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========================================== SemanticTextDB - When NLP meets databases.

A database for document-storage/retrieval with automated curation and structure discovery, so that documents may be efficiently organized and queried not only based on human-labeled attributes/metadata, but also using a variety of optional automatically-inferred latent features including: semantics, topics, sentiment, eloquence, and entities of interest.

Inference of these properties is done using various statistical models and NLP algorithms stored and run inside the database.

========================================== What makes SemanticTextDB so cool?

We support augmented postgreSQL SELECT statments via the semanticSelect() API. This method provides you the power of cutting edge NLP algorithms, with no additional coding. Its as easy as:

semanticSelect(table_name, postgreSQL_SELECT_statment, NLP_feature, feature_param)

For example, we can find President Obama's approval rating given a twitter table as follows:

statement = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tweets WHERE content LIKE '%Barack Obama%'AND = 'US'"

posCount = semanticSelect('twitter_text', statement, 'positive_only', 0.8)

negCount = semanticSelect('twitter_text', statement, 'negative_only', -0.8)

approval_rating = posCount / negCount #assumes negCount != 0.

========================================== Use Cases: The power of SemanticTextDB

  1. SELECT documents by topic. (e.g. lawyers can search for laws pertaining to the topic "transportation safety.")

  2. SELECT documents with a summary view. A short document summary allows viewing of the document query results in a concise form.

  3. Discover population trends with sentiment analysis. (e.g. determining approval of candidates in upcoming elections)

  4. Educational purposes - spelling correction and graded of student homework documents added to database.

  5. Future NLP use cases. word_counts, word_frequencies, etc. can be selected for each document.


You will need Python 3.2 and pip installed.

See next two sections for server and client installation.

Server (where postgresql database is running) Installation

The postgresql server requires:

  1. Python 3 installed

  2. PL/Python installed. This is installed as follows in postgresql on the server:


You can also just run this (from the client) in python using the psycopg2 library as follows:

cur = conn.cursor() #where conn is the psycopg2.connect() connection to the database cur.execute("CREATE OR REPLACE LANGUAGE plypthon3u;")

Other library dependencies:

  1. numpy (pip install numpy)

    $ [sudo] pip install numpy

  2. scipy (pip install scipy)

    $ [sudo] pip install scipy

  3. pyscopg2 which can be installed with pip as follows:

    $ [sudo] pip install psycopg2

Client Installation - clients use the SemanticTextDB library built on psycopg2 python interface driver.

Clients using SemanticTextDB requires:

  1. psycopg2

    $ [sudo] pip install psycopg2

  2. NLTK - download within python terminal. A GUI will pop-up. Click download.

    import nltk

  3. textblob (and its dependencies)

    $ [sudo] pip install -U textblob

  4. sumy (and its dependencies)

    $ [sudo] pip install sumy

Using SemanticTextDB

Simply clone the repo and refer to for documentation.

With respect to viewing the tutorial, we STRONGLY recommend using iPython Notebook for viewing the Use SemanticTextDB_Tutorial.ipynb when viewing in ipython notebook. The experience is highly enhanced.


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