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TranQL-Jupyter introduces the %tranql_query magic for querying the TranQL interpreter within Jupyter. It also adds utilties for working with and visualizing knowledge graphs using NetworkX, Seaborn, and Plotly through its KnowledgeGraph class.


Various demo notebooks can be found in the test_notebooks directory. For a comprehensive example, see this notebook.


TranQL-Jupyter is not on PyPI, and must be installed manually:

git clone
pip install ./TranQL-Jupyter


git clone
cd TranQL-Jupyter
python install

TranQL-Jupyter also requires the TranQL interpreter, which is not on PyPI either. It takes a sizeable amount of time to manually install (~5-10 minutes), so you can either manually install in the same manner as TranQL-Jupyter:

git clone
pip install ./TranQL


git clone
cd TranQL
python install

or, you can export an environment variable prior to running the notebook server which points to your own installation of TranQL:


export tranql_path="~/random_dir/tranql/"
jupyter notebook


set tranql_path=C:\\random_dir\\tranql
jupyter notebook


TranQL-Jupyter can be loaded using:

%load_ext tranql_jupyter

Line Magics

To run a query, use the %tranql_query line magic:

In [1]: knowledge_graph = %tranql_query SELECT chemical_substance->disease from "/schema" where chemical_substance="CHEMBL:CHEMBL1261"

Interpreter options can be configured with %config:

In [2]: %config TranQLMagic.asynchronous=False

For all configurable options, see the TranQLMagic class.

Knowledge Graphs

A KnowledgeGraph object is returned by %tranql_query which supports a variety of operations such as union, difference, and symmetric_difference. For the entire list, see NetworkX Operators. The + and - operators are overloaded to perform the simple_union and simple_difference operations.

In[1]: simple_union = mock1 + mock2
       simple_difference = mock1 - mock2
       simple_symmetric_difference = mock1.simple_symmetric_difference(mock2)

Note: operators prefixed with simple are rewrites of NetworkX operators which do not require identical node sets.


The KnowledgeGraph class has two built-in methods for usage with Pandas:

  • to_dataframe_dict converts a KnowledgeGraph object to a dict of {"nodes": DataFrame, "edges": DataFrame}
  • from_dataframe_dict converts the former's structure back to a KnowledgeGraph


There are various ways to go about creating visualizations of a KnowledgeGraph. A 3D force-directed graph can be rendered like so:

In [4]: knowledge_graph.render_force_graph_3d()

Its 2D counterpart can be rendered as well:

In [4]: knowledge_graph.render_force_graph_2d()

Additionally, a 2D variant can be rendered using Plotly, although it takes much longer to render:

In [5]: knowledge_graph.render_plotly_force_graph()

The tabular view of a knowledge graph can be rendered using the render_node_table and render_edge_table methods:

In [6]: knowledge_graph.render_node_table()

By default, only a few columns are shown in the table view. The columns keyword argument can be used to specify which columns to include. If columns is None, all columns will be displayed.

Statistical Visualizations

Various graphs can be rendered to compare data from multiple knowledge graphs. These are static methods of KnowledgeGraph, and in order to access them, KnowledgeGraph has to be explicitly imported:

In [7]: from tranql_jupyter.tranql_response import KnowledgeGraph

Using plot_graph_sizes, the number of nodes and edges in each knowledge graph can quickly be determined:

In [8]: named_knowledge_graph.graph_name = "Named Knowledge Graph"
          (knowledge_graph, "Knowledge Graph #1"),
          (other_knowledge_graph, "Knowledge Graph #2"),

For each KnowledgeGraph, a tuple must be passed of (KnowledgeGraph, name). If the graph_name field is set on a KnowledgeGraph object, just the knowledge graph may be specified.

The plot_node_type_distributions and plot_edge_type_distributions methods allows for easy comparison of the quantities of each type of node/edge in the graphs:

In [9]: KnowledgeGraph.plot_node_type_distributions(
          (knowledge_graph, "Knowledge Graph #1"),
          (other_knowledge_graph, "Knowledge Graph #2"),

API Reference


%load_ext tranql_jupyter


%tranql_query query_body
Magic function Description Returns
%tranql_query(query_body: str) Standard TranQL query KnowledgeGraph



NetworkX Rewrites (simple)

Method Description Default
simple_difference(other_kg: KnowledgeGraph) Returns a KnowledgeGraph containing all nodes/edges in self that are not in other_kg other_kg: required
simple_intersection(other_kg: KnowledgeGraph) Returns a KnowledgeGraph containing only nodes/edges that exist in both self and other_kg other_kg: required
simple_symmetric_difference(other_kg: KnowledgeGraph) Returns a KnowledgeGraph containing only nodes/edges that exist in self or other_kg but not both other_kg: required
__sub__(other_kg: KnowledgeGraph) Overloads the - operator. Alias of simple_difference other_kg: required
K1 = %tranql_query ...
K2 = %tranql_query ...
simple_intersection = K1.simple_intersection(K2)
simple_difference = K1 - K2


Method Description Default
compose(other_kg: KnowledgeGraph) Returns a KnowledgeGraph of the simple union of self and other_kg (node sets do not have to be disjoint) other_kg: required
simple_union(other_kg: KnowledgeGraph) Alias of compose other_kg: required
__add__(other_kg: KnowledgeGraph) Overloads the + operator. Alias of compose other_kg: required
union(other_kg: KnowledgeGraph) Returns a KnowledgeGraph of the union of self and other_kg (node sets must be disjoint) other_kg: required
disjoint_union(other_kg: KnowledgeGraph) Returns a KnowledgeGraph of the disjoint union of self and other_kg other_kg: required
intersection(other_kg: KnowledgeGraph) Returns a KnowledgeGraph containing only edges that exist in both self and other_kg other_kg: required
difference(other_kg: KnowledgeGraph) Returns a KnowledgeGraph containing edges that exist in self but not in other_kg other_kg: required
symmetric_difference(other_kg: KnowledgeGraph) Returns a KnowledgeGraph containing edges that exist in self or other_kg but not both other_kg: required
cartesian_product(other_kg: KnowledgeGraph) Returns a KnowledgeGraph of the Cartesian product of self and other_kg other_kg: required
K1 = %tranql_query ...
K2 = %tranql_query ...
intersection = K1.intersection(K2)
symmetric_difference = K1.symmetric_difference(K2)


Method Description Default Returns
to_dataframe_dict() Converts the KnowledgeGraph to a dict of DataFrames {"nodes": DataFrame, "edges": DataFrame}
static from_dataframe_dict(df_dict: dict) Converts the return type of to_dataframe_dict back into a KnowledgeGraph df_dict: required KnowledgeGraph
K1 = %tranql_query ...
edge_df = K1.to_dataframe_dict()["edges"]


Method Description Default
render_force_graph_2d(title: str) Renders a 2D force graph of the knowledge graph title: automatic
render_force_graph_3d(title: str) Renders a 3D force graph of the knowledge graph title: automatic
render_plotly_force_graph(title: str) Renders a force graph of the knowledge graph using Plotly title: Knowledge Graph
render_node_table(columns: list|tuple) Renders a tabular view of the nodes in the knowledge graph columns: ["name", "id", "type", "equivalent_identifiers"]
render_edge_table(columns: list|tuple) Renders a tabular view of the edges in the knowledge graph columns: ["source_id", "target_id", "type", "weight"]
K1 = %tranql_query ...
K1.render_force_graph_2d(title="A Knowledge Graph")

Statistical Visualization

Method Description Arguments
static plot_graph_sizes(*graphs: tuple|KnowledgeGraph) Plots a grouped bar chart of the amount of nodes and edges in each graph If the graph does not have its graph_name set, then it should be a tuple of (graph: KnowledgeGraph, name: str)
static plot_node_type_distributions(*graphs: tuple|KnowledgeGraph) Plots a grouped bar chart of the amount of each node type in the graphs See above
static plot_edge_type_distributions(*graphs: tuple|KnowledgeGraph) Plots a grouped bar chart of the amount of each edge type in the graphs See above
from tranql_jupyter import KnowledgeGraph

K1 = %tranql_query ...
K1.graph_name = "Knowledge Graph #1"
K2 = %tranql_query ...
    (K2, "My KG (2)")


Method Description Returns
build_knowledge_graph() Builds a knowledge graph in dictionary form {"nodes": dict[], "edges": dict[]}
get_nodes_by_property(property: str, value: any) Gets all nodes with matching property value dict[]
get_edges_by_property(property: str, value: any) Gets all edges with matching property value dict[]
get_node_by_name(name: str) Gets a node by its name property `dict
get_node_by_id(id: str) Gets a node by its id property `dict
get_edge(source: str, target: str, predicate: str|None) Gets an edge/edges between source and target. Returns list of edges if predicate is None. Returns None if edge source-[predicate]->target doesn't exist. `dict
import json
K1 = %tranql_query ...
json.dump(K1.build_knowledge_graph(), open("my_kg.json", "w+"))

asthma_node = K1.get_node_by_name("childhood onset asthma")
gene = K1.get_node_by_id("HGNC:9816")
edges = K1.get_edge(asthma_node["id"], gene["id"])
Field Description Default
KnowledgeGraph().graph_name: str When set, methods that require a title or name will use this if nothing is provided. None


Jupyter/IPython Notebook bindings for the TranQL interpreter






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