Operational Taxonomic Unit (OTU) abundance tables and the RDP taxonomic assignment table for downstream analysis


Illumina reads are generally provided as demultiplexed FASTQ files where the Illumina machine software splits the reads into separate files, one for each barcode.

PIPITS provides a script called PIPITS_GETREADPAIRSLIST which generates a tab-delimited text file for all read-pairs from the raw sequence directory:

pipits getreadpairslist -i illumina_rawdata/ -o readpairslist.txt


  1. The command produces a tab-delimited file with three columns denoting forward and reverse read filenames and sample IDs for the pairs
  2. Prior to running the command, the user needs to ensure that the raw sequence filenames end with one of the following extensions: “.fastq”, “.fastq.bz2”, “.fastq.gz”. Sample IDs are taken from the first characters preceding an underscore (“_”) from the filenames
  3. Before proceeding to the next step, check correct filenames and desired sample IDs for the pairs are listed in the resulting file ("readpairslist.txt")

Once we have the list file, we can begin to process the sequences:

pipits prep -i illumina_rawdata -o out_prep -l readpairslist.txt


  1. Read-pairs are joined by examining the overlapping regions of sequences with PEAR
  2. The resulting assembled reads are then quality filtered with FASTX_FASTQ_QUALITY_FILTER
  3. The header of each read is then relabelled with an index number and a sample ID
  4. The resulting files are converted into a FASTA format with FASTX_FASTQ_TO_FASTA and merged into a single file to produce the final output file "prepped.fasta"" in the output directory
  5. PIPITS PREP can be run without the list file provided that the files in the input directory follow illumina file naming convention. It is generally recommended however to first make a list file of read-pairs prior to running the script


The output from PIPITS PREP is taken as an input for this step. It is also mandatory to provide the script with which ITS subregion (i.e. ITS1 or ITS2) is to be extracted:

pipits funits -i out_prep/prepped.fasta -o out_funits/ -x ITS2


  1. Seqeunces are dereplicated (removing redundant sequences)
  2. Selected subregions of sequences of fungal origin are then extracted with ITSx and where necessary they are re-orientated to 5’ to 3’ direction. It is worth noting that ITSx uses HMMER3 (Mistry et al. 2013) to compare input sequences against a set of models built from a number of different subregions of ITS sequences found in various organisms. This makes ITSx an ideal tool for both extraction of desired ITS subregions as well as filtering for specific groups of organisms. It also means that while PIPITS has been created with the analysis of fungal amplicons in mind, it could be adapted for the analyses of other organism groups where ITS is used as a marker by changing the ITSx settings and reference databases
  3. Having extracted the subregion, sequences are re-inflated to reflect their original abundances. To date, the longest sequenceable reads from the Illumina technology are 300 bp x 2 which is not sufficient to sequence both ITS1 and ITS2 and to have an overlapping region to join them. For this reason the program supports only a single subregion extraction mode


This is the final process involving clustering and assigning of taxonomy to OTUs:

pipits process -i out_funits/ITS.fasta -o out_process


  1. Input sequences are dereplicated

  2. Short (< 100bp) and unique sequences are removed prior to finding OTUs

  3. The sequences are clustered at a user-defined threshold (97% sequence identity by default).

  4. The resulting representative sequences for each cluster are subjected to chimera detection and removal using the UNITE uchime reference dataset.

  5. The input sequences are then mapped onto the chimera-free representative sequences at the defined threshold

  6. The representatives are taxonomically assigned with RDP Classifier against the UNITE fungal ITS reference dataset.

  7. The results are then translated into two types of OTU abundance tables:

    1. “OTU abundance table”, an OTU is defined as a cluster of reads with the user-defined threshold typically 97% sequence identity motivated by the expectation that these correspond approximately to species.
    2. “phylotype abundance table”, an OTU is defined as a cluster of sequences binned into the same taxonomic assignments.
  8. All in one! ==============

Provided the user is aware of the three steps above, it is possible to run the entire PIPITS pipeline with a single command (which was used for testing the whole pipeline above):

pipits all -i illumina_rawdata -x ITS2 --prefix mypipits
  1. Options ==========

PIPITS scripts come with a number of options for the users to alter parameters such as distance threshold. The options can be viewed by providing "-h" after the command, for example:

pipits prep -h


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