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ioPush-server - Build Status Coverage Status

IoT logbook and Android push notification server.
It can be considered like Twitter but for the big word (world ;-) of Internet of Things

To be used with a soon to arrive Android push application

Must read

12th of April 2019: hile this project works, I used it without issues for more than 3 years, Google is moving from Google Cloud Messaging system to Firebase. The API is similar but to some work has to be done so I archive the project for now.


Work in progress but basic service works :

  • User management
  • Device management
  • Push notifications to Android-GCM
  • Email gateway to push messages

A test server is in place :


Messages can be posted with a POST request to with the following JSON format.
Although, a custom header authentication_token must be added with the authentication token found on user's page.

   "body": "Message body",
   "badge": "E",
   "push": "True"

Badge is optional and can be :

  • E : Error
  • S : Success/OK
  • I : Info
  • W : Warning

Push is optional:

  • if set to All, a push notification will be send to all user's devices.
  • if set to deviceName, the push notification will only be delivered to this device.

See examples for more help, a GET request also works.
Insecure http:// connection is accepted only for /app/api/post endpoint, in order to allow devices that don't support SSL to post messages. If feasible, use https:// secured connection.

Instructions to install

  • git clone
  • Edit to match you site-package...To be improved
  • cp misc/
  • Edit to match your needs (SMTP server, SECRET_KEY, PASSWORD_SALT, GCM API Key)
  • Change email address in index.html template
  • ./
  • ./
  • ./
  • Go to http://localhost:5000/
  • Login with user 123

Also, you can register misc/ as a service to act as an email gateway.

Why this software

It is a part of my home automation system. I previously used Twitter as a logbook of warning/errors but it lacks some functionalities, and since few months notifications does not works well on my phone.

So the it should be able to:

  • Keep record of events - Done
  • Send event to push message if asked
  • Manage users - Done
  • Send push notifications to Android, maybe other OS - Done, Android app to be published
  • Android application -> receive notifications - Tested in the 1st version
  • Android application -> display user's record
  • Obviously, have a nice design. But I am far away from being a good designer, so if some people want to help or submit pull request, your are welcome !

Examples to send data

All examples are for POST request as issue a GET is most often simple. If you need some help just ask me or open an issue.


Test it in a browser with the following URL.
When you implement a get request, be sure that the URL is percent encoded. The authentification token parameter must be auth_token


Just use the following:

curl -X POST -H 'authentication_token: YourAuthToken' -d '{"body": "Message send with curl", "badge": "I", "push": "True"}'


  • Paste (Menu->Import->Clipboard) the following subflow in Node-Red.
  • Edit the subflow, then modify "Add notification data" to set your server url and your Auth_Token
  • That's all
    • The message's payload will be send to the server
    • Add a badge : set a msg.badge property
    • Notify by push message : set a msg.push property to True
[{"id":"adeebf25.52114","type":"subflow","name":"ioPush","in":[{"x":70,"y":70,"wires":[{"id":"43d1e4b1.bc2e1c"}]}],"out":[{"x":569,"y":108,"wires":[{"id":"a9684432.5697b8","port":0}]}]},{"id":"43d1e4b1.bc2e1c","type":"function","name":"Add notification data","func":"msg2 = {};\nmsg2.payload = {};\nmsg2.url = \"\";\nmsg2.method = \"POST\";\nmsg2.headers = {\"authentication_token\": \"YourAuthToken\"};\nmsg2.payload.body = msg.payload;\nmsg2.payload.badge = msg.badge;\nmsg2.payload.push = msg.push;\nreturn msg2;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":220,"y":70,"z":"adeebf25.52114","wires":[["31652b4f.ce9ad4"]]},{"id":"31652b4f.ce9ad4","type":"json","name":"","x":413,"y":71,"z":"adeebf25.52114","wires":[["a9684432.5697b8"]]},{"id":"a9684432.5697b8","type":"http request","name":"","method":"use","ret":"txt","url":"","x":447,"y":113,"z":"adeebf25.52114","wires":[[]]},{"id":"939cc31a.6c634","type":"subflow:adeebf25.52114","name":"","x":205,"y":356,"z":"3c426b18.c3bd94","wires":[["401e9113.bfe17"]]}]


See this code

Sigfox - Arduino/Akeru

Just configure the Sigfox callback like the following picture.
The "Custom payload config" is quite helpful to format data.
This screenshot is without notifications, but you can add it easily : add a comma at the end of the "body" line, then write "push": "True"


Just send an email to : the subject will be stored in your logbook and all your devices will be notified.


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