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= Introduction =
This is the full MiG project code released at the MiGrid project at
Google Code:

MiG is Free Software and it is developed by the MiG Project lead by
Brian Vinter (brian DOT vinter AT nbi DOT ku DOT dk).

Please refer to the COPYING file in this directory for further information
about the GPL v2 license under which MiG is distributed.

= Getting Started =
Please refer to the information available at the aforementioned URL
especially the wiki pages including:

= Requirements =
A MiG server basically requires an Apache web server, the OpenSSH client
tools and a Python interpreter with a few external modules.
-Apache 1.3.x or 2.x (
-Apache SSL module (
-Apache proxy module (
-Apache Rewrite module (
-OpenSSH clients (
-Python 2.6 or later but not 3.x (
-Python Enchant module ( 

Optional WSGI interface, OpenID login, instant messaging service,
efficient file access services, event handler service, spell checking,
Wiki, SCM and tracker VGrid features require: 
-Apache WSGI module (
-Apache OpenID auth module (
-Python OpenID module (
-Python pbkdf2 module (
-Python irclib module (
-Python Paramiko module (
-Python FTPD library (
-Python WSGI WebDAV module (
-Python watchdog module (
-Python Enchant module ( 
-Mercurial (
-Trac (
-Trac plugins (e.g.

On Debian/Ubuntu servers the corresponding basic packages can be
installed with:
sudo aptitude install apache2-mpm-prefork openssh-client python \
     python-pip python-setuptools

and most of the optional dependencies similarly with:
sudo aptitude install libapache2-mod-wsgi libapache2-mod-auth-openid  \
     python-pbkdf2 python-irclib python-paramiko \
     python-enchant mercurial trac trac-mercurial

We highly recommend installing the optional wsgidav and openid modules
directly from upstream, because packaged versions are generally outdated
even on pypi. The packaged openid module lacks some security fixes and
the wsgidav one lacks a fix for upload/write access for OSX clients.
They can easily be installed with pip:
sudo pip install
sudo pip install

Additional packaged Trac extensions can be installed with:
sudo aptitude install trac-customfieldadmin trac-graphviz \
     trac-mastertickets trac-wikiprint trac-wikirename trac-wysiwyg

and the unpackaged ones can be grabbed from with pip
and easy_install:
sudo easy_install
sudo easy_install
sudo easy_install
sudo easy_install
sudo easy_install
sudo pip install TracStats

where 0.11 in the URLs may need to be changed to fit your particular version
of Trac. Please note that the source code stats in the TracStats plugin
do not currently work for Mercurial repositories!
Additional plugins are available from

The downloads plugin currently needs patching to work. Please refer to
the notes in the [downloads] section of the generated MiG trac.ini file.

Please note that there may be subtle internal plugin dependencies and
conflicts that e.g. can cause problems if plugins are not loaded in the
right order. We have seen database upgrade problems if FullBlog,
Watchlist and Discussion are enabled but not loaded in an order where
Watchlist is loaded in between the other two.
Similar issues appeared when we enabled the Pastebin and Downloads
plugins in one step. It was necessary to either patch
tracdownloads/db/ to ignore errors for existing tables or to
enable one plugin and upgrade all Trac environments before enabling the
other plugin and upgrading again.
Thus you may have to experiment with the installed plugins in a
conservative way.

With the inclusion of Trac we no longer rely on the MoinMoin software
for stand-alone wikis.

The optional grid_ftps daemon requires the pyftpdlib module in a recent
version, so it is easiest to install it with pip:
sudo pip install pyftpdlib

The optional grid_webdavs daemon requires the wsgidav module in a recent
version, so it is easiest to install it with pip as mentioned above.

The now deprecated optional grid_davs daemon requires the pywebdav
module in a recent version, so it is easiest to install it with pip:
sudo pip install pywebdav

The optional grid_openid daemon requires the openid module in a recent
version, so it is easiest to install it with pip as mentioned above.

The optional grid_events daemon requires the watchdog module which may
be installed with:
sudo pip install watchdog

= Installing MiG =
If you want to run your own MiG server for your own grid or to develop
MiG you should download and unpack the source code (including this
file) on a UNIX compatible computer as described below.

The MiG core services are provided by the MiG daemons from the mig/server
directory and they can simply be run directly from the unpacked source
code directory when a suitable server configuration is added.

For the web interfaces to work you will need to run an apache server as
described in the mig/install directory. Grid job handout relies on OpenSSH
client commands like ssh and scp.
MiG does not include the actual Apache web server or OpenSSH clients, so
you will need to install those using either packages provided by your
distribution or install it from source.

MiG is tested on Debian/Ubuntu and Redhat Linux using Apache 1.3 or 2.X
with mod-ssl respectively but other distribution and apache combinations
should also work.
MiG relies on apache's mod-ssl for automatic certificate validation and
access control. Furthermore quite a bit of rewrite rules are used for
access and convenience so the mod-rewrite apache module is required

You can read more about the apache configuration in
the provided mig/install/README.Debian file.

This server documentation expects the MiG code to run as a separate 'mig'
user on the UNIX system, but this is not a requirement. Just modify your
apache and MiG configurations appropriately if you want to run MiG as a
different user or with other paths. 
It is important to configure apache so that the MiG web interfaces can
read and write the files created by the MiG daemons and vice versa.
This may require extra care if the MiG installation and apache runs as
different system users. If you use the default setup you do not need to
worry about this.

As root you can create an ordinary user, mig, for running the MiG server:
# su -
# useradd -m -U mig 

Login as the new user:
# su - mig

To avoid other processes from tampering it is a good idea to set either
the permissions on the entire mig user home very restrictively:
# chmod 700 ~mig
or at least set the umask tight enough to avoid unauthorized access to
the MiG server files. 
If you run MiG with different apache and mig users, you will most likely
need to provide both users write access to the mig user home, though.

Download and unpack the MiG source or make a checkout from svn as described on:

At this point it may be comfortable to copy some of the basic
account configuration files from mig/install/mig-user to ~/ but this is
not required.

Now you are ready to actually configure your installation.
The easiest way to do that is to use the configuration generator in 
mig/install/ to create configurations that match your
For the default settings it could just be done as:
cd mig/install/

If your setup uses custom paths or settings just provide them on the
commandline like the command help indicates:
~/mig/install > ./ -h
Where supported options include -h/--help for this help or the conf

For one of our servers running MiG as the 'mig' user with the code
checked out directly in the home directory and with Debian apache 1.3.x
defaults, this could be:
./ --source=. --destination=generated-confs \
          --user=mig \
                   --group=mig --apache_etc=/etc/apache \
                   --apache_run=/var/run/apache \
                   --apache_lock=/var/lock/apache \
                   --apache_log=/var/log/apache \
                   --mig_code=/home/mig/mig \
                   --mig_state=/home/mig/state \
                   --mig_certs=/home/mig/MiG-certificates \
                   --hg_path=/usr/bin/hg \
                   --hgweb_scripts=/usr/share/doc/mercurial/examples \
                   --trac_admin_path=/usr/bin/trac-admin \
                   --trac_ini_path=/home/mig/mig/server/trac.ini \
                   --public_port=80 --cert_port=443 --sid_port=8092 \
                   --user_clause=User --group_clause=Group \
                   --listen_clause='Listen' \

or similarly with Debian apache 2.x without OpenID:
./ --source=. --destination=generated-confs \
          --user=mig --group=mig \
                   --apache_etc=/etc/apache2 \
                   --apache_run=/var/run/apache2 \
                   --apache_lock=/var/lock/apache2 \
                   --apache_log=/var/log/apache2 \
                   --mig_code=/home/mig/mig \
                   --mig_state=/home/mig/state \
                   --mig_certs=/etc/apache2/MiG-certificates \
                   --hg_path=/usr/bin/hg \
                   --hgweb_scripts=/usr/share/doc/mercurial-common/examples \
                   --trac_admin_path=/usr/bin/trac-admin \
                   --trac_ini_path=/home/mig/mig/server/trac.ini \
                   --public_port=80 --cert_port=443 --sid_port=443 \
                   --enable_openid=False --enable_wsgi=True --enable_sftp=True \
                   --enable_sandboxes=True --enable_vmachines=True \
                   --user_clause=User --group_clause=Group \
                   --listen_clause='#Listen' \
or the same with OpenID, HSTS, WSGI and vhost-specific certificates:
./ --source=. --destination=generated-confs \
                   --user=mig --group=mig \
                   --apache_etc=/etc/apache2 \
                   --apache_run=/var/run/apache2 \
                   --apache_lock=/var/lock/apache2 \
                   --apache_log=/var/log/apache2 \
                   --mig_code=/home/mig/mig \
                   --mig_state=/home/mig/state \
                   --mig_certs=/etc/apache2/MiG-certificates \
                   --hg_path=/usr/bin/hg \
                   --hgweb_scripts=/usr/share/doc/mercurial-common/examples \
                   --trac_admin_path=/usr/bin/trac-admin \
                   --trac_ini_path=/home/mig/mig/server/trac.ini \
                   --public_port=80 --cert_port=443 --oid_port=443 --sid_port=443 \
                   --enable_openid=True \
                   --openid_providers='' \
                   --enable_wsgi=True --enable_sftp=True \
                   --enable_davs=True --enable_ftps=True \
                   --enable_sandboxes=True --enable_vmachines=True \
                   --enable_vhost_certs=True \
                   --enable_hsts=True --user_clause=User --group_clause=Group \
                   --listen_clause='#Listen' \
                   --serveralias_clause='ServerAlias' --alias_field=email \
                   --daemon_keycert=~/certs/combined.pem \
                   --daemon_pubkey=~/certs/ \
		   --landing_page='/wsgi-bin/' \

and a storage-only setup with CentOS 6.x, apache 2.x and OpenID login:
./ --source=. --destination=generated-confs \
          --user=mig --group=mig \
                   --apache_etc=/etc/httpd \
                   --apache_run=/var/run/httpd \
                   --apache_lock=/var/lock/subsys/httpd \
                   --apache_log=/var/log/httpd \
                   --mig_code=/home/mig/mig \
                   --mig_state=/home/mig/state \
                   --mig_certs=/etc/httpd/MiG-certificates \
                   --hg_path=/usr/bin/hg \
                   --hgweb_scripts=/usr/share/doc/mercurial-1.4 \
                   --trac_admin_path='' --trac_ini_path='' \
                   --public_port=80 --cert_port=443 --oid_port=443 --sid_port=443 \
                   --openid_providers='' \
                   --enable_openid=True --enable_wsgi=True --enable_sftp=True \
                   --enable_davs=True --enable_ftps=True --enable_hsts=True \
                   --enable_sandboxes=False --enable_vmachines=False \
                   --enable_freeze=True --enable_vhost_certs=True \
                   --user_clause=User --group_clause=Group  \
                   --listen_clause='#Listen' --serveralias_clause='#ServerAlias' \
                   --alias_field=email --daemon_keycert=~/certs/combined.pem \
                   --daemon_pubkey=~/certs/ \
                   --distro=centos --landing_page='/wsgi-bin/' \

Most of the arguments should be relatively straight forward, but you
need to provide the MIG_CERTS path where your apache server key and
certificates are available along with optional MiG x509 server
certificates (used for MiG server to server communication).
The actual keys and certificates can be added later, so you can just
choose a suitable directory path at first.

The hg and trac path pairs are optional and can be set to the 
empty string if mercurial/trac is not available or if VGrid wikis,
SCMs and trackers should simply not be enabled. If you want VGrid
trackers including mercurial integration, but don't want the direct
VGrid SCM links, you can set the trac_X and hg_X options but leave out
the scm entry in the ordered list of vgrid_links in the SITE
section. The same procedure applies for visibility of the other VGrid

Similarly the mercurial package provides all required components for 
VGrid SCMs on Debian/Ubuntu. The same applies for the trac + trac-mercurial
Paramiko is required for the optional grid_sftp daemon to work and the
python-paramiko package provides all required components for it on
Python FTP server library (pyftpdlib) in a recent version (1.x) is required
for the optional grid_ftps daemon to work and the python-pyftpdlib
package provides all required components for it on recent
Debian/Ubuntu. If no recent version is available, it can still easily be
installed with pip instead.
WsgiDAV is required for the optional grid_webdavs daemon to work and a
recent version is needed for full OSX client support. Thus it is
recommended to install directly from github or with pip.
PyWebDAV is required for the now deprecated optional grid_davs daemon to
work and the python-webdav package in a recent version may provide all
required components for it on Debian/Ubuntu. If no recent version is
available, it can still easily be installed with pip instead.
All optional file server services like sftp, ftps and davs rely on the
python pbkdf2 module for password auth support and the python-pbkdf2
package provides all required components for it on Debian/Ubuntu.

The four CLAUSE arguments can be used to comment out the explicit
setting of user, group, serveralias and ports in the apache conf by
providing a '# User', '# Group', '# ServerAlias' and '# Listen'. This is
mostly relevant if using apache2 with WSGI.

The generator will inform you about the steps to install your
configuration files in the right locations.

== Running a MiG Server ==
Before you run the MiG daemons you need to have a working configuration for
your daemons in mig/server/MiGserver.conf or another location you can
specify in the MIG_CONF environment variable. Please note that if you
want to use this environment variable, it must be available to *all* MiG
components to work. 
You can use the generator as mentioned above or manually modify e.g. the
localhost example configuration in MiGserver-localhost.conf.
At any time you can verify the validity of your configuration with the script in the same directory.

The central daemon is which takes care of all job
management on the server. If you want to include grid monitor web pages you
should additionally run the daemon. The optional job
notifications and ssh multiplexing daemons are available as
/ and in the same location. In case
you don't know what they do, you can most likely safely ignore them and
just run the daemon.

All the daemons can be launched from inside the mig/server directory:
cd /path/to/unpacked/mig/source/mig/server

Alternatively they can be launched from other locations as long as the
configuration path is provided in the environment: 
export MIG_CONF="/path/to/MiGserver.conf"
python /path/to/unpacked/mig/source/mig/server/

Each daemon will keep running until you actively stop it, so you need
individual shell sessions for each daemon.

For testing purposes this interactive execution is fine, but in more
permanent setups you will probably want to run the MiG daemons as true
daemons so that you can disconnect from the server and leave them
running. The easiest solution to that problem is to run the daemons
inside a GNU Screen session:
screen -S MiG
cd /path/to/unpacked/mig/source/mig/server
[ctrl-a d to disconnect]

Then you can disconnect from the server and resume the session any time
later by reattaching the screen session:
screen -S MiG -R

Please refer to 'man screen' or other screen documentation for further

== Adding users ==
You need a MiG certificate+key to fully interact with any MiG
server as a user. If you don't want to set up your on Certificate
Authority (CA) you can use e.g. our certificates.
Please use the certificate request link from if
you haven't got a certificate yet.

If you run your own CA you can simply use the certificate request
mechanism included in MiG (https://server/cgi-sid/ to combine
certificate and user creation. Certificate requests will automatically
result in an email with full certificate and MiG user creation
instructions to the configured MiG admins. 

Otherwise you can use the external certificate sign up request mechanism
included in MiG (https://server/cgi-sid/ or simply run the
MiG user creation commands directly as described below.

To manually add a user to your MiG server you need to look up the certificate
fields and run the createuser script:

cd ~/mig/server

You will be prompted for user details one by one before the user is
added to the local MiG user database. Any user added to this database
can access your MiG server and manage his/her MiG jobs and files. The
user must present a MiG certificate with the exact same Distinguished Name
to get access, however. If you do not use the MiG CA or another CA with
the same Distinguished Name format
(/C=.*/ST=.*/O=.*/CN=.*/emailAddress=.*) you have to supply the -i DN
option for the user to work.

Example: adding myself as a user on a MiG server:

# ./
Please enter the details for the new user:
Full Name: Jonas Bardino
Organization: DIKU
2-letter Country Code: DK
Comment: This is my own MiG user
using user dict: {'comment': 'This is my own MiG user', 'country': 'DK',
'state': '', 'full_name': 'Jonas Bardino', 'organization': 'DIKU',
'password': '*****==', 'email': ''}
logging to: server.log ; level: info
Creating dirs and files for new user: Jonas Bardino
User name without spaces: Jonas_Bardino

User Jonas Bardino was successfully added to user DB!
DB entry and dirs for Jonas Bardino were created or updated

My MiG certificate with Full Name Jonas Bardino and so on will now give
me access to this development server.

You can find the field details using openssl or by viewing the
certificate imported in a browser.

== Adding resources ==
When you have added yourself as a user on your MiG server, you can open
your personal Resources page on the corresponding web interface and add
resources of all kinds there. Please refer to the wiki pages online for
explanations on each kind of resource and some examples of setups.

== Stopping a MiG server ==
All the daemons can be stopped with ctrl-c and most also support a
SHUTDOWN message through the named input pipe defined in the
configuration file:
echo SHUTDOWN >> /path/to/server.stdin

To completely stop MiG you need to stop all the MiG daemons and the
apache server.

= Uninstalling MiG =
The default server configuration template keeps all MiG files installed
under the single directory where the MiG source code is unpacked, so
uninstalling is simply a matter of deleting that directory. If you
change your server configuration to save e.g. state files outside this
directory you will have to manually clean up those directories as well
to completely uninstall MiG.