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This is the repository for my machine_learning academic process

Additional Resourses 📚

Neural Networks Basics:



Error analysis:





Deep CNNs:

Transfer Learning:

Object detection:

object detection

  • With an input image of size 416 × 416, we make detections on 3 scales : 13 × 13 26 × 26 52 × 52 scales

  • The model produces a set of (t_x, t_y, t_w, t_h) where : (t_x, t_y) center box coordinates. (t_w, t_h) height and weight of the box. 1/ you will have to compute new coordinates (b_x, b_y, b_w, b_h) using this : coordinates

  • Normalization :

    • Divide b_x and b_y by the grid size.
    • Divide b_w, b_h by the model input size. 2/ Compute (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) normalization
  • Non-maximun suppression: NMS

  • Anchor boxes in Yolo

Neural Style Transfer:

Bayesian Probability:

  • Bayes Rule: bayes_rule


Hidden Markov Models:

Previously you were dealing only with markov chains, whether it's absorbing or not.. Now you're dealing with Hidden Markov Chains, what's the difference ? There is a main difference, you have states that you observe (in this case 6 possible outfits) and hidden states (very cold, cold, neutral, hot and very hot) The hidden states follow the rules of a Markov Chain with a transition probability between themselves (which is the Transition Matrix in the Main) We also have the probability to wear a certain outfit knowing the weather P(outfit/weather) is know, this is the Emission matrix Initial is the matrix of the probabilities to get the first hidden state Observation is a matrix containing the observed outfits generated randomly following the emission matrix

Task 4: We're asked to do the forward algorithm and return

  • P the likelihood of the observation given the model (Observation will be like [0,5,4,2,3,1,5] with 0 to five the outfit observed, and P is the probability to get to this observation
  • F is an array containing the forward path probabilities Useful thing to understand : The bayes formula that says : P(A/B) = P(B/A)xP(A) / P(B) Knowing this, we need to distinguish first whether we're in the initial t=0 or t>1

if t = 0: The forward probability of a hidden state s is the initial probability to get to that hidden state multiplied by the probability to wear the observed outfit knowing we're in the hidden state

if t > 0 The forward probability of a hidden state s is the sum of the probabilities z(s',s) where : z(s',s) is the forward probability of being in state s' at the time t-1 multiplied by the transition probability to move from s' to s multiplied by the probability that we wear the outfit observed at instant t knowing we're in hidden state s.

This will give you the array F for each time t and P will just be the sum of the last forward probabilities for each state

Task 5 : Viterbi It's almost the same thing as the forward propagation. It's the exact same thing for the initial hidden state Then, we don't take the sum of all the observations at t-1 but we take the highest one so we need to keep track of the value of the highest probability at t-1 and keep track of the position of the highest probability (hint : np.max and np.argmax) After we're done with this, the likelihood will just be the highest probability at t-1 path will be the position of the highest prob at each state t-1 to get the states we went through Main difference :

  • Forward gives us the likelihood of a certain obsevation
  • Viterbi gives us the likelihood of the most probable observation For the backward algorithm, it's the exact same thing as forward but in reverse.

Hyperparameter Tuning:


Recurrent Neural Networks:

Time Series:

Attention - Transformers:


QA Bots:

LCS's log:

Date of Session Session Name Session Recording Link Cohort
2/19/21 Transfer Learning on CIFAR 10 : Coding video 10 - 11- 12
4/20/21 Autoencoders : Explanation Session video 10 - 11
4/23/21 Autoencoders : Coding video 10 - 11
5/12/21 NLP: Word Embedding Evaluation Metrics video 10 - 11
25/05/21 Error Analysis: coding + explanation video 10 - 11- 12
28/05/21 Regularization: Coding video 10 - 11- 12
16 July. 2021 Policy Gradients: Coding Session video 10 - 11
9 July. 2021 Temporal Difference: Coding Session video 10 - 11
6 July 2021 Temporal Difference: Explanation video 10 - 11
22 June 2021 Q_learning: Explanation video 10 - 11
11 June 2021 CNN (Coding session) video 10 - 11- 12
19 July 2021 Neural Style Transfer : Linalg Einsum video 10 - 11 - 12


This is the repository for my machine_learning academic process






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