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AWS Role/Policy Utility

This utility helps manage AWS IAM Roles, and their associated Policies via a simple model.


This utility is distributed as a python module, ready to be installed with pip.

This app requires python 3

To install into a virtual environment, and muck about with the code, cd to the top folder and run:

> pip intall --editable .

This will install the app, called manage, and it's dependencies.


If you pull this from the git repo, you will have two folders in the top level folder that contain the actual model, and it's templates:

  • json: This folder contains the primary model file: model.json, as well as the properties.json file, used for processing the model. More on this later.

  • policy_templates: This folder contains the current set of policy templates. The templates use jinja2, and get passed the region, env, role, and service variables from the model.

The Model


In the confyrm model, IAM roles are named using the pattern `--` where: - region is an AWS region, such as us-west-2 - env is a Confyrm hosted environment, such as - prod - qa - test - dev - infra - corp - role is the principle role for the instance.

Thus, we have roles named things like:

  • us-west-2-prod-api_nginx
  • us-west-2-corp-kibana
  • us-west-2-infra-jenkins

You get the idea.

Role Policies

Policies follow a similar naming pattern, with a slight twist. Policy names follow the pattern <region>-<env>-<service> due to the fact that a single role may have multiple services, and require multiple policies.

Model Template

The model template is a json structure as follows:

Processing the Model

The model file itself is processed with jinja2, in order to minimize the amount of redundency in the model specification. The file `properties.json` is loaded at runtime, and used as the input to jinja2. So, if you want to extend the model, you can add additional data to that file.

Along with the data in the properties.json file, the instantiated CSMContext object is also available in the ctx attribute. So, for instance, the orgId attribute in the runtime CSMContext is available to jinja as ctx.orgId.

Processing the Templates

Each service listing in the model contains a set of 1 or more templates. These identify the template files in the policy_templates folder (and are named the same, but without the .template extension).

Each template file is processed by jinja2. Along with the standard properties, and CSMContext, the values of the relevant region, env, and service are made available to jinja2.

The processed output becomes the policy document that is given to AWS IAM. Because of the ease with which this model allows you to specify policies, this enables you to have very fine grained policies, rather than monolithic policies per role.

Manaage app

The manage app has three primary commands:
  • policies: Creates, compares, and updates policies based on the model

  • roles: Creates, compares, and updates AWS roles based on the model. Including attaching policies.

  • model: Show the processed model. This will show you exactly what the final policies look like once processed. If you want to see the raw json model (after processing) use the model json command


Simple utility to manage AWS IAM roles and policies from a json model






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