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This is a Python framework for doing gene network type simulations. After the user specifies what species and species-species interactions exist in what cells, this framework will sort out evaluating and simulating the corresponding differential equations using numpy/scipy.

walk through

In the main file, there are three central objects: InternalModel, Cell, and Simulation:

  • The InternalModel class represents a gene network internal to a cell or a group of cells. Accordingly an InternalModel keeps track of the names of all species in that network as well as all internal interactions between species. By 'internal interactions,' I mean all interactions that occur within a single cell. Interactions between species of different cells is handled by the Simulation class.
  • The Cell class represents a cell in a simulation. For purposes of simulation, each cell needs an InternalModel that describes its inner workings, a set of initial conditions, and any other relevant cell-specific properties defined (position, etc.)
  • The Simulation class represents an all-encompassing object that handles evaluating and solving the differential equations associated with a system of cells and their corresponding gene networks. Since a Simulation object keeps track of all cells and their internal gene networks, it is natural that external interactions between species of different cells are delineated here.

We'll now go through a simple 3 species oscillator example (code can be found in

We start by creating a new InternalModel and adding our three species to it:

from Simulation import InternalModel,Cell,Simulation

IM = InternalModel()

IM.add_node('a','linear',[1.0]) # species 'a' decays linearly with constant factor 1.0
IM.add_node('b','linear',[1.0]) # species 'b' does as well
IM.add_node('c','linear',[10.0]) # species 'c' decays 10 times as fast as 'a' or 'b'

To add a species (node) to an InternalModel, we call IM.add_node(species_name,degradation=None,params=None). Here, species_name is some string identifier of the species, degradation is a string that specifies the type of degradation is associated with the new species. Currently, the choice is between 'linear' (goes like C[species]) and 'parabolic' (goes like C[species]^2). params is a list of parameter values associated with the degradation; since only the constant factor C needs to be specified, we provide a list with a single value. If degradation is set to None, then our new species will not degrade: IM.add_node('x',None,None) or IM.add_node('x') both add a non-degrading species x.

Next, we specify the interactions (edges) amongst the species in our network:

IM.add_edge('a','a','const_prod',params=[5.0])       # 'a' is produced at a constant rate
IM.add_edge('a','b','hill_activ',params=[5.0,1.0,2]) # 'a' activates 'b'
IM.add_edge('b','c','hill_activ',params=[6.0,1.0,8]) # 'b' activates 'c' (with a sharper cutoff)

To add an internal interaction (edge) to an InternalModel, we call IM.add_edge(from_node,to,edge_type,is_mod=False,mod_type=None,params=None). All internal interactions originate from some node from_node and affect either another node or another edge specifie by to. Here, we specify 3 node-node interactions, so both from_node and to are species string identifiers.

The string edge_type specifies the type of interaction and params sets the parameters associated with these interactions. Currently the choices of interactions are 'const_prod', 'lin_activ', 'hill_activ', 'hill_inactiv'; adding new types of interactions is easy and discussed further below. Adding a 'hill_activ' edge with params=[C,A,n], corresponds to adding a term C ([from_node]/A)^n / ( 1 + ([from_node]/A)^n) to d[to]/dt.

If we want to specify an internal interaction between a node and an edge, we'll need to set the is_mod flag to True since this interaction is 'modifying' an existing interaction. Before we can add a node->edge interaction, we need some way of identifying the edge being affected. The InternalModel class does this by simply assigning an integer edge_id to each edge when added.

We want to add an interaction in which 'c' inhibits 'a' production. First we'll grab edge_id (returned by IM.add_edge(...) associated with 'a' production by modifying the last block of code:

a_prod = IM.add_edge('a','a','const_prod',params=[5.0]) # 'a' is produced at a constant rate
IM.add_edge('a','b','hill_activ',params=[5.0,1.0,2])    # 'a' activates 'b'
IM.add_edge('b','c','hill_activ',params=[6.0,1.0,8])    # 'b' activates 'c' (with a sharper cutoff)

Now we can specify an edge ending on a_prod:


The flag mod_type specifies how this new edge modifies the edge a_prod. By setting mod_type='mult', we're saying we want this edge to multiplicatively modify a_prod. Specifically, the contribution of a_prod to d['a']/dt is multiplied by the contribution of this new edge. We could alternatively set mod_type='intern' (an 'internal' modification). In this case, the contribution of this new edge is multiplied into the input to the contribution of a_prod to d['a']/dt.

In this particular case, the a_prod edge contribution to d['a']/dt is simply some constant A. The contribution of a 'hill_inactiv' edge with params=[D,C,A,n] is D - C ([from_node]/A)^n / ( 1 + ([from_node]/A)^n). Thus, the net contribution to d['a']/dt is A(D - C (['c']/A)^n / ( 1 + (['c']/A)^n)).

Now we have an internal network specified which schematically looks like a -> b -> c -| a. All that's left to do is to make some cells, set some initial conditions and simulate using a Simulation object.

Here we make a new Cell and Simulation object, and then add the Cell and InternalModel we previously created to the Simulation object:

cell = Cell()                      # new cell with no position specified
sim = Simulation()                 # new Simulation object to organize everything
cell_id = sim.add_cell(cell)       # add the cell to the simulation framework
im_id = sim.add_internal_model(IM) # add the internal model to the simulation framework

If we wanted to make a cell with a position (perhaps for diffusion), we would have simply needed to fill in the position argument in the call Cell(position=None). We need to add each cell and each internal model we want to simulate to the Simulation object; the calls sim.add_cell(...) and sim.add_internal_model(...) both return corresponding integer id's (starting at 0) for identification.

After adding the cells and internal models to the Simulation object, we need to specify which cells are governed by which internal models and also set the cells initial conditions:


The call sim.set_internal_model(cell_id_list,im_id) tells the Simulation object that each cell corresponding to the cell id's in cell_id_list have the internal model corresponding to im_id. Similarly, the call sim.set_initial_conditions(cell_id_list,ic_dict) tells the Simulation object to set the initial conditions of each cell referenced in cell_id_list to those given in the initial condition dictionary ic_dict.

Finally, simulating the system is a simple call:

import numpy as np

t = np.linspace(0,20,1000)
cell_data = sim.simulate(t)

cell_data is a list of species time evolution data for each cell. Specifically cell_data[cell_id] is a numpy array of dimension (len(t) x num_species) in which rows correspond to the state of each species in that cell's internal model at each time in t (1000 time points from 0.0 to 20.0). Plotting this time evolution data is easy:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


So far, we've just been simulating one cell. It is easy to simulate multiple cells with the same internal model and even multiple cells with different internal models:

# IM1 is the original oscillatory network
IM1 = InternalModel()
# first add the species in the network
IM1.add_node('a','linear',[1.0]) # species 'a' decays linearly with constant factor 1.0
IM1.add_node('b','linear',[1.0]) # species 'b' does as well
IM1.add_node('c','linear',[10.0]) # species 'c' decays 10 times as fast as 'a' or 'b'

a_prod = IM1.add_edge('a','a','const_prod',params=[5.0]) # 'a' is produced at a constant rate
IM1.add_edge('a','b','hill_activ',params=[5.0,1.0,2]) # 'a' activates 'b'
IM1.add_edge('b','c','hill_activ',params=[6.0,1.0,8]) # 'b' activates 'c' (with sharper cutoff)


# IM2 is a network with only a single species
IM2 = InternalModel()

# we have 3 cells
cell1 = Cell([0.0])
cell2 = Cell([1.0])
cell3 = Cell([2.0])

sim = Simulation()
# add the cells and internal models to simulation
cell1_id = sim.add_cell(cell1)
cell2_id = sim.add_cell(cell2)
cell3_id = sim.add_cell(cell3)
im1_id = sim.add_internal_model(IM1)
im2_id = sim.add_internal_model(IM2)

Here, we create a second internal model that contains the single species 'a' with linear degradation. We also create 3 cells with single dimensional positions 0.0, 1.0, and 2.0, respectively.

Earlier it was mentioned that external interactions (between species of different cells) need to be specified with the Simulation object. As an example, we'll allow species 'a' to diffuse between cell2 and cell3:

# boolean array determines which cells interact
connections = np.array([[False,False,False],[False,True,True],[False,True,True]])

Analogous to how internal interactions were added in an InternalModel object, external interactions are added in a Simulation object with a call to sim.add_interaction(from_node,to,type,connections,IM_id=None,is_mod=False,mod_type=None,params=None). The arguments and flags from_node, to, type, is_mod, mod_type, and params are exactly analogous to those from IM.add_edge(...). The only additional arguments are:

  • connections - (num_cells x num_cells) boolean array specifying which cells interact with which. Specifically, for row i and column j, if connections[i,j] is marked True, we are indicating that the ['from_node'] level of cell j contributes to the d['to']/dt of cell i (assuming to is a node; if it is an edge, then this contribution affects the edge's corresponding contribution).

    In our example, we see that the diffusive contribution to d['a']/dt in cell2 is calculated from the ['a'] levels in cells 2 and 3. Likewise, the diffusive contribution to d['a']/dt in cell3 is calculated from the ['a'] levels in cells 2 and 3. Generally, it is up to the interaction class referenced by the call to IM.add_edge(...) to take the input from the appropriate cells and calculate the appropriate contribution.

  • IM_id - if the external interactions affects an edge rather than a node (and so is a modification), then we need to specify for which internal model does the edge id provided in the argument to refer to.

All that's left to do is to set the initial conditions for each cell and simulate:

# cell1 and cell2 start with the same initial conditions
sim.set_initial_conditions([cell3_id],{'a':0}) # cell3 starts with 0 'a'

t = np.linspace(0,20,1000)
cell_data = sim.simulate(t) # cell_data is a list of 3 numpy arrays containing cell specific data

We can plot the levels of all species in each cell with something like:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt





and see oscillations in all 3 cells! We even see how letting 'a' diffuse between cells 2 and 3 appears to change the oscillation frequency.

feedback example

Once again, full source code for this example can be found in


This framework was written with Python 2.7.3, numpy 1.6.1, and scipy 0.10.1

creating new interactions



Python framework for gene network simulation.






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