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SageWui is a major refactor/rewrite of the Sage Notebook (Sagenb).

We intend a smooth transition from Sagenb to SageWui to get something completely different.


  • SageWui is independent from Sage, so that it can be launched from an independent python interpreter. A SageMath installation and the sage command in the default path is required, though.
  • SageWui runs on python 2 and 3.
  • smtpsend is now a global module.
  • Sagewui startup procedure differs from Sagenb one.
    • No need for intermediate startup code files.
    • Standalone command interface.
    • Debug mode added.
  • Sage server interface totally isolated.
    • Implemented in the package sagewui_kernels.sage. It can be reused in other projects.
    • No need for intermediate code files. Code is passed directly to the Sage server.
    • Sage initialization left to the sagewui_kernels.sage interface.
    • Input is parsed with ast. Bugs in Sagenb related to incorrect parsing fixed
  • New flask json session mechanism adopted.
  • A lot of reformatting, bug fixing and simplification of code done, with respect to Sagenb.


Only for testing purposes.

The instructions below are valid for a modern Linux host. A working python >= 3.4 and <3.6 installation with venv module (sudo apt-get install python3-venv on Ubuntu based dists) is supposed to be available.

Previously to the instructions below, install a recent version of SageMath. Make sage command available in your PATH.

Standalone mode

  1. In the command line, set a variable with your installation dir

    export INSTALLDIR="/some/dir/you/can/write/to"
  2. Create a python3 virtual environment

    python3 -m venv "$INSTALLDIR/python"
  3. Clone SageWui

    git clone $INSTALLDIR/sagewui
    cd "$INSTALLDIR/sagewui"
    git branch release origin/release
    git checkout release
  4. Activate the python virtual environment

    . "$INSTALLDIR/python/bin/activate"
  5. Populate de virtual environment

    pip install twisted flask flask-autoindex flask-babel flask-themes2 future pexpect docutils jsmin pyopenssl service_identity appdirs
  6. SageWui related stuff

    cp -a "$INSTALLDIR/sagewui/sagewui" "$INSTALLDIR/sagewui/sagewui_kernels" "$INSTALLDIR/sagewui/" "$INSTALLDIR"/python/lib/python*/site-packages
    ln -s "$INSTALLDIR"/python/lib/python*/site-packages/sagewui/ "$INSTALLDIR/python/bin/sagewui"
  7. Test the installation


To run sagewui from a fresh command line shell write

cd /path/where/you/installed/sagewui
. python/bin/activate

Standalone development mode

  1. In the command line, set a variable with your installation dir

    export INSTALLDIR="/some/dir/you/can/write/to"
  2. Create a python3 virtual environment

    python3 -m venv "$INSTALLDIR/python"
  3. Clone SageWui

    git clone "$INSTALLDIR/sagewui"
  4. Activate the python virtual environment

    . "$INSTALLDIR/python/bin/activate"
  5. Populate de virtual environment

    pip install twisted flask flask-autoindex flask-babel flask-themes2 future pexpect docutils jsmin pyopenssl service_identity appdirs
  6. SageWui related stuff

    ln -s "$INSTALLDIR/sagewui/sagewui" "$INSTALLDIR/sagewui/sagewui_kernels" "$INSTALLDIR/sagewui/" "$INSTALLDIR"/python/lib/python*/site-packages
    ln -s "$INSTALLDIR"/python/lib/python*/site-packages/sagewui/ "$INSTALLDIR/python/bin/sagewui"
  7. Test the installation

  8. Run sagewui from a fresh command line shell in debug mode

    cd /path/where/you/installed/sagewui
    . python/bin/activate
    sagewui --debug
  9. Edit code in $INSTALLDIR/sagewui. every time you change python code, the application is reloaded.

Server mode

This instructions are based on

A ssh server must be running.

  1. Change the following shell variables as needed

    export sageservername="sageserver"
    export sageusername="sage"
    export sageusergroupname="sageusers"
    export INSTALLDIR="/directory/where/sagewui/will/be/installed"
    export pythondir="$INSTALLDIR/python"
    export sagewuidir="$INSTALLDIR/sagewui"
    export sageserverdir="$INSTALLDIR/$sageservername"
    export sageuserdir="$INSTALLDIR/$sageusergroupname"
  2. Create a python3 virtual environment

    python3 -m venv "$pythondir"
  3. Clone SageWui

    git clone "$sagewuidir"
    cd "$sagewuidir"
    git branch release origin/release
    git checkout release
  4. Activate the python virtual environment

    . $pythondir/bin/activate"
  5. Populate de virtual environment

    pip install twisted flask flask-autoindex flask-babel flask-themes2 future pexpect docutils jsmin pyopenssl service_identity appdirs
  6. SageWui related stuff

    cp -a "$sagewuidir/sagewui" "$sagewuidir/sagewui_kernels" "$sagewuidir/" "$pythondir"/lib/python*/site-packages
    ln -s "$pythondir"/lib/python*/site-packages/sagewui/ "$pythondir/bin/sagewui"
  7. Test the installation and set the SageWui admin password

    sagewui --secure
  8. Create users

     sudo mkdir -p "$sageserverdir" "$sageuserdir"
     sudo addgroup --gid 1010 "$sageservername"
     sudo addgroup --gid 1011 "$sageusergroupname"
     sudo adduser --disabled-password "$sageservername"\
            --ingroup "$sageservername"\
            --home "$sageserverdir/$sageservername"\
            --geco ",,,"
    for i in $(seq 0 9); do
        sudo adduser --disabled-password\
                --ingroup "$sageusergroupname"\
                --home "$sageuserdir/$sageusername$i"\
                --geco ",,," sage$i;
  9. Secure users login

    sudo echo "- : (sageusers) : ALL EXCEPT localhost" >> /etc/security/access.conf
    sudo echo "- : sageserver : ALL" >> /etc/security/access.conf
  10. ssh configuration

    sudo -u "$sageservername" -i ssh-keygen -b 4096
    for i in $(seq 0 9); do
         sudo mkdir -p "$dir$i"/.ssh
         sudo cat "$sageserverdir/$sageservername/.ssh/" \
             > "$dir$i/.ssh/authorized_keys"
         sudo chown -R "$sageusername$i:$sageusergroupname" "$dir$i"
         sudo chmod -R 700 "$dir$i"
    sudo find "$sageuserdir" -type f -exec chmod u-x {} \;
    sudo chmod 700 "$sageserverdir/$sageservername"
    sudo chmod 750 "$sageserverdir" "$sageuserdir"
    sudo chgrp "$sageservername" "$sageserverdir"
    sudo chgrp "$sageusergroupname" "$sageuserdir"
    sudo echo "umask 077" >> "$sageserverdir/$sageservername/.profile"
    sudo dir="$sageuserdir/$sageusername"
    for i in $(seq 0 9); do
        sudo echo "umask 077" >> "$dir$i/.profile"
  11. Set localhost identity for sageserver user ssh config. Answer yes to all

    sudo -u "$sageservername" ssh "${sageusername}0@localhost" echo Done
  12. Test all the ssh connections

    for i in $(seq 0 9); do
        sudo -u "$sageservername" ssh "$sageusername$i@localhost" echo Success
  13. Prepare the sagewui service

        cp "$sagewuidir/util/sagewui-server" /etc/init.d
  14. Edit the shell variables in /etc/init.d/sagewui-server to set the host and port wanted.

  15. Configure the sagewui service

    update-rc.d sagewui-server defaults 92 08
    update-rc.d sagewui-server enable
  16. Test the service

    service sagewui-server start

    Open your browser and navigate accordingly with the host and port selected. Note that SageWui runs in secure mode, so https:// must be used.


  • Break SageWui in more packages (WebApp, model, controller, ...) useful to develop other independent software.
  • Objects must be processed by the client for displaying. No more html representation of objects must be generated by the server. Establish a clear web server API, so that different web clients could be implemented.
  • interact code refactor.
  • Improve maintainability.
  • Improve security, both in the WebApp and in the sagewui_kernels.sage interactions.
  • Improve scalability.
  • ...


  • The dependencies for sagewui are: twisted, flask, flask-autoindex, flask-babel, flask-themes2, future, smtpsend, pexpect, docutils, jsmin, pyopenssl, service_identity, appdirs. All of them, but smtpsend which is in the source tree, are installable from pipy in an virtual python environment.

  • Backward compatibility is not a goal, but at this moment this version can be used as a replacement of the current Sage Notebook.

  • Some Notebook features could be removed.

  • Removed features:

    • send_mail disabled under py3. Twisted.mail port needed.

    • Openid authentication.