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A least-squares optimal offline pattern recognition algorithm to find saccadic reaction time and saccade duration from tracked 2D gaze points.

1. Install

With pip:

$ pip install saccademodel

2. Usage

The data structure pointlist is used thoroughly. It is a list of points, where each point is a list [x, y].

The usage is simple:

>>> import saccademodel
>>> rawdata = [
    [130.012, 404.231],
    [129.234, 403.478],
    [None, None],
    [133.983, 450.044],
>>> results =
>>> print(results)
    'source_points': [[344.682, 200.115], ...],
    'saccade_points': [[324.233, 202.393], ...],
    'target_points': [[556.423, 112.607], ...],
    'mean_squared_error': 0.000166802

Note that the lengths of the returned lists can be used to determine saccadic reaction time and duration. For example, given the points from the appearance of stimulus, the saccadic reaction time is captured in the length of source_points and the saccade duration in saccade_points. If the frame rate is known, you can convert the lengths to seconds by:

>>> framerate = 300.0  # samples per second
>>> saccadic_reaction_time = len(results.source_points) / framerate
>>> saccade_duration = len(results.saccade_points) / framerate

3. API



  • gazepointlist: a list of [x, y] points i.e. a list of lists.

Return dict with following keys:

  • source_points: the points before the saccade
  • saccade_points: the points in the saccade
  • target_points: the points after the saccade.
  • mean_squared_error: the average squared error from the model for a point.

3.2. saccademodel.version

The current version string:

>>> saccademodel.version

4. Algorithm description

Let us say you have tracked the gaze points of the following event sequence:

  1. A person looks at point (A).
  2. An image appears at (B).
  3. The person reacts to the image and starts to move their gaze toward (B). The saccade starts.
  4. The gaze arrives to (B). The saccade ends.
  5. The person looks at point (B).

Now you want to determine:

  1. The time between events 2 and 3, called the saccadic reaction time or SRT.
  2. The time between events 3 and 4, called the saccade duration or SD.

The saccademodel algorithm computes SRT and SD for you by fitting an ideal gaze path to the data. The workings of the algorithm resemble building a strictly straight road (ideal path) from A to B as quickly as possible but the building material warehouse is moving constantly in preplanned manner (gaze points). The algorithm finds the optimal start and end time of the construction so that the squared distance to the warehouse is kept as short as possible.

The ideal gaze path has the following structure. From t=0 to t=saccade_start the ideal gaze is exactly at point (A). From t=saccade_start to t=saccade_end the ideal gaze moves from (A) to (B) with constant velocity. From t=saccade_end to t=n the gaze remains at (B). The algorithm finds such times saccade_start and saccade_end that minimize the mean squared error between the ideal gaze path and the given tracked gaze points. In other words, the algorithm splits the data to three segments: source fixation, saccade, and target fixation in a way that the segments match the movement of the eye.

The algorithm works in the following manner. Two arbitrary time points saccade_start and saccade_end are chosen so that saccade_start < saccade_end and both are in the time limits of the data. Then, each possible value for saccade_end are iterated and total error is computed for each value. The variable saccade_end is then set to the value that gave the smallest error. The same is then repeated for saccade_start. If the value of the saccade_start changed, the same is again repeated for saccade_end. The iteration continues until neither of the values change. The iteration usually converges to this stationary state but sometimes remain oscillating between two or more value-pairs. To prevent this oscillation, the algorithm remembers the already computed value-pairs and their error and by that it can detect if same pairs are iterated again, which would lead to oscillation. If the start of oscillation is this way detected, the iteration is stopped and the remembered value-pair with the smallest error is chosen for the final values of saccade_start and saccade_end.

As the greatest advantage, when compared to velocity-based saccade recognition methods, normally distributed noise in the gaze points does not need to be filtered beforehand because the squared error approach. However, strong noise that is not normally distributed and clearly wrong data points need to be removed beforehand. Another advantage is an ability to detect if the gaze path from (A) to (B) was not continuous and straight. Strongly curved or multiple smaller saccades will yield relatively large mean squared error.

As the greatest disadvantage, the saccademodel algorithm is suitable only for offline analysis and therefore cannot be used in realtime setups. Another disadvantage is that it is algorithmically relatively slow, having time complexity of O(n^3). Still other disadvantage is possibly inaccurate results if the eye tracker is not calibrated well because then even an ideal saccade would not travel from (A) to (B) but from some (A') to some (B').

5. For developers

5.1. Virtualenv

Use virtualenv:

$ virtualenv -p python3.5 saccademodel-py
$ cd saccademodel-py
$ source bin/activate
$ deactivate

5.2. Jupyter Notebook


$ cd explore
$ jupyter notebook

Install requirements:

$ pip install --editable .[notebook]

5.3. Testing

Follow instructions to install pyenv and then either run quick tests:

$ python3.5 test

or comprehensive tests for multiple Python versions in tox.ini:

$ pyenv local 2.6.9 2.7.10 3.1.5 3.2.6 3.3.6 3.4.3 3.5.0
$ eval "$(pyenv init -)"
$ pyenv rehash
$ tox

Install new pyenv environments by:

$ pyenv install 3.4.5

Validate README.rst at

5.4. Publishing to PyPI

Follow python packaging instructions:

  1. Create an unpacked sdist: $ python sdist
  2. Create a universal wheel: $ python bdist_wheel --universal
  3. Go to PyPI and register the project by filling the package form by uploading saccademodel.egg-info/PKG_INFO file.
  4. Upload the package with twine:
    1. Sign the dist: $ gpg --detach-sign -a dist/saccademodel-1.2.3*
    2. Upload: twine upload dist/saccademodel-1.2.3* (will ask your PyPI password)
  5. Package published!

Updating the package takes same steps except the 3rd.

6. Versioning

Semantic Versioning 2.0.0

7. License

MIT License


A least-squares optimal method to find the saccadic reaction time and the saccade duration from tracked gaze points







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