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This is my second Django tutorial as I dive into Test-Driven-Development. The tutorial comes from the Test Driven Development with Python by Harry Percival, see it here.

Compared to my first tutorial, Tango with Django, this Superlists app is a lot more simpler (though not less complex), as it's main focus is on creating a test suite for the app rather than creating a flashy application.


To run locally

  • Create a directory beforehand, call it lists and cd into it

    mkdir lists && cd lists

  • Now, inside lists/ create a directory called database,

    mkdir database

  • Finally, inside lists/ you can clone down the repo,

    git clone

The database folder is kept outside the source code during deployment, so we setup the same way during development.

Before starting up the server, you need to create a virtualenv and install the dependencies,

  • In list/, run virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 lists, activate it source lists/bin/activate
  • Install dependencies, pip install -r superlists/requirements.txt

Now that we have Django, Run python migrate to create the database and start the server with python runserver. Go to http://localhost:8000/ :)