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Python package to extend Airflow functionality with CWL1.0 support


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Build Status - CWL conformance tests


Python package to extend Apache-Airflow 1.9.0 functionality with CWL v1.0 support.

Check it out

(assuming that you already have installed and properly configured python, latest pip, latest setuptools and docker that has access to pull images from the DockerHub; if something is missing or should be updated refer to Installation or Troubleshooting sections)

  1. Install cwl-airflow
    $ pip install cwl-airflow --find-links
  2. Init configuration
    $ cwl-airflow init
  3. Run demo
    $ cwl-airflow demo --auto
  4. When all demo wokrflows are submitted program will provide you with the link for Airflow Webserver. It may take some time (usually less then half a minute) for Airflow Webserver to load and display all the data

Airflow Webserver example

Table of Contents

How It Works

Key concepts

  1. CWL descriptor file - YAML or JSON file to describe the workflow inputs, outputs and steps. File should be compatible with CWL v1.0 specification
  2. Job file - YAML or JSON file to set the values for the wokrflow inputs. For cwl-airflow to function properly the Job file should include 3 mandatory and one optional fields:
    • workflow - mandatory field to specify the absolute path to the CWL descriptor file
    • output_folder - mandatory field to specify the absolute path to the folder where all the output files should be moved after successful workflow execution
    • tmp_folder - optional field to specify the absolute path to the folder for storing intermediate results. After workflow execution this folder will be deleted.
    • uid - mandatory field that is used for generating DAG's unique identifier.
  3. DAG - directed acyclic graph that describes the workflow structure.
  4. Jobs folder - folder to keep all Job files scheduled for execution or the ones that have already been processed. The folder's location is set as jobs parameter of cwl section in Airflow configuration file.

To build a workflow cwl-airflow uses three basic classes:

  • CWLStepOperator - executes a separate workflow step
  • JobDispatcher - serializes the Job file and provides the worflow with input data
  • JobCleanup - returns the calculated results to the output folder

A set of CWLStepOperators, JobDispatcher and JobCleanup are combined in CWLDAG that defines a graph to reflect the workflow steps, their relationships and dependencies. Automatically generated script is placed in the DAGs folder. When Airflow Scheduler loads DAGs from the DAGs folder, the script parses all the Job files from the Jobs folder and creates DAGs for each of them.

Airflow Webserver example



Ubuntu 16.04.4 (Xenial Xerus)

  • python 2.7 or 3.5 (tested on the system Python 2.7.12 and 3.5.2)
  • docker
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
    curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
    sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install docker-ce
    sudo groupadd docker
    sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
    Log out and log back in so that your group membership is re-evaluated.
  • python-dev (or python3-dev if using Python 3.5)
    sudo apt-get install python-dev # python3-dev
    python-dev is required in case your system needs to compile some python packages during the installation. We have built python wheels for most of such packages and provided them through --find-links argument while installing cwl-airflow. Nevertheless in case of installation problems you might still be required to install this dependency.

macOS 10.13.5 (High Sierra)

  • python 2.7 or 3.6 (tested on the system Python 2.7.10 and brewed Python 2.7.15 and 3.6.5, 3.7.0 is not supported)
  • docker (follow the link to install Docker on Mac)
  • Apple Command Line Tools
    xcode-select --install
    Click Install on the pop up when it appears, follow the instructions. Apple Command Line Tools are required in case your system needs to compile some python packages during the installation. We have built python wheels for most of such packages and provided them through --find-links argument while installing cwl-airflow. Nevertheless in case of installation problems you might still be required to install this dependency.

Both Ubuntu and macOS

  • pip (tested on pip 18.0)

    python # --user
  • setuptools (tested on setuptools 40.0.0)

    pip install -U setuptools # --user

    --user - optional parameter to install all the packages into your HOME directory instead of the system Python directories. You might need to update your PATH variable in order to have access to the installed packages (an easy way to do it is described in Troubleshooting section). If installing on macOS brewed Python --user should not be used (explained here)

Install cwl-airflow

$ pip install cwl-airflow --find-links # --user

--find-links - using pre-compiled wheels from This repository allows to avoid installing Xcode for macOS users and python[3]-dev for Ubuntu users

--user - optional parameter to install all the packages into your HOME directory instead of the system Python directories. You might need to update your PATH variable in order to have access to the installed packages (an easy way to do it is described in Troubleshooting section). If installing on macOS brewed Python --user should not be used (explained here)

Using cwl-airflow


Before using cwl-airflow it should be initialized with the default configuration by running the command

$ cwl-airflow init

Optional parameters:

Flag Description Default
-l number of processed jobs kept in history, int 10 x Running, 10 x Success, 10 x Failed
-j path to the folder where all the new jobs will be added, str ~/airflow/jobs
-t timeout for importing all the DAGs from the DAG folder, sec 30
-r webserver workers refresh interval, sec 30
-w number of webserver workers to be refreshed at the same time, int 1
-p number of threads for Airflow Scheduler, int 2

If you update Airflow configuration file manually (default location is ~/airflow/airflow.cfg), make sure to run cwl-airflow init command to apply all the changes, especially if core/dags_folder or cwl/jobs parameters from the configuration file are changed.

Submitting new job

To submit new CWL descriptor and Job files to cwl-airflow run the following command

cwl-airflow submit WORKFLOW JOB

Optional parameters:

Flag Description Default
-o path to the folder where all the output files should be moved after successful workflow execution, str current directory
-t path to the temporary folder for storing intermediate results, str /tmp
-u ID for DAG's unique identifier generation, str random uuid
-r uns submitted workflow with Airflow Scheduler, bool False

Arguments -o, -t and -u doesn't overwrite the values from the Job file set in the fields output_folder, tmp_folder and uid correspondingly.

The submit command will resolve all relative paths from Job file adding mandatory fields workflow, output_folder and uid (if not provided) and will copy Job file to the Jobs folder. The CWL descriptor file and all input files referenced in the Job file should not be moved or deleted while workflow is running. The submit command will not execute submitted workflow unless -r argument is provided. Otherwise, make sure that Airflow Scheduler (and optionally Airflow Webserver) is running.

To start Airflow Scheduler

airflow scheduler

To start Airflow Webserver

airflow webserver

Demo mode

To get the list of the available demo workflows to run

$ cwl-airflow demo --list

To submit demo workflow from the list (to execute submitted wokrflow Airflow Scheduler should be started separately)

$ cwl-airflow demo super-enhancer.cwl

To submit all available demo workflows (to execute submitted wokrflows Airflow Scheduler should be started separately)

$ cwl-airflow demo --manual

To execute all available demo workflows (automatically starts Airflow Scheduler and Airflow Webserver)

$ cwl-airflow demo --auto

Optional parameters:

Flag Description Default
-o path to the folder where all the output files should be moved after successful workflow execution, str current directory
-t path to the temporary folder for storing intermediate results, str /tmp
-u ID for DAG's unique identifier generation, str random uuid


Most of the problems are already handled by cwl-airflow itself. User is provided with the full explanation and ways to correct them through the console output. Additional information regarding the failed workdlow steps, can be found in the task execution logs that are accessible through Airflow Webserver UI.

Common errors due to different Python version and different ways to install it

  • cwl-airflow is not found

    Perhaps, you have installed it with --user option and your PATH variable doesn't include your user based Python bin folder. Update PATH with the following command

    export PATH="$PATH:`python -m site --user-base`/bin"
  • Fails to install on the latest Python 3.7.0

    Unfortunatelly Apache-Airflow 1.9.0 cannot be properly installed on the latest Python 3.7.0. Consider using Python 3.6 or 2.7 instead.

  • Docker is unable to pull images from the Internet.

    If you are using proxy, your Docker should be configured properly too. Refer to the official documentation


Python package to extend Airflow functionality with CWL1.0 support







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  • Python 100.0%