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FYP: Inlining ML with ML

Presentation slides:

Pipeline summary:

THIS IS A RESERACH PROJECT, hence, the contents of the repository is not production ready. To even get something up and running is quite difficult, but can be done with the instructions below.

This repository contains most of the code I have used when working on my final year project.

Some other relevant repositories are:

To reproduce the results in the thesis from scratch, you need to:

  1. Configure the development environment.
  2. Configure the benchmark environments
  3. Run data generation
  4. Run reward assignment (See the analysis section)
  5. Train and benchmark inlining policies (See the analysis section)

Most of the "interesting" analysis goes on in (4) and (5), which are discussed in analysis/ (1), (2) and (3) are required to setup benchmarks.

All this will probably take a long time, so, there are 3 "levels" of reproducing you can try:

(A) From raw benchmarks. This will take a few weeks

(B) From raw data (obtained via data generation). This will take at most a week.

(C) From processed data (obtained via data generation). This will take at most a day.

In (A), you perform data generation yourself.

In (B), you are given the data from data generation.

In (C), you are given the adjadency list for expanded trees of all the training benchmarks. This is probably what you want.

Project Structure

The codebase makes some assumptions about the directory structure of the project.

  worker-dispatcher/  # THIS REPO
    controller/  # Source code that runs data generation with simulated annealing / random walk lives here
    experiment-scripts/  # scripts to aid running data generation. These scripts
                         # are meant to be invoked by other scripts, not humans
    fyp_compiler_lib/  # source code for compiler libraries
    hacks/  # scripts used in benchmarking. This is a hacky solution to override
            # ocamlopt.opt with something custom-made
    metadata-filelist/  # Stores interesting list of files.
    optimization/  # Source code for simulated annealing over asynchronous
                   # processes lives here
    pca-data/  # GC stats and perf counters for some training benchmarks.
    prod-configs/  # Config files for executing long-running processes
                   # (such as simulated annealing-based data generation)
    protocol/  # Source code for several data structures and configuration
               #  s-expressions live here
    tools/   # Code for tooling lives here
      fyp_compiler_plugins/  # Code for inlining policies live here
    results/  # Execution time from running training and test benchmarks
    scripts/  # All arbitrary scripts live here.
    test/     # test for various parts of the code.

    tf_config.pb  # Tensorflow config that makes sure that TF doesn't use
                  # up the entire GPU.
    dev_config.sexp  # Config files for executing long-running dev processes
    training_tasks.txt  # List of task for running data-generation on training
                        # benchmarks

1. Configure the development Environment

You can setup the master node yourself, with the instructions here. Some other configurations you have to make yourself will be to modify prod-configs/all.sexp and prod-configs/only-worker-*.sexp so that they point to the right IP addresses of the workers. This is highly dependent on your local configuration.

Once you are done setting up the environment, and interested in reproducing with method (C) (that is, from processed data), you will need to copy the relevant processed data. This data is not publicly available (mainly due to size constraints) and is in a hard disk. Assuming you have this hard disk, you can simply paste the data by:

# Assuming disk is mounted to /media/external

cd ~/fyp/worker-dispatcher/
scp -R /media/external/home/fyquah/fyp-reproduce/w/ ./w/
scp -R /media/external/home/fyquah/fyp-reproduce/analysis/out-v0-reproduce-relabel \

2. Configuring the Benchmark Environment

  1. Copy all the packages in worker/deb-packages to the desired benchmark machines
  2. ssh into the worker and install the packages via:
dpkg -i *.deb
sudo apt-get install -f
cd ~
mkdir -p worker-rundir/0

In the experiments, the workers are virtually air-gapped, having only a single ethernet connection to the master machine via a network switch.

3. Data Generation

Perform this step only if you are trying to reproduce from step (A)

The first step of the optimisation pipeline is to generate data. To run simulated annealing on the training benchmars, run:

EXPERIMENT_ROUND=0 ./scripts/run_training_experiments

The script takes a long time to run. The script runs 3 processes in parallel, each one of the process exploring the same training benchmark. The configs used are prod-configs/only-worker-0.sexp and so on. All the data generated by each process (including stdout and stderr) is written to its own rundir, and every process has its own unique rundir. The path to the rundirs of all of the experiments are written to important-logs/batch_executor.log.

You will want to leave this script running for awhile, probably something like a week (or even more). Each process runs 300 steps of simulated annealing, and each step (usually) executes a binary 6 times. 1500 times 10s = 15,000 seconds per process. That is easily 5h (ignoring compilation time) for a single experiment's exploration. To explore 12 experiments, it will take 60 hours, just half a day under a week.

Some relevant scripts that are (indirectly) invoked during data generation are:

  • scripts/ launches the same experiment in 3 different processes
  • experiment-scripts/simulated-annealing-generic sets up the environment variables for the next scripts
  • scripts/

The scripts made some assumptions of the network setup I was using, so if you are not using the exact same environment setup as myself (it's very unlikely that you are), you will want to modify the scripts appropriately, especially scripts/

4-5: After Data Generation

See analysis/

Misc: Benchmarking

To get a full list of benchmarks used in the project, run

python scripts/ --all

For just the training benchmarks:

python scripts/ --all-old

Manual Usage

If you want to run a benchmark with a certain set of inlining overrides:

./scripts/run-benchmark almabench decision.sexp
# decision.sexp is a S-expression serialised list of inlining decisions

this results of execution will be written to standard out.

Benchmarking a Predictive Model

To benchmark a certain model, first ensure that you have the optimal inlining tree (see the analysis README for more information about this) are correctly written in analysis/out-$VERSION/<exp-name>/<model>/<hyperparams>/optimal.sexp. To run the benchmark for all hyperparameter configurations for a given model:

VERSION="v0-reproduce-relabel" \
         ./scripts/run-all-benchmarks <model-name> [exp-name]
# omitting exp-name will result in all experiments being benchamrked.

The results will be stored in results/<exp-name>/<model>/<hyperparams>.csv.

Benchmarking Inlining Policy

Inlining policies are distributed in the form of OCaml compiler plugins. See the analysis README for more information on how benchmarks are organised.

If you have a (correctly-formatted and compiled) OCaml plugin, run

./scripts/run-plugin-benchmark <plugin-name> [exp-name]
# omitting exp-name will result in all experiments being benchamrked.

the result will be written to results/<exp-name>/plugins/plugin_<plugin-name>.csv

Misc: Raw Data data -> pca-data/

This section gives you an idea on how data from your rundirs can be converted to csv data in the form in pca-data. The original idea was to see if there is any obvious correlation / indicator from the perf data w.r.t. performance, but this idea was not explored (in favor of a more general- purporse reward-assignment model). These scripts illustrates how to populate pca-data appropriately, as well as obtain the number of instructions from the generated binary. You probably don't need this section

Why aren't this a shell script? These are generally one-off things, and the variant off which they exist are too messy to be encoded as scripts. Hence, I rather have a cheat sheet which i can periodically refe and modify as I require it

Take the latest executor.log and dumps all the perf events and stats-related stuff into a CSV file. It is safe to run this over data that has already been included as the script includes cleaning procedures that remove exact duplicates.

bash <(cat ./important-logs/batch_executor.log | head -n-1 | python3 ./scripts/

Get the number of instructions from artifacts.tar and write them into instruction_count.txt in the same directory as artifacts.tar. This parallelises the tar + untar-ing to 8 cores, and works well on a SSD. on a HDD, the efficiency hasn't been tested yet.

cat ./important-logs/batch_executor.log |  head -n-1 | ./scripts/   | parallel -j8 --ungroup --colsep ' ' -a - bash {} {} {}

Make symbolic links to artifacts.tar in step directories for simulated annealing experiments. All "steps" in the initial execution share the same compilation artifacts, but are executed multiple times. This is done in the command controller.

cat ./important-logs/batch_executor.log | cut -f2 -d, | while read -r line; do
  for i in $(seq 0 8); do
    cp $line/opt_data/initial/current/instruction_count.txt  $line/opt_data/initial/$i/;