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Yelp Recommendation Model

This project contains all the files used to create the best model to predict user star ratings of a certain business.

The Data:

The 2013 RecSys Yelp Kaggle competition is where you will find the initial data. Only the training data was used during this project. There are four files you should find:

  • yelp_training_set_business.json
  • yelp_training_set_user.json
  • yelp_training_set_review.json
  • yelp_train_set_checkin.json

First Step aggregates all of the files, fixes any misspelled cities, creates dummy variables for the categories, and splits the data into a training and testing set

  • the most important part of this script, is the removable of data leakage: excluding the test set information from the overall columns in the training set

Data Preprocessing and/or each of these scripts will run our different models

  • data_processing: keeps only the columns applicable to predicting reviews and imputes all missing values with the mean of the column; returns a file to be fed into the models
  • data_processing_update: includes all from data_processing as well as more efficient ways of filling in missing data and more removable of data leakage; returns a new file for the models

Exploratory Data Analysis

<feature>EDA.R: will look at specific variables in the data set as well as their correlations with other variables (including the target, review stars

text_analysis: generates all tokens, unigrams, bigrams and trigrams of the reviews

Feature Engineering script to implement each of the feature engineering techniques into our models

  • runs Principle Component Analysis on the business categories to decrease the number of categories as features
  • featureEngineering_UserClustering: the R script will generate a Scree Plot to determine how many clusters we should use; the py script will implement KMeans on the data, and create dummy variables for every cluster
  • creates new features of our bigrams and trigrams based on TF-IDF scores (limited the bigrams/trigrams to only those that appear in more than 1000 documents)
  • featureEngineering_CollaborativeFiltering: the R script; the py script

missingUserUpdate.R: updates information about users with missing values to be used (instead of replacing them with the mean)


model_<MODEL>.py: runs each algorithm with 5 fold cross validation and any hyper-parameter tuning (using file from data_processing)

model2_<MODEL>.py: runs the second iteration of the top algorithms with feature engineering included (using file from data_processing_update) runs RandomForest with User Clusters and Category Principle Components; determines best hyper-parameters and uses best model to run again actual test data


These are all the plots that the EDA scripts will produce








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  • Python 71.5%
  • R 28.5%