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Role Name

This repository contains Ansible roles and examples playbooks to install Airflow Server on Linux System

Redhat CentOs Ubuntu
V V V (bug with systemd)


No special requirements; note that this role requires root access, so either run it in a playbook with a global become: yes, or invoke the role in your playbook like:

- hosts: airflow_host
    - role: role_ariflow
      become: true

Note: If you want use Postgresql for Airflow's backend, you have to install Postgresql in prerequisites.

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below :

Defaults variables :

role_airflow_pip_version: Pip version installed and used

role_airflow_systemd_dir: Directory where the service systemd file are hosted
role_airflow_root_dir: Directory where airflow will be installed - By default, this path is the airflow's home directory
role_airflow_database_path: Path to the sqlite database - If you use another database, it's useless
role_airflow_bin_airflow: Path to airflow binary

role_airflow_executor_type: Executor type - Sequential Executor by default
role_airflow_database_type: Database used - By default is sqlite
role_airflow_broker: Information on the broker - By default is sqlite
role_airflow_backend: Information on the database backend - sqlite by default
role_airflow_ssl: Security information with certificats - desactivated by default
role_airflow_load_examples: Dags examples includes - By default they are included
role_airflow_log_fetch_timeout_sec: "5"

Variables setted :

role_airflow_packages_requirements_redhat: Packages requirements for Redhat / Centos
role_airflow_python_packages: Python packages requirements

role_airflow_cfg_file: Path to the Airflow configuration file 
role_airflow_dags_dir: Path to dags directory
role_airflow_plugins_dir: Path to plugins directory
role_airflow_run_dir: Path to run directory

role_airflow_logs_dir: Path to Airflow's logs directory
role_airflow_logs_webserver_dir: Webserver logs directory
role_airflow_logs_webserver_error_file: Webserver error log file
role_airflow_logs_webserver_access_file: Webserver log file
role_airflow_logs_worker_dir: Worker logs directory
role_airflow_logs_worker_log: Worker log file
role_airflow_logs_worker_log_stdout: Worker stdout log file
role_airflow_logs_worker_log_stderr: Worker error log file
role_airflow_logs_scheduler_dir: Scheduler logs directory 
role_airflow_logs_scheduler_log: SCheduler log file
role_airflow_logs_scheduler_log_stdout: Scheduler stdout log file
role_airflow_logs_scheduler_log_stderr: Scheduler error log file
role_airflow_logs_test_scripts: Directory where the dags deployed will be tested


By default none.

Example Playbook

If you want install airflow in localhost to test with default vars, you can use the playbook in playbook/simple/main.yml and run it with the following command :

ansible-playbook ./playbook/simple/main.yml -i ./playbook/simple/my_inventory.yml -e "state=role_airlow_whole_install"

If you want install airflow in localhost with specific backend (Postgresql + Rabbitmq + Celery), you can use the playbook in playbook/postgresql_rabbitmq_celery/main.yml and run it with the following command :

ansible-playbook ./playbook/postgresql_rabbitmq_celery/install.yml -i ./playbook/postgresql_rabbitmq_celery/my_inventory.yml -e "env=local"



Author Information

Badr Bakkou, Antoine Deblonde & Franck Vieira


Ansible role to install,configure and remove Airflow






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