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This folder contains the ALGENCAN 2.3.7.

File algencan-manual.pdf is a very first draft of the User Manual of
ALGENCAN 2.3.7 that is not present in the current distribution but
will be present soon.

Interfaces with AMPL, C/C++, CUTEr, Java, Matlab, Octave, Python, R
and TCL are included.

Quick starts for using the stand alone Fortran 77 version of ALGENCAN
2.3.7, as well as the AMPL, C/C++, CUTEr, Java, Matlab, Octave, Python,
R and TCL interfaces follow:

All the environment variables that will be mentioned from now on must
be set within file $(ALGENCAN)/Makefile. The first environment
variable that must be set is ALGENCAN that must point to the directory
where ALGENCAN was installed, for example:

ALGENCAN := $(HOME)/algencan

This new version of ALGENCAN includes some algorithmic options that
may require the usage of MA27 or MA57 from HSL to solve sparse linear
systems. MC30 or MC77 can also be optionally used, in combination with
MA27, to scale the linear systems. Those subroutines ARE NOT MANDATORY
and ALGENCAN can be used without them. If you decide to provide any of
the HSL subroutines, please, place a copy of each of them in folder

Note that the file corresponding to the MA57 subroutine must include
all of its HSL, BLAS and MeTiS dependencies, which are distributed
along with both the complete HSL library and the individual MA57
package, available free of charge for academic research use.

If you have purchased and downloaded the complete library, the files
that need to be concatenated into one (named ma57ad.f) in order to
satisfy the above mentioned dependencies are:

   (i) From BLAS: dgemm.f, dgemv.f, dtpsv.f, idamax.f, lsame.f,
  (ii) From HSL:  fd15ad.f, ma57ad.f, mc21ad.f, mc34ad.f, mc47ad.f,
                  mc59ad.f, mc64ad.f, mc71ad.f;
 (iii) MeTiS dummy routine (metis.f).

Finally, please observe that at the present time ALGENCAN supports
only the Fortran 77, double precision version of those subroutines.

Important: do not include idamax.f into ma57ad.f to compile the CUTEr

Stand alone Fortran 77:

1) Type make PROBNAME=toyprob. It will generate an executable file
called algencan situated in folder $(ALGENCAN)/bin/fortran/.

2) Move it to your own folder and run it typing ./algencan.

3) Modify file toyprob.f situated in $(ALGENCAN)/sources/problems/ to
solve your own problem.

AMPL interface:

1) Type make algencan-ampl. It will generate an executable file called
algencan situated in folder $(ALGENCAN)/bin/ampl/.

2) Go to your own folder and copy to it files and
toyprob.mod situated in $(ALGENCAN)/sources/interfaces/ampl/.

3) Add folder $(ALGENCAN)/bin/ampl to your PATH environment variable.

4) Enter into AMPL and run ALGENCAN typing include

5) Modify file toyprob.mod in your own folder to solve a problem of
your interest.

Obs1: It is assumed that (i) the environment variable AMPL points to
the directory where AMPL is installed and that (ii) you have
downloaded solvers.tar from the AMPL web page at Netlib
( and (following the instructions in
the README file) built file $(AMPL)/solvers/amplsolver.a.

C/C++ interface:

1) Type make algencan-c PROBNAME=toyprob. It will generate an
executable file called algencan situated in folder $(ALGENCAN)/bin/c/.

2) Move it to your own folder and run it typing ./algencan.

3) Modify file toyprob.c situated in $(ALGENCAN)/sources/interfaces/c/
to solve your own problem.

CUTEr interface:

1) Type make algencan-cuter PROBNAME=ALLINITC. It will generate an
executable file called algencan situated in folder

2) Go to your own folder and move to it file OUTSDIF.d situated in

3) From your own folder (were you have moved file OUTSDIF.d) run
ALGENCAN follwing one of the options above:

3a) Type $(ALGENCAN)/bin/cuter/algencan.

3b) Move file $(ALGENCAN)/bin/cuter/algencan to your own folder and
type algencan.

3c) Add $(ALGENCAN)/bin/cuter to your PATH environment variable and
type algencan.

4) In the example above, ALLINITC corresponds to a SIF file called
ALLINITC.SIF containing the description of the problem to be
solved. Change the name of the problem to solve other problems from
the CUTEr collection.

Obs1: It is assumed that you already installed the double precision
versions of CUTEr and SifDec and that you have set the environment
variables CUTER, SIFDEC and MASTSIF.

Directory $(SIFDEC)/double/bin/ must contain the executable file
sifdec, while $(MASTSIF) must contain the SIF files. Directory
$(CUTER)/double/bin/ must contain file linpac.o and
$(CUTER)/double/lib/ must contain file libcuter.a.

Examples of these variables follow:

MASTSIF  := $(HOME)/MastSIF/mastsif
SIFDEC   := $(HOME)/SifDec/SifDec.custom.pc.lnx.gfo
CUTER    := $(HOME)/CUTEr/cuter-export/CUTEr.custom.pc.lnx.gfo

Java interface:

1) Type make algencan-java PROBNAME=ToyProb. It will generate files
called algencan.jar, algencanma.jar and situated in
folder $(ALGENCAN)/bin/java/.

2) Move them to your own folder and run it typing java -jar

3) Modify files, and situated in $(ALGENCAN)/sources/interfaces/java/ to
solve your own problem.

Obs1: It is assumed that the environment variable JAVAINC points to
the directory containing the include library files needed for
developing Java extensions. Examples of this variable follow:

JAVAINC := /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-

Matlab interface:

1) Type make algencan-matlab or make algencan-matlab 64BITS=true for
64 bits platforms. It will generate Matlab executables called
algencan.mexglx in folder $(ALGENCAN)/bin/matlab.

2) Go to your own folder and copy to it all the *.m files situated in

3) Enter into Matlab and type addpath('$(ALGENCAN)/bin/matlab'),
replacing $(ALGENCAN) with the directory pointed to by it.

4) Run algencan typing algencanma.

5) Modify the appropriate Matlab files (among inip.m, endp.m, evalf.m,
evalg.m, evalh.m, evalco.m, evaljac.m, evalhc.m, evalfco.m,
evalgjac.m, evalhl.m and evalhlp.m) in your own folder to solve a
problem of your interest.

Obs1: See file $(ALGENCAN)/sources/interfaces/matlab/ in
case you need to change a compilation option.

Octave interface:

1) Type make algencan-octave. It will generate an Octave library
called algencan.oct situated in folder $(ALGENCAN)/bin/octave/.

2) Go to your own folder and copy to it files algencan.oct, toyprob.m
and algencanma.m situated in $(ALGENCAN)/bin/octave/.

3) Enter into Octave and run ALGENCAN typing source("algencanma.m").
(Note that algencanma.m is not a function but a "script" or "main
program"; so typing just algencanma.m within Octave will not

4) Modify file toyprob.m in your own folder to solve a problem of
your interest.

Obs1: It is assumed that the environment variables OCTINC and OCTLIB
point to the directories containing the include and the library files
needed for developing Octave extensions, respectively. Examples of
these variables follow:

OCTINC := /usr/include/octave-3.0.0
OCTLIB := /usr/lib/octave-3.0.0

Python interface:

1) Type make algencan-py. It will generate a Python module called situated in folder $(ALGENCAN)/bin/py/.

2) Go to your own folder and copy to it files and situated in $(ALGENCAN)/sources/interfaces/py/.

3) Add folder $(ALGENCAN)/bin/py to your PYTHONPATH environment

4) Run algencan typing ./

5) Modify file in your own folder to solve a problem of
your interest.

Obs1: It is assumed that (i) packages python, python-dev,
python-numpy and python-numpy-dev are installed; that (ii)
the directory PYTHONINC contains the include files needed for
developing Python extensions and embedding the interpreter and
that (iii) the directory PYTHONLIB contains the standard Python
modules. Examples of these variables follow:

PYTHONINC := /usr/include/python2.5
PYTHONLIB := /usr/lib/python2.5

R interface:

1) Type make algencan-r. It will generate a R module called situated in folder $(ALGENCAN)/bin/r/.

2) Go to your own folder and copy to it files algencanma.r,
toyprob.r and situated in $(ALGENCAN)/bin/r/.

3) Enter into R and run ALGENCAN typing source("algencanma.r").

4) Modify file toyprob.r in your own folder to solve a problem of
your interest.

Obs1: It is assumed that the directory RINC contains files R.h and
Rdefines.h. An example of this variable follow:

RINC := /usr/share/R/include

TCL interface

1) Type make algencan-tcl. It will generate the dinamic library file
called situated in $(ALGENCAN)/bin/tcl/.

2) Go to your own folder and copy the file plus the files
algencanma.tcl and toyprob.tcl situated in

3) Run algencan typing tclsh algencanma.tcl.

4) Modify file toyprob.tcl in your own folder to solve a problem of
your interest.

Obs1: It is assumed that the environment variables TCLINC and TCLLIB
point to the directories containing the include and the library files
needed for developing Tcl extensions, respectively. Examples of
these variables follow:

TCLINC := /usr/include/tcl8.5
TCLLIB := /usr/lib