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A package for performing cluster analysis of socially informed financial volatility.

Project structure

We suggest using the following project structure:

    /csv (original data)
    /gz (original zip data)
    /output (store results here)
    /pickles (store immediate results as pickles here for quicker access)
    /subsamples (subsamples of original data)
  /py (library containing methods)
      ... (e.g., iPython Notebooks)


Function Description
subsample_data() Subsample sentiment data from the large CSV’s using query of dates, sector, exchange and specific stock symbols and save query to pickle. Reload existing queries from pickle files instead of resampling
get_data_finance() Scrape Yahoo! finance data for a list of stock symbols for a time period and save to pickle. Reload existing queries from pickle files instead of repeating retrieval
preprocess_data_sentiment() Process sentiment data with added statistics
preprocess_data_finance() Process finance data with added statistics
preprocess_per_symbol() Merges pre-processed sentiment and finance data frames and groups instances by the corresponding symbol.
build_nan_col_list() Creates map of columns with NaN values
replace_nan_num_cols() Replaces NaN columns with 0
split_apply_combine() Groups data frame by specified key and applies specified function and arguments
merge_sentiment_finance() Merge sentiment and finance data
check_pdf() Generate probability distribution function of variables in a dataframe and graphically display results
check_acf() Generate auto correlations function of variables in a dataframe and graphically display results
adf_test() Perform adf test on each variable in a DataFrame
apply_rolling_window() Convert data into rolling average of a given window size
correlation_analysis() Compute pairwise correlation between given variables. Output a matrix of all correlation coefficients.
sturges_bin() Calculate bin size using Sturge’s formula
rice_bin() Calculate bin size using Rice’s formula
doane_bin() Calculate bin size using Doane’s formula
calc_mutual_information() Computes mutual information between sentiment and finance feature using bin number from one of the three methods above.
information_surplus() Computes the information gain percentage for each ex-ante time shift for the,variables provided to calculate mutual information.
net_information_surplus() Returns the net information surplus for the computation in the previous method.
constrain_mi_res() Returns the shifts with positive information surplus.
save_information_surplus() Saves the results from the MI/IS tests as a pickle that can be accessed locally for further future analyses.
test_mi_significant() Tests the significance of mutual information for two features used
test_sig() Tests if significance is better than randomly permutated data
constrain_test_significant() Tests at significance level of 95%
save_information_surplus() Saves mutual information results
load_information_surplus() Loads the saves results from,save_information_surplus.
pmi_func() Calculates point-wise mutual information (i.e. single event MI rather than average of all events). This provides a more granular MI metric.
kernel_pmi_func() Applies an estimated kernel density function tocalculate high dimensional MI using point-wise mutual information.
add_shift_col() Applies the specified ex-ante time-shift to the data for testings
add_shift_data() Throughput using add_shift_col, merging respective dataframe with shifted column
daily_pmi_info_surplus() Calculates information surplus using point-wise mutual information.
net_daily_pmi_info_surplus() Returns data frame of information surplus results,using point-wise mutual information using PCA/dimensionality-reduced finance and sentiment features
constrain_daily_pmi() Using PMI, prints the validated companies before and after
daily_validate() Validates PMI surplus using specified sentiment and finance features
prep_df_cluster() Specify features used for k-means clustering
prep_daily_df_cluster() Specify features used for PMI to k-means
kmeans() k-means clustering on sentiment and finance metrics.
plot_tsne() Scatter plot using TSNE method for reducing dimensions
plot_corr() Creates a heat map of correlation coefficients for each column/feature provided.
plot_clustermap() Creates a hierarchical clustered heat map of correlations. This allows us to identify groups of correlating features.
plot_pdf() Plots probability density function.
plot_scatter_regression() Fits a regression line to a general scatterplot.
plot_info_surplus() Plots the time-shift mutual information less no time-shift mutual information
plot_inf_res() Plots a curve of information surplus percentage by time-shift. This is used to determine/visualize where and when information surplus can be seen in the data.
plot_daily_inf_res() Optimal/max PMI analysed against for each company specified
plot_lead_trail_res() Plot time-shift of results against the information surplus for specified symbols. This gives us a look at what IS is leading and trailing.



Social Signs of Financial Dynamics






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