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DDSC-site: front-end Lizard site

This webapplication's primary purpose is to speak REST according to the rest-api defined at .

Building DDSC-site

To get up and running issue the following commands:

$ git clone
$ cd ddsc-site
$ pip install --user nensbuild
$ nensbuild

The postgis database ddsc_site is needed. Create one with createdb.

Sample data

For testing out the various "reinout-api" branches and lizard-structure, load the "demodata" fixture. It contains an empty home screen and a bunch of WMS layers (those layers are copied from deltaportaal, btw):

$ bin/django loaddata demodata



Annotations are indexed by the Apache Solr search engine using django-haystack. Currently, the latest versions of these modules must be used, to support spatial search.

For django-haystack, this is 2.0.0-beta. This module is current loaded straight from its git repo using buildout's auto-checkout.

Apache Solr 3.6.2 is included in the subdirectory solr/. This needs to be added as a webapp in tomcat6 using a config file that's generated by buildout. Note: when Solr 3.6.2 appears in your APT repository, it's better to use that instead.

Create a symlink from your Tomcat 6 config dir to the generated config:

$ ln -s /srv/ /etc/tomcat6/Catalina/localhost/solr.xml
$ service tomcat6 restart

The config file points to Solr to /srv/, which in turn refers to /srv/ using a properties file. This directory contains the actual index, and needs to be writable by Solr / Tomcat:

$ sudo chown -R tomcat6.tomcat6 /srv/

The connection to Solr needs to be configured in your

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'haystack.backends.solr_backend.SolrEngine',
        'URL': ''

Schema and index

When changing the Annotation model, the Solr schema needs updating as well:

$ bin/django build_solr_schema > etc/solr/conf/schema.xml

When the index has to be rebuilt entirely:

$ bin/django rebuild_index

When the index can be rebuilt partially, for example in a cron job that runs each hour, you can do:

$ bin/django update_index --age=1

A cronjob doing exactly this is already configured for ddsc-site and ddsc-api. The last update time of an Annotation is determined by its updated_at column, which is marked auto_now=True.

For now, instant updating of the index is enabled in, at the cost of a tiny performance hit when creating annotations:

HAYSTACK_SIGNAL_PROCESSOR = 'haystack.signals.RealtimeSignalProcessor'


Searching annotations is easy:

$ wget ""
>> {"count": 17928}
$ wget ""
>> {
    "count": 774,
    "next": "",
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "id": "ddsc_site.annotation.45525",
            "category": "ddsc",
            "text": "text 45343",
            "username": "username 45343",
            "picture_url": "picture_url 45343",
            "the_model_name": "model_name 45343",
            "the_model_pk": "model_pk 45343",
            "location": [-80.4656999999999982, 44.5343000000000018],
            "datetime_from": "2013-03-21T14:46:46",
            "datetime_until": "2013-03-21T14:46:46",
            "visibility": "3",
            "tags": "tag1 tag2",
            "created_at": null,
            "updated_at": null
$ wget "
>> {"count": 2}

Possible GET parameters:


Search in a category. Probably always 'ddsc'.


Comma-separated bounding box for the locations. Default WMS format, like, so "west,south,east,north". SRID 4326 (a.k.a. WGS 84). When equal to "test", uses some fixed coordinates which are compatible with Annotation.create_test_data().


Alternative, if bbox isn't defined.


Alternative, if bbox isn't defined. Comma separated.


Only available in DEBUG mode. Test private/public annotation visibility with this.

model_name, model_pk

Search for annotations related to a specific model instance. For example a Timeseries with a specific UUID.


Search for annotations related to a whole set of model instances. Separate different pairs of model name and PK with a semi-colon (';', or %3B in url encoding). Separate model name and PK with a comma (',', or %2C in url encoding). For example, model_names_pks=location%2C54%3Btimeseries%2Csome-uuid-here.

datetime_from, datetime_until

Search annotations in a specific time range. Takes any dateutil.parser compatible format, for example ISO8601: "2013-03-21T14:46:50.000".


Fulltext search in the text of the annotation.


A set of space-separated tags to search.

Create a set of test annotations:

$ bin/django shell
>> from ddsc_site.models import Annotation
>> Annotation.create_test_data()


Lizard site for showing the data from the DDSC api







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