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Repository files navigation a small parser combinator library in python

A barebones, toy parser combinator library in python, born of a coding exercise that required some lightweight parsing. Use it if you find it helpful, but for the moment it's just something for me to tinker with, an exercise in creating composable abstractions. Contributors welcome. provides a simple grammar definition DSL in python, letting you compose a grammar from smaller grammar components. It will then parse an input string matching that grammar, with facilities to map portions of it into your own abstract syntax tree or model objects.

For example, assuming there exist AST classes Addition and Number, and functions toNumber, and toAddition to map a parser result into each of them (full example down the page a bit):

# a composed grammar component
addition = AllOf([AnyToken().map(toNumber).keep('left'), 

# `tokens` == ["2", "+", "3", "-", "1"]
tokens = re.split('([+-])', "2 + 3 - 1")

start = Cursor[tokens)

(result, end) = addition.parse(start)

result now equals Addition("2", "3"). end is a Cursor positioned directly after the "3" (explained later).


Inspired in part by:

  1. Prolog
  2. The powerful JavaScript contract library rho-contracts.js
  3. fast-parse

This library doesn't come close to those giants in almost any respect. Though it may match interpreted prolog in performance :)

Repeat: this is only a test

In its current form, isn't robust enough and doesn't provide enough features to apply to industrial-strength uses.

For example, no support for error conditions at the moment; like prolog, if it doesn't match it just sticks its tongue out at you. There's also zero effort made to make the parsing fast. It's a recursive descent into the grammar tree, backtracking at disjunctions until it finds a match.

If you're looking for a real-world parser library in python, many offerings exist at (

How to use it

You compose a grammar by composing subtypes of Grammar into a tree, tokenize the input string, create a Cursor with the tokens, and then call parse on it with an input Cursor (see

Cursor is a wrapper around a python list that holds an index into it.

For example:

class Addition:
  "Represents an addition of two numbers"
  def __init__(self, left, right):
    self.left = left
    self.right = right
class Number:
  def __init__(self, value):
    self.value = value

# `keeps` is a dictionary of values marked for capturing during parsing using `keep(name)`
def toAddition(value, keeps):
    Addition(keeps['left'], keeps['right'])
def toNumber(value, keeps):

# the grammar
addition = AllOf([AnyToken().map(toNumber).keep('left'), 

# tokenize however you like
tokens = re.split('([+-])', "2 + 3 - 1")

start = Cursor[tokens]

(result, end) = addition.parse(start)

result now equals Addition("2", "3").

end at that point is the cursor on the input just after parsing the addition, so a Cursor pointing to ["-", "1"]. If there is no more string after matching a Grammar, end would be an empty Cursor. If it did not match the string, result would be falsy and end would be a Cursor matching the original.

Creating recursive grammars with the Lazy grammar

Most useful grammars include some recursive element. For example, an addition isn't just applicable to two numbers but to two full arithmetic expressions. But if we write that grammar, some grammar element will have to refer to some other grammar element that isn't defined yet - it's defined later down the page.

expr = OneOf([number, addition, subtraction])

number = AnyToken().map(int)
addition = AllOf([expr, Token("+"), expr]).map(toAddition)
subtraction = AllOf([expr, Token("-"), expr]).map(Subtraction)

expr refers to number, addition and subtraction, which don't exist yet. Python will complain while parsing the file. To allow expr to refer to others, we wrap the forward references in Lazys.

expr = OneOf([Lazy(lambda: number), Lazy(lambda: addition), Lazy(lambda: subtraction)])

addition = AllOf([expr, Token("+"), expr])
subtraction = AllOf([expr, Token("-"), expr])

Lazy is a special Grammar that wraps another Grammar and delegates everything to it, but it doesn't obtain the wrapped Grammar until it's parsing input, i.e. after the referenced Grammar has been defined. To that end, its constructor takes a lambda that produces the wrapped Grammar. It delegates the parsing to and returns the results of that Grammar. So the

The Grammar types

These are the components you combine to compose the structure of your grammar:

  • Token: matches a specific literal string

  • AnyToken: matches any literal string

  • AllOf: takes a list of Grammars, and only matches if they can be matched against the input in sequence.

  • OneOrMore: takes a Grammar and matches one or more occurrences of that Grammar occurring in sequence in the input.

  • OneOf: takes a list of Grammars and will try them in order until one matches the input.

  • Unless: takes two Grammars. The first is a Grammar whose match is negated, i.e. if that Grammar matches, the Unless fails to match the input string. The second Grammar is applied only if the first fails, and its value is returned as the result of the Unless.

When a Grammar matches, it returns a Result, which contains a value and a dictionary called keeps. You can modify this Result as it returns up the stack using the following methods on Grammar:

map: takes a (lambda value, keeps) that is called with the Result's value and keeps dictionary, and should return whatever the result should map into (an abstract syntax tree node or other model object).

keep: takes a string, and will add the Result's value to the keeps dictionary under that name. This dictionary can then be used by the map lambda of a grammar higher up the tree to create its model object.

rename: takes a string, and if you are debugging your grammar (set Grammar.trace = True), it will use that name instead of the Grammar's entire tree structure when logging it.

For a sample grammar, see

To run the tests:

python -m unittest discover -p "*" provides a Cursor class, representing a cursor along a generic list of items. It makes it easy to traverse the list in ways useful to parsing, and specifically do so without modifying or copying the original list, enabling the backtrack parser to backtrack. Provides the same functionality as a linked list, but backed by a python list and therefore providing constant-time access to any index as well.

A sample grammar for the bash cartesian product input string, composed using

TODO: there's currently a bug in the grammar; it interprets a somewhat edge case differently than the real bash cartesian product parser.


A small parser combinator library in python







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