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This repo is in early beta and hence is highly dynamic.

System dependencies

How to start

The entire system is built on multiple docker containers with docker-compose. To start the entire system, simply run:

docker build -t baseimg ./base
docker-compose up -d

The default path to elasticsearch data is /mnt/data/elasticsearch, and the default path to temporary file dumps from crawler is /mnt/data/logstash. You propably would like to change these two pathes in docker-compose.yml before running the system.

Docker images


Built on a minimal ubuntu:14.04 with utilities of openjdk, wget, curl, and unzip. This baseimg image must be built before running docker-compose. Build the image by:

cd docker/base
docker build -t baseimg .

The elastic and logstash images are both built on top of the baseimg.


To run the crawler (written in python) against Riot Games API server. Built on official python:2.7 image, with modules mentioned in [System Dependencies](### System dependencies) all installed. The image will be auto built by docker-compose up -d.

By default, any crawled results will be dumped to path /mnt/data/logstash in hourly file rotation manner, and will auto purge after 7 days. You can change the behavior in before starting the system.


The image of elasticsearch installation. You may want to edit config files under config in advance to meet your environment setup. The image will be auto built by docker-compose up -d.


The image of logstash installation. The image will be auto built by docker-compose up -d.

The logstash container uses file input to insert data from files dumped by crawler in /mnt/data/logstash, to elastic container where the actuall index data will be stored at /mnt/data/elasticsearch. You can adjust the behavior of logstash by editing the file under logstash/config.

When there is no index pre-defined (the ground-zero case) at elastic, the logstash image is also responsible to create one. See /logstash/ for more details.


The image is directly pulled from official kibana docker hub. The image will be auto built by docker-compose up -d.

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LOL Match Analysis System






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