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A project based on a class assignment originally done in C++. The goal is to implement the logic of Monopoly using the MVC pattern.

Quick Start

To start a game, navigate to the monopoly folder and run through your command line, using one of the following commands:

  • $ ./
  • $ python

This project was implemented and tested using Python 3. Backwards compatibility with Python 2 is not guaranteed.


The following command line options are supported:

  • --skin. Specify the board's appearance. Given value must be the name of a JSON file located in monopoly/skin. Provide only the name of the file.
  • --view. Specify a view to use. Given value must be the name of a valid Python module containing a class named View. This class must inherit from the MonopolyView class found in view.view.
  • -d, --debug. Turn on debug mode.

Project Overview

Implemented Features

This is a list of features that are currently available.

  • Rolling dice
  • Moving around the board
  • Buying properties
  • Paying rent


By decoupling the player interface from the model, it is possible to implement different views without modifying the engine. View implementations are stored in monopoly/view.

Module Name Description
textview_min Minimal Textview Barebones view implementation meant for quick games. Provides a command line interface and a rudimentary way to see around the board.


The look and feel of the game board can be modified through the use of different JSON files stored in monopoly/skin. This provides an additional degree of customization to the player.

File Name Description
standard.json US Standard Edition (2008) The Monopoly board as featured in the current iteration of the game produced by Hasbro.
uwaterloo.json University of Waterloo Edition Based on the board used in the C++ implementation of this game. Features buildings taken from the University of Waterloo's main campus.

Notification Model

The Monopoly engine implements its own Notification class to handle communications between each of the application components. In particular, each Notification object can store a package of data in one of its fields. Each package of data is constructed using methods attached to certain Model classes such as Tile and Player.

All Notification objects overwrite two base abstract methods to implement the Visitor Pattern: one to visit the Board and another to visit the Controller. The structure of the data passed by certain Notification objects is illustrated below.

# TNBuyOpp
    'player': player.pack(),
    'tile': tile.pack()

# PNRentPaid
    'playerA': playerA.pack(),
    'playerB': playerB.pack(),
    'rent': rent

In the above code segments, player.pack() and tile.pack() represent a dictionary returned by the pack() method of each respective object. For instance, the Tile class's pack() method returns a dictionary containing state data for a Tile object:

    'name': 'Water Works',
    'pos': 28,
    'isOwned': False,
    'value': 150,
    'owner': None,
    'mortgaged': False


A Monopoly clone using MVC.






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