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This is the documentation for the Fivesquare tech test for Hinge.

See the wiki to review the task.

Check out the API documentation for instructions.

The project is built with Pyramid. Cornice and Colander is used to power the RESTful API. BCrypt is used to hash passwords and JWT is used to create access tokens. The Google Maps API is used to geocode Business Addresses. Sphinx is used to generate the API documentation. The project is structured to be served on Heroku.

WARNING: In practice the APIs should go through https using ssl, but for this demo the API is served through http.



This project assumes you have run stardust initialization. You can also run make ubuntu to build your local environment if needed.

initialize virtual environment with requirements.txt:

cd /path/to/project
make ubuntu

# personally I have the venv dir outside the project
# /env and /envs are .gitignored

cd /path/to/env/dir
virtualenv fivesquare
source fivesquare/bin/activate
pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt

cd /path/to/service
python develop

There are scripts to help manage the database. They can be run by passing the config file.

  • reset_db - resets all data in the database
  • load_db - loads and initializes data used for testing
  • create_user - creates a new user

NOTE: because of how settings are loaded you also need to have the PYRAMID_SETTINGS environment variable set if not running develop.ini.

export PYRAMID_SETTINGS=production.ini#main
reset_db production.ini
load_db production.ini
create_user production.ini

load_db should be run before running the test scripts and can be used to seed data into the system.

This loads a default user with the following credentials:

password: test

The user can be used to authenticate to get an access_token for the requests that need authorization.


The default make command will run the server locally. MongoDB is required and Redis is optional depending on your settings.

The following commands are all the same:

cd /path/to/service
make run
pserve development.ini --reload

The server will be served from:


The postman collection file in /postman can be used to test the endpoints.

You'll need to start a new environment with the following variables defined:

  • host
  • access_token


There is a Makefile in the /service directory to help automate commands. Here's a list of targets.

command description
run (default) runs the pyramid pserve local server
build builds the project
docs builds the docs
ubuntu installs the dependencies into an ubuntu server
redis use to connect to the rediscloud cli
clean cleans all compiled files
tailog tail the heroku server logs


Nose and unittest are used for tests. Some of the tests depend on the database to be initialized through the load_db script. See the SETUP section for details.

# examples
cd /path/to/service

nosetests service.apps.auth
nosetests service.apps.auth.tests:UserAPI
nosetests service.apps.auth.tests:UserAPI.test_user_creation