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Setting Up:

Running the game

The server can be run with the command: (assuming you are in the bzrflag dir)
[you@yourmachine bzrflag]$ ./bin/bzrflag

To get a list of the command line options you can use, run:

[you@yourmachine bzrflag]$ ./bin/bzrflag -h

Running your agent

To run your agent, run (from a new window) using:
[you@yourmachine bzrflag]$ python bzagents/ localhost [port]

Kalman Lab:

What to Turn In

To pass off this lab, you will:

Submit all of your code electronically.
Turn in a declaration of time spent by each lab partner
You must use the Kalman filter and adapt it to this lab problem to get credit for this lab.
As with the other labs, produce a report that describes what you have done.

Your report should include information about what kinds of transition and covariance matrices you used and how it affected performance. Do meaningful experiments that test the abilities of the filter, and try to make meaningful and insightful observations. Discuss why it works better or worse in various circumstances.

For this assignment, you should write a well-structured report on the work you have done, including the following ingredients:

Time: Please include at the top of page 1 of your report a clear measure (in hours) of how long it took you (each) to complete this project.

[10 points] Design Decisions: The report should specify what you built and what choices you made. Be clear about how you used the output of the Kalman filter in the context of targeting. Please do not simply submit a debug or work log.

[5 points] Quality of your Kalman filter implementation, that is, does it track the target.

[5 points] Quality of your targeting implementation, that is, can it predict the future location of the the target and hit it.

[5 points] Notes and results in building the conforming agent

[10 points] Notes and results in building the non-conforming agent

[5 points] Note and results in hitting the stationary agent using the Kalman filter

[10 points] Notes and results in hitting the conforming agent, that is, can you show that you do better with the Kalman filter than without it.

[10 points] Notes and results in hitting the non-conforming agent

[10 points] Notes and results in hitting a conforming agent built by some other group in the class

[10 points] Notes and results in hitting a non-conforming agent built by some other group in the class [10 point] Visualization used in the notes and results presented above. Try to tell your story with pictures more than just thousands of words.

[20 point] Use the potential fields code and some strategy to build an agent that can compete with another group's agent in a full game of bzrflag (with noise as described here, but WITHOUT the noise from the grid lab)

[20 point] Report on your success against other teams.

[10 points] Miscellaneous, including the clarity and structure of your report.

Feedback: Include at the end of your report a short section titled "Feedback". Reflect on your experience in the project and provide any concrete feedback you have for us that would help make this project a better learning experience.


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