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Getting Started

Install Requirements

* Pyenv
  * If Python 3.6 is already available on your favorite distro, you can skip this step
* Python 3.6.2
* Pip
  * Latest version
* GNU Make
* Docker 17.05
* Docker Compose

Using Pyenv

Install pyenv-virtualenvwrapper:

git clone ~/.pyenv/plugins/pyenv-virtualenvwrapper

Launch pyenv virtualenvwrapper:

pyenv virtualenvwrapper

First Install Quickstart

Builds containers, sets up a venv, brings a compose environment, migrates the database and imports test data. This will take a while, so be patient

make all

Install requirements in your virtual machine

pip install -r requirements.txt

Create environment file and source it

make env

Populate Environment Variables

Run this every time the container is built

. ./scripts/

This will populate the environment variables to your local env (aka the docker host) Errors such as log level not found are often due to forgetting this step

Running tests

Tests have been separated into unit and functional tests. Currently, the default test environment only triggers the unit tests, as functional tests are very heavy weight and require containers to run. Unit tests can be triggered with:


Additionally, you can pass the name of the tox unit environment directly with -e:

tox -e unit

Similarly, to run functional tets:

tox -e functional

Running a Docker Compose environment

A docker-compose configuration has been provided, which starts web service and database containers for easier testing.

Makefile Commands

  • make - See what other options are available
  • make run - Start all containers and restore database
  • make database - Drop the current database and restore it from the most recent prod backup
  • make web_cli - Go to the web container CLI
  • make db_cli - Enter the database container CLI, jumping directly into MySQL
  • make reset_web - Reset the lifeloopweb_web_1 container. You MUST do this anytime you change an environment variable
  • make stop - Teardown compose containers (You will need to delete the containers for a thorough cleanup)
  • make webpack - Runs a webpack watcher

Helpful Bash Aliases

By adding these aliases to your .bash_profile, you can use the dka command to quickly and methodically delete everything associated with your running docker containers.

Outside of your env:

alias dka='dkc;dki;dkv'
alias dkc='docker ps -aq | xargs docker rm -f'
alias dki='docker images -aq | xargs docker rmi -f'
alias dkv='docker volume ls -qf dangling=true | xargs docker volume rm'

Check environment variables are loading

make shell


In [1]: from lifeloopweb import *

Making a new migration file

Create a template file and update the head reference:

lifeloop_db_manage revision -m "Revision File Name"

Run the completed migration:

lifeloop_db_manage upgrade head

Cleaning up after yourself:

lifeloop_db_manage drop_tables

Add a new requirement? Code change?

Don't forget to rebuild your containers:

make reset_web

To View the Build Status
