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Backtest portfolio allocation strategies.

Install Requirements

A requirements file has been added to be able to install the required libraries. To install them, you need to run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

A virtual environment should normally also be setup.

Install Backtrader Reports

$ pip3 install jinja2
$ pip install WeasyPrint

or run the bash script

Usage of main

python [--historic [medium | long]] [--shares SHARES --shareclass SHARECLASS] [--weights WEIGHTS | --strategy STRATEGY] [--indicators] [--benchmark BENCHMARK]
               [--initial_cash INITIAL_CASH] [--contribution CONTRIBUTION] 
               [--startdate STARTDATE] [--enddate ENDDATE]
               [--system SYSTEM] [--leverage LEVERAGE] 
               [--create_report [--report_name REPORT_NAME] [--user USER] [--memo MEMO]] 


Running with the options below a backtest is performed on the assets specified following a specified strategy. It is recommended to run the code in a jupyter notebook. Jupyter notebooks are available in the 'src' folder.


Passive strategies

Semi-passive strategies

  • trend_u First weights are assigned according to the "uniform" strategy. Then, if the current asset price is smaller than the simple moving average, the weight is set to zero (leave as cash).
  • absmom_u First weights are assigned according to the "uniform" strategy. Then, if the asset return over the period (momentum) is less than 0, the weight is set to zero (leave as cash).
  • relmom_u First assets are ranked based on their return over the period (momentum) and divided in two classes. The portfolio is formed by the assets belonging to the higher return class. Then, weights are assigned to this portfolio according to the "uniform" strategy.
  • momtrend_u First weights are assigned according to the "uniform" strategy. Second, assets are ranked based on their return over the period (momentum) and divided in two classes. For the assets belonging to the lower return class, the weight is set to zero (leave as cash). Finally, a trend filter is then applied to assets with positive weight: if the current asset price is smaller than the simple moving average, the weight is set to zero (leave as cash).
  • trend_rp First weights are assigned according to the "riskparity" strategy. Then, if the current asset price is smaller than the simple moving average, the weight is set to zero (leave as cash).
  • absmom_rp First weights are assigned according to the "riskparity" strategy. Then, if the asset return over the period (momentum) is less than 0, the weight is set to zero (leave as cash).
  • relmom_rp First assets are ranked based on their return over the period (momentum) and divided in two classes. The portfolio is formed by the assets belonging to the higher return class. Then, weights are assigned to this portfolio according to the "risk parity" strategy.
  • momtrend_rp First weights are assigned according to the "riskparity" strategy. Second, assets are ranked based on their return over the period (momentum) and divided in two classes. For the assets belonging to the lower return class, the weight is set to zero (leave as cash). Finally, a trend filter is then applied to assets with positive weight: if the current asset price is smaller than the simple moving average, the weight is set to zero (leave as cash).
  • GEM Global equity momentum strategy. Needs only 4 assets of classes equity, equity_intl, bond_lt, money_market. example: --shares VEU,IVV,BIL,AGG --shareclass equity_intl,equity,money_market,bond_lt. See Note: the asset classes (--shareclass argument) used in the strategies are: Gold, Commodities, Equities, Long Term Bonds, Short Term Bonds (see "OPTIONS" section below). When --historic is not specified, every asset after --shares must be assigned to one of these

Taking into account the minimum period

Please note that the backtest starts after the periods used to calculate the covariance matrix and variance of assets, necessary to compute the weights of riskparity and riskparity_nested strategies and the periods to calculate the moving average and the momentum. The minimum period is defined as the maximum between lookback_period_short, lookback_period_long, moving_average_period and moving_average_period (see

For example, if the minimum period is 120 days for daily data and to 10 years for yearly data:

  • Years i.e. when --historic is long, if startdate is between "1916-01-02" and "1917-01-01" the backtest starts on the "1926-01-01"
  • Days e.g. when --historic is medium or when --shares are specified, if startdate is "1999-01-01" the backtest starts on the "1999-06-18"


  • --historic use historical asset data, already downloaded manually. Alternative is using assets downloaded automatically from the Yahoo API. If --historic = "medium" assets from about 1970 at daily frequency are loaded ('GLD', 'COM', 'SP500', 'SP500TR', 'LTB', 'ITB','TIP'). If --historic = "long" assets from 1900 at annual frequency are loaded ('GLD_LNG', 'OIL_LNG', 'EQ_LNG', 'LTB_LNG', 'ITB_LNG', '10YB_LNG', 'RE_LNG''). The specific assets to be loaded need to be specified after --shares.
  • --shares if --historic is not specified, use downloaded asset data of the tickers specified in a comma separated list (e.g. "SPY,TLT,GLD"). If --historic is specified, load asset data of the tickers specified in a comma separated list.
  • --shareclass class of each share specified after --shares (e.g. equity,bond_lt,gold). Possibilities are equity, bond_lt, bond_it, gold, commodity, where "bond_lt" and "bond_it" are long and intermediate duration bonds, respectively. This argument is mandatory when --historic is not chosen
  • --weights list of portfolio weights for each share specified after --shares (e.g. 0.35,0.35,0.30). The weights need to sum to 1. When weights are specified a custom weights strategy is used that simply loads the weights specified. Alternative is --strategy. Either this argument or --strategy is mandatory
  • --strategy name of one of the strategy to run for the PDF report. Possibilities are riskparity, riskparity_nested, rotationstrat, uniform, vanillariskparity, onlystocks, sixtyforty. Alternative is --weights. Either this argument or --weights is mandatory
  • --indicators include the indicator assets (no backtest will be run on these) that are used to decide which assets are used in the strategy. At present these are used only in the asset rotation strategy. This argument is mandatory when --strategy rotationstrat is chosen
  • --benchmark name of a benchmark to compare against the portfolio allocations. The benchmark is bought using the money available in the portfolio. No leverage is applied to the benchmark.
  • --initial_cash initial_cash to start with. Default is 100000.
  • --contribution cash invested or withdrawn in a given year. If the data frequency is daily cash is added or removed on the 20th of each month; if the data frequency is yearly, cash is added or removed each year. If the amount is between (-1,1) the amount is considered to be a % of the portfolio value (e.g. if the amount is -0.04, the 4% of the portfolio is withdrawn). Default is 0.
  • --startdate starting date of the simulation. If not specified backtrader will take the earliest possible date. (To test)
  • --enddate end date of the simulation. If not specified backtrader will take the latest possible date. (To test)
  • --system operating system, to deal with different path. Default is windows. If not specified windows is not chosen.
  • --leverage leverage to consider. Leverage is applied both with historical (--historic) and automatic (--shares). data Default is 1.
  • --create_report creates a report if true
  • --report_name report name. Default is "Report_DATE". This argument should be specified only when --create_report is chosen
  • --user user generating the report. Default is "Federico & Fabio". This argument should be specified ony when --create_report is chosen
  • --memo description of the report. Default is "Backtest". This argument should be specified ony when --create_report is chosen

Hidden parameters

The parameters below are hardcoded in the file.

General parameters

  • DAYS_IN_YEAR Number of days in a year. Default is 260.
  • DAYS_IN_YEAR_BOND_PRICE Number of days in a year used for calculating bond prices from yields. Default is 360.
  • APPLY_LEVERAGE_ON_LIVE_STOCKS Flag to apply leverage to downloaded stock prices or not

Strategy parameters

  • reb_days Number of days (of bars) every which the portfolio is rebalanced. Default is 30 for daily data and 1 for yearly data.
  • lookback_period_short Window to calculate the standard deviation of assets returns. Applies to strategy riskparity and derived strategies. Default is 20 for daily data and 10 for yearly data.
  • lookback_period_long Window to calculate the correlation matrix of assets returns. Applies to strategies riskparity and derived strategies. Default is 120 for daily data and 10 for yearly data.
  • moving_average_period Window to calculate simple moving average. Applies to strategies trend_uniform, trend_riskparity, momentumtrend_uniform and momentumtrend_riskparity. Default is 252 for daily data and 5 for yearly data.
  • momentum_period Window to calculate the momentum. Applies to strategies absolutemomentum_uniform, relativemomentum_uniform, momentumtrend_uniform, absolutemomentum_riskparity, relativemomentum_riskparity and momentumtrend_riskparity. Default is 252 for daily data and 5 for yearly data.
  • printlog If true a log is output in the terming. Default is True.
  • corrmethod Method for the calculation of the correlation matrix. Applies to strategies riskparity and riskparity_nested. Default is 'pearson'. Alternative is 'spearman'.
  • momentum_percentile Percentile of assets with the highest return in a period to form the relative momentum portfolio. The higher the percentile, the higher the return quantile.

Report parameters

  • riskfree Risk free rate to be used in metrics like treynor_ratio, sharpe_ratio, etc. Default is 0.01.
  • targetrate Target return rate to be used in omega_ratio, sortino_ratio, kappa_three_ratio, gain_loss_ratio, upside_potential_ratio. Default is 0.01.
  • alpha Confidence interval to be used in VaR, CVaR and VaR based metrics (excess VaR, conditional Sharpe Ratio). Default is 0.05.
  • market_mu Average annual return of the market, to be used in Treynor ratio, Information ratio. Default is 0.07.
  • market_sigma Annual standard deviation of the market, to be used in Treynor ratio, Information ratio. Default is 0.15.
  • fundmode Calculate metrics in fund model vs asset mode. Default is True.
  • stddev_sample Bessel correction (N-1) when calculating standard deviation from a sample. Default is True.
  • logreturns Use logreturns instead of percentage returns when calculating metrics (not recommended). Default is False.
  • annualize Calculate annualized metrics by annualizing returns first. Default is True.


  1. Historical data, uniform strategy
python --historic "medium" --shares GLD,COM,SP500,LTB,ITB  --strategy uniform --initial_cash 100000 --contribution 10000 --create_report --report_name example --startdate "2015-01-01" --enddate "2020-01-01" --system windows --leverage 3
  1. Historical data, custom weights
python --historic "medium" --shares GLD,COM,SP500,LTB,ITB --weights "0.2, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.3" --initial_cash 100000 --contribution 10000 --create_report --report_name example --startdate "2015-01-01" --enddate "2020-01-01" --system windows --leverage 3
  1. Automatically downloaded data, custom weights
python --shares SPY,IWM,TLT,GLD --shareclass "equity,equity,bond_lt,gold" --weights "0.2, 0.3, 0.1, 0.4" --initial_cash 100000 --contribution 10000 --create_report --report_name example --startdate "2015-01-01" --enddate "2020-01-01" --system windows --leverage 3
  1. Automatically downloaded data, 60-40 strategy
python --shares SPY,IWM,TLT,GLD --shareclass "equity,equity,bond_lt,gold" --strategy sixtyforty --initial_cash 100000 --contribution 10000 --create_report --report_name example --startdate "2015-01-01" --enddate "2020-01-01" --system windows --leverage 3
  1. Multiple strategies backtest
python --shares UPRO,UGLD,TYD,TMF,UTSL --shareclass "equity,gold,bond_it,bond_lt,commodity" --strategy riskparity_nested,riskparity,riskparity_pylib --initial_cash 100000 --contribution 0 --create_report --report_name MyCurrentPortfolio --startdate "2019-01-01" --enddate "2020-06-30" --system windows --leverage 1

  1. GEM
python --shares VEU,IVV,BIL,AGG --shareclass equity_intl,equity,money_market,bond_lt --strategy GEM --initial_cash 10000000 --contribution 0 --create_report --report_name MyCurrentPortfolio --startdate "2019-01-01" --enddate "2020-06-30" --system windows --leverage 1


Data are stored in a sqlite3 database "myPortfolio.db" with the following structure:

    • "TICKER" TEXT,
    • "ISIN" TEXT,
    • "SOURCE" TEXT,
    • "HIGH" REAL,
    • "LOW" REAL,
    • "CLOSE" REAL,
    • "VOLUME" REAL,
  • DIM_STOCK_DATES (view)
    • TICKER
    • MIN_DT
    • MAX_DT

The database is populated using two main sources of financial data:

Below the data which have been manually downloaded from various online sources.

Symbol Name File name Start date Used (Y/N) Used for Frequency Description Source
TIP DFII10.csv 02/01/2003 Y Medium term backtest Daily 10 Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security
GLD Gold.csv 29/12/1978 N Medium term backtest Daily Gold Prices ???
GLD GOLDAMGBD228NLBM.csv 02/04/1968 Y Medium term backtest Daily Gold Prices
COM SPGSCITR_IND.csv Dec 31, 1969 Y Medium term backtest Daily SP500 GSCI Total Return Index (commodity and infl.) (Not sure)
ITB ^FVX.csv 02/01/1962 Y Medium term backtest Daily Treasury Yield 5 Years
SP500 ^GSPC.csv 30/12/1927 Y Medium term backtest Daily SP500 Index
SP500TR ^SP500TR.csv 04/01/1988 Y Medium term backtest Daily SP500 Index total return
US20YB DGS20.csv 04/01/1962 Y Medium term backtest Daily Treasury Yield 20 Years
LTB ^TYX.csv 15/02/1977 Y Medium term backtest Daily Treasury Yield 30 Years
T10Y2Y Y Indicator for rotational strategy Daily 10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Minus 2-Year Treasury Constant Maturity
DFII20 Y Indicator for rotational strategy Daily 20-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security, Constant Maturity
T10YIE Y Indicator for rotational strategy Daily 10-Year Breakeven Inflation Rate (T10YIE)
OIL_LNG F000000__3a.xls 1900 Y Long term backtest Yearly U.S. Crude Oil First Purchase Price (Dollars per Barrel) from 1900 to 2019 (annual frequency)
EQ_LNG, RE_LNG, LTB_LNG, ITB_LNG JSTdatasetR4.xlsx 1891 Y Long term backtest (US equity, bond, bills, housing total return) Yearly Macroeconomic data from 1870 to 2019
US10YB_LNG 10usy_b_y.csv 1900 Y Long term backtest Yearly US 10Y Treasury yield
GOLD_1800-2019.csv N Replaced. It was used for the long term backtest. Yearly Gold prices
GLD_LNG GOLD_PIKETTY_1850-2011.csv 1850 Y Long term backtest Yearly Gold prices

Todo List

  • Implement and test momentum and trending strategies
  • Assign weight to money market, instead of cash, for assets excluded by trend or momentum
  • Integrate the database in the backtesting engine
  • Create a GUI (Googlesheet or dash)
  • Add drawdown plots (for portfolio and assets)
  • Add money withdrawal functionality
  • Create a script to create and execute orders on IBKR (paper trading and live) Separate repository
  • Integrate asset rotation strategy with risk parity (comparison with RP) Implemented: results are wrong
  • Check money drawdown in report that is probably wrong
  • Clean yearly data and add functionality to run backtest on them, regression testing
  • Scan galaxy of assets that are uncorrelated by buckets and save them See Uncorrelated asset Jupyter notebook
  • Report: add max time in drawdown, VaR. Added Pyfolio report. Added multistrategy report.
  • Create simple vanilla risk parity strategy
  • Add the function to automatically calculate the different weights
  • Make the format of the data csv files homogeneous among the different sources
  • Define the bonds proxy based on yields
  • Create a small function to emulate leverage
  • Bucketing by asset classes and put into place the strategy for the weights of each bucket
  • Implement asset rotation strategy


Backtest portfolio allocation strategies.







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