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This project contains the siteserver application which provides standard system functions for LDA applications, specifically authentication, access control and multi-tenancy.

Note: if you don't have python 2.7, you need to install it before proceeding.

The siteserver application requires a running MongoDB database server and Nginx reverse proxy server to function. You can start these severs any way you want, but the easiest way to start properly configured servers for testing is using the Vagrantfile provided in the lda-examples project. See Downloading the Software for instructions.

To run the siteserver application, proceed as follows:

  1. Start a mongodb and nginx server, if you haven't already done so:

     cd lda-examples # we're assuming you've also downloaded the lda-examples repository from github
     vagrant up
  2. cd into the siteserver project root directory:

     cd lda-siteserver
  3. Get the required python libraries (only needs to be run once):

     python install
  4. Run the siteserver application:

     ./ (or equivalent for your OS)

    You should see the message "test site server initiated on host: localhost port: 3005".

  5. Create test data (optional):

     cd test

    If successful, you should see a couple of messages on the console:

     ######## POSTed resource: http://localhost:3001/account/explorer, status: 201
     ######## POSTed resource: http://localhost:3001/account/admin, status: 201

You should now be able to point your browser at http://localhost:3001/, the home page of the hosting site. The test data includes a user, "admin" (with corresponding password "admin"), that you can use to login with.

The multi-tenant hosting support in lda-siteserver is designed to run behind a properly configured DNS server. Because we are currently just running on 'localhost', before you can create new sites, you'll need to add some lines in your /etc/hosts (C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts on Windows) file [on your host machine] corresponding to the name(s) you plan to give your site(s). For example: testsite.localhost cloudsupplements.localhost

Note: 'cloudsupplements' is the name of the site used in 'Setupshop sample' in the lda-examples repository.