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LegoRL is a reinforcement learning plugin-based agent built on top of a fork based on DeeR. A LegoRL agent may be mono or multi-task (which make easier implementation of transfer learning techniques) and use a Q-Network to learn. Furthermore, the LegoRL agent work with third-party classes (that are named "controllers") to perform exploration/exploitation routines (e.g. controlling learning rate, discount factor, €-exploration, and more...)


This interface has been tested in Python >= 3.6 but should also work with older versions.

You will need the following dependencies :

  • DeeR
  • NumPy >= 1.10
  • joblib >= 0.9
  • Theano >= 0.8
  • TensorFlow >= 0.9
  • Matplotlib >= 1.1.1 for testing purpose
  • Keras
  • ConfigObj >= 5.0

How To Install

There is no setup, you can directly use the main script by running python, which will give you an extensive help about arguments.

How To Start

The only required argument is the environment module to consider. Here, we run a minimal example with Cartpole :

python --env-module cartpole.

However, while there is a Reinforcement Learning loop running with this command, only exploration is performed, and thus a neural network file with random weights is output. If you want to include training, you need to attach the appropriate controller as done below :

python --env-module cartpole --attach trainerController.

Now learning is included in the RL loop. Default configuration will be used here. Below is the complete synopsis of adding a controller : python --env-module cartpole --attach trainerController [config_file | key=value] [key=value]^+ where the configuration file config_file, if provided, is loaded and the following arguments are used to override the values in config_file. Otherwise, the values are used to override those are defined in the default configuration file. Go to the Controller folder to see which controllers you can include in the command. The controllers are executed sequentially according to the order in which they are declared in the command line. For example, when the following command is run,

python --env-module cartpole --attach epsilonController --attach trainerController,

the controller EpsilonController (which decreases linearly the €-exploration rate) will be executed before the trainerController.

How to contribute

You can :

  • Add new environments in folder envs, following Environment abstract class specs in this folder
  • Add new controllers in folder ctrls, following Controller abstract class specs in this folder
  • Add new neural networks controllers, following QNetwork abstract class specs in this folder,
  • Add new neural network backend in this folder, as long as you implement the method _buildDQN and with which neural network controller is it compatible.

Approval through pull request is subject to genericity, i.e. your contribution can be used across RL domains.


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