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Taskcluster Client Library in Python

Build Status

This is a library used to interact with Taskcluster within Python programs. It presents the entire REST API to consumers as well as being able to generate URLs Signed by Hawk credentials. It can also generate routing keys for listening to pulse messages from Taskcluster.

The library builds the REST API methods from the same API Reference format as the Javascript client library.

Notes on using Temporary Credentials

Generating temporary credentials didn't work for a long time but does now

API Documentation

The REST API methods are documented on


  • Here's a simple command:

    import taskcluster
    index = taskcluster.Index({'credentials': {'clientId': 'id', 'accessToken': 'accessToken'}})
  • Keyword arguments for API methods are supported. The javascript client accepts only positional arguments. You may use either positional arguments or keyword, never both. If the method requires an input payload, you must specify it as the last positional argument. If you are using keyword arguments, the payload is the first argument.

    import taskcluster
    api = taskcluster.api()
    api.method('1', '2', '3', {'data': 'here'})

    Assuming apiMethod has a route of /method/<arg1>/<arg2>/<arg3>, this will result in a call to /method/pie/2/3

    The same call can be achieved using keyword arguments of:

    import taskcluster
    api = taskcluster.api()
    api.method({'data': 'here'}, arg1='1', arg2='2', arg3='3')
  • Options for the topic exchange methods can be in the form of either a single dictionary argument or keyword arguments. Only one form is allowed

    from taskcluster import client
    qEvt = client.QueueEvents()
    # The following calls are equivalent
    qEvt.taskCompleted({'taskId': 'atask'})
  • Method Payloads are specified through the payload keyword passed to the API method. When using positional arguments, it's the last argument. When using keyword arguments, the payload is the first and only positional argument

    from taskcluster import client
    index = client.index()
    index.listNamespaces('mozilla-central', payload={'continuationToken': 'a_token'})

There is a bug in the PyHawk library (as of 0.1.3) which breaks bewit generation for URLs that do not have a query string. This is being addressed in PyHawk PR 27.

Logging is set up in taskcluster/ If the special DEBUG_TASKCLUSTER_CLIENT environment variable is set, the module will set the logging module's level for its logger to logging.DEBUG and if there are no existing handlers, add a logging.StreamHandler() instance. This is meant to assist those who do not wish to bother figuring out how to configure the python logging module but do want debug messages

Methods contained in the client library

Methods in taskcluster.Auth

// Create Auth client instance
import taskcluster
auth = taskcluster.Auth(options)

List Clients

  • auth.listClients() -> result

Get Client

  • auth.client(clientId) -> result
  • auth.client(clientId='value') -> result

Create Client

  • auth.createClient(clientId, payload) -> result
  • auth.createClient(payload, clientId='value') -> result

Reset accessToken

  • auth.resetAccessToken(clientId) -> result
  • auth.resetAccessToken(clientId='value') -> result

Update Client

  • auth.updateClient(clientId, payload) -> result
  • auth.updateClient(payload, clientId='value') -> result

Enable Client

  • auth.enableClient(clientId) -> result
  • auth.enableClient(clientId='value') -> result

Disable Client

  • auth.disableClient(clientId) -> result
  • auth.disableClient(clientId='value') -> result

Delete Client

  • auth.deleteClient(clientId) -> None
  • auth.deleteClient(clientId='value') -> None

List Roles

  • auth.listRoles() -> result

Get Role

  • auth.role(roleId) -> result
  • auth.role(roleId='value') -> result

Create Role

  • auth.createRole(roleId, payload) -> result
  • auth.createRole(payload, roleId='value') -> result

Update Role

  • auth.updateRole(roleId, payload) -> result
  • auth.updateRole(payload, roleId='value') -> result

Delete Role

  • auth.deleteRole(roleId) -> None
  • auth.deleteRole(roleId='value') -> None

Expand Scopes

  • auth.expandScopes(payload) -> result

Get Current Scopes

  • auth.currentScopes() -> result

Get Temporary Read/Write Credentials S3

  • auth.awsS3Credentials(level, bucket, prefix) -> result
  • auth.awsS3Credentials(level='value', bucket='value', prefix='value') -> result

Get Shared-Access-Signature for Azure Table

  • auth.azureTableSAS(account, table) -> result
  • auth.azureTableSAS(account='value', table='value') -> result

Authenticate Hawk Request

  • auth.authenticateHawk(payload) -> result

Test Authentication

  • auth.testAuthenticate(payload) -> result

Test Authentication (GET)

  • auth.testAuthenticateGet() -> result

Ping Server

  • -> None

Methods in taskcluster.AwsProvisioner

// Create AwsProvisioner client instance
import taskcluster
awsProvisioner = taskcluster.AwsProvisioner(options)

Create new Worker Type

  • awsProvisioner.createWorkerType(workerType, payload) -> result
  • awsProvisioner.createWorkerType(payload, workerType='value') -> result

Update Worker Type

  • awsProvisioner.updateWorkerType(workerType, payload) -> result
  • awsProvisioner.updateWorkerType(payload, workerType='value') -> result

Get Worker Type

  • awsProvisioner.workerType(workerType) -> result
  • awsProvisioner.workerType(workerType='value') -> result

Delete Worker Type

  • awsProvisioner.removeWorkerType(workerType) -> None
  • awsProvisioner.removeWorkerType(workerType='value') -> None

List Worker Types

  • awsProvisioner.listWorkerTypes() -> result

Create new Secret

  • awsProvisioner.createSecret(token, payload) -> None
  • awsProvisioner.createSecret(payload, token='value') -> None

Get a Secret

  • awsProvisioner.getSecret(token) -> result
  • awsProvisioner.getSecret(token='value') -> result

Report an instance starting

  • awsProvisioner.instanceStarted(instanceId, token) -> None
  • awsProvisioner.instanceStarted(instanceId='value', token='value') -> None

Remove a Secret

  • awsProvisioner.removeSecret(token) -> None
  • awsProvisioner.removeSecret(token='value') -> None

Get All Launch Specifications for WorkerType

  • awsProvisioner.getLaunchSpecs(workerType) -> result
  • awsProvisioner.getLaunchSpecs(workerType='value') -> result

Get AWS State for all worker types

  • awsProvisioner.awsState() -> None

Get AWS State for a worker type

  • awsProvisioner.state(workerType) -> None
  • awsProvisioner.state(workerType='value') -> None

Ping Server

  • -> None

Backend Status

  • awsProvisioner.backendStatus() -> None

api reference

  • awsProvisioner.apiReference() -> None

Exchanges in taskcluster.AwsProvisionerEvents

// Create AwsProvisionerEvents client instance
import taskcluster
awsProvisionerEvents = taskcluster.AwsProvisionerEvents(options)

WorkerType Created Message

  • awsProvisionerEvents.workerTypeCreated(routingKeyPattern) -> routingKey
    • routingKeyKind is constant of primary is required Description: Identifier for the routing-key kind. This is always 'primary' for the formalized routing key.
    • workerType is required Description: WorkerType that this message concerns.
    • reserved Description: Space reserved for future routing-key entries, you should always match this entry with #. As automatically done by our tooling, if not specified.

WorkerType Updated Message

  • awsProvisionerEvents.workerTypeUpdated(routingKeyPattern) -> routingKey
    • routingKeyKind is constant of primary is required Description: Identifier for the routing-key kind. This is always 'primary' for the formalized routing key.
    • workerType is required Description: WorkerType that this message concerns.
    • reserved Description: Space reserved for future routing-key entries, you should always match this entry with #. As automatically done by our tooling, if not specified.

WorkerType Removed Message

  • awsProvisionerEvents.workerTypeRemoved(routingKeyPattern) -> routingKey
    • routingKeyKind is constant of primary is required Description: Identifier for the routing-key kind. This is always 'primary' for the formalized routing key.
    • workerType is required Description: WorkerType that this message concerns.
    • reserved Description: Space reserved for future routing-key entries, you should always match this entry with #. As automatically done by our tooling, if not specified.

Methods in taskcluster.Github

// Create Github client instance
import taskcluster
github = taskcluster.Github(options)

Consume GitHub WebHook

  • github.githubWebHookConsumer() -> None

Ping Server

  • -> None

Exchanges in taskcluster.GithubEvents

// Create GithubEvents client instance
import taskcluster
githubEvents = taskcluster.GithubEvents(options)

GitHub Pull Request Event

  • githubEvents.pullRequest(routingKeyPattern) -> routingKey
    • routingKeyKind is constant of primary is required Description: Identifier for the routing-key kind. This is always 'primary' for the formalized routing key.
    • organization is required Description: The GitHub organization which had an event. All periods have been replaced by % - such that becomes foo%bar - and all other special characters aside from - and _ have been stripped.
    • repository is required Description: The GitHub repository which had an event.All periods have been replaced by % - such that becomes foo%bar - and all other special characters aside from - and _ have been stripped.
    • action is required Description: The GitHub action which triggered an event. See for possible values see the payload actions property.

GitHub push Event

  • githubEvents.push(routingKeyPattern) -> routingKey
    • routingKeyKind is constant of primary is required Description: Identifier for the routing-key kind. This is always 'primary' for the formalized routing key.
    • organization is required Description: The GitHub organization which had an event. All periods have been replaced by % - such that becomes foo%bar - and all other special characters aside from - and _ have been stripped.
    • repository is required Description: The GitHub repository which had an event.All periods have been replaced by % - such that becomes foo%bar - and all other special characters aside from - and _ have been stripped.

Methods in taskcluster.Hooks

// Create Hooks client instance
import taskcluster
hooks = taskcluster.Hooks(options)

List hook groups

  • hooks.listHookGroups() -> result

List hooks in a given group

  • hooks.listHooks(hookGroupId) -> result
  • hooks.listHooks(hookGroupId='value') -> result

Get hook definition

  • hooks.hook(hookGroupId, hookId) -> result
  • hooks.hook(hookGroupId='value', hookId='value') -> result

Get hook status

  • hooks.getHookStatus(hookGroupId, hookId) -> result
  • hooks.getHookStatus(hookGroupId='value', hookId='value') -> result

Get hook schedule

  • hooks.getHookSchedule(hookGroupId, hookId) -> result
  • hooks.getHookSchedule(hookGroupId='value', hookId='value') -> result

Create a hook

  • hooks.createHook(hookGroupId, hookId, payload) -> result
  • hooks.createHook(payload, hookGroupId='value', hookId='value') -> result

Update a hook

  • hooks.updateHook(hookGroupId, hookId, payload) -> result
  • hooks.updateHook(payload, hookGroupId='value', hookId='value') -> result

Delete a hook

  • hooks.removeHook(hookGroupId, hookId) -> None
  • hooks.removeHook(hookGroupId='value', hookId='value') -> None

Methods in taskcluster.Index

// Create Index client instance
import taskcluster
index = taskcluster.Index(options)

Find Indexed Task

  • index.findTask(namespace) -> result
  • index.findTask(namespace='value') -> result

List Namespaces

  • index.listNamespaces(namespace, payload) -> result
  • index.listNamespaces(payload, namespace='value') -> result

List Tasks

  • index.listTasks(namespace, payload) -> result
  • index.listTasks(payload, namespace='value') -> result

Insert Task into Index

  • index.insertTask(namespace, payload) -> result
  • index.insertTask(payload, namespace='value') -> result

Get Artifact From Indexed Task

  • index.findArtifactFromTask(namespace, name) -> None
  • index.findArtifactFromTask(namespace='value', name='value') -> None

Ping Server

  • -> None

Methods in taskcluster.PurgeCache

// Create PurgeCache client instance
import taskcluster
purgeCache = taskcluster.PurgeCache(options)

Purge Worker Cache

  • purgeCache.purgeCache(provisionerId, workerType, payload) -> None
  • purgeCache.purgeCache(payload, provisionerId='value', workerType='value') -> None

Ping Server

  • -> None

Exchanges in taskcluster.PurgeCacheEvents

// Create PurgeCacheEvents client instance
import taskcluster
purgeCacheEvents = taskcluster.PurgeCacheEvents(options)

Purge Cache Messages

  • purgeCacheEvents.purgeCache(routingKeyPattern) -> routingKey
    • routingKeyKind is constant of primary is required Description: Identifier for the routing-key kind. This is always 'primary' for the formalized routing key.
    • provisionerId is required Description: provisionerId under which to purge cache.
    • workerType is required Description: workerType for which to purge cache.

Methods in taskcluster.Queue

// Create Queue client instance
import taskcluster
queue = taskcluster.Queue(options)

Get Task Definition

  • queue.task(taskId) -> result
  • queue.task(taskId='value') -> result

Get task status

  • queue.status(taskId) -> result
  • queue.status(taskId='value') -> result

List Task Group

  • queue.listTaskGroup(taskGroupId) -> result
  • queue.listTaskGroup(taskGroupId='value') -> result

Create New Task

  • queue.createTask(taskId, payload) -> result
  • queue.createTask(payload, taskId='value') -> result

Define Task

  • queue.defineTask(taskId, payload) -> result
  • queue.defineTask(payload, taskId='value') -> result

Schedule Defined Task

  • queue.scheduleTask(taskId) -> result
  • queue.scheduleTask(taskId='value') -> result

Rerun a Resolved Task

  • queue.rerunTask(taskId) -> result
  • queue.rerunTask(taskId='value') -> result

Cancel Task

  • queue.cancelTask(taskId) -> result
  • queue.cancelTask(taskId='value') -> result

Get Urls to Poll Pending Tasks

  • queue.pollTaskUrls(provisionerId, workerType) -> result
  • queue.pollTaskUrls(provisionerId='value', workerType='value') -> result

Claim task

  • queue.claimTask(taskId, runId, payload) -> result
  • queue.claimTask(payload, taskId='value', runId='value') -> result

Reclaim task

  • queue.reclaimTask(taskId, runId) -> result
  • queue.reclaimTask(taskId='value', runId='value') -> result

Report Run Completed

  • queue.reportCompleted(taskId, runId) -> result
  • queue.reportCompleted(taskId='value', runId='value') -> result

Report Run Failed

  • queue.reportFailed(taskId, runId) -> result
  • queue.reportFailed(taskId='value', runId='value') -> result

Report Task Exception

  • queue.reportException(taskId, runId, payload) -> result
  • queue.reportException(payload, taskId='value', runId='value') -> result

Create Artifact

  • queue.createArtifact(taskId, runId, name, payload) -> result
  • queue.createArtifact(payload, taskId='value', runId='value', name='value') -> result

Get Artifact from Run

  • queue.getArtifact(taskId, runId, name) -> None
  • queue.getArtifact(taskId='value', runId='value', name='value') -> None

Get Artifact from Latest Run

  • queue.getLatestArtifact(taskId, name) -> None
  • queue.getLatestArtifact(taskId='value', name='value') -> None

Get Artifacts from Run

  • queue.listArtifacts(taskId, runId) -> result
  • queue.listArtifacts(taskId='value', runId='value') -> result

Get Artifacts from Latest Run

  • queue.listLatestArtifacts(taskId) -> result
  • queue.listLatestArtifacts(taskId='value') -> result

Get Number of Pending Tasks

  • queue.pendingTasks(provisionerId, workerType) -> result
  • queue.pendingTasks(provisionerId='value', workerType='value') -> result

Ping Server

  • -> None

Exchanges in taskcluster.QueueEvents

// Create QueueEvents client instance
import taskcluster
queueEvents = taskcluster.QueueEvents(options)

Task Defined Messages

  • queueEvents.taskDefined(routingKeyPattern) -> routingKey
    • routingKeyKind is constant of primary is required Description: Identifier for the routing-key kind. This is always 'primary' for the formalized routing key.
    • taskId is required Description: taskId for the task this message concerns
    • runId Description: runId of latest run for the task, _ if no run is exists for the task.
    • workerGroup Description: workerGroup of latest run for the task, _ if no run is exists for the task.
    • workerId Description: workerId of latest run for the task, _ if no run is exists for the task.
    • provisionerId is required Description: provisionerId this task is targeted at.
    • workerType is required Description: workerType this task must run on.
    • schedulerId is required Description: schedulerId this task was created by.
    • taskGroupId is required Description: taskGroupId this task was created in.
    • reserved Description: Space reserved for future routing-key entries, you should always match this entry with #. As automatically done by our tooling, if not specified.

Task Pending Messages

  • queueEvents.taskPending(routingKeyPattern) -> routingKey
    • routingKeyKind is constant of primary is required Description: Identifier for the routing-key kind. This is always 'primary' for the formalized routing key.
    • taskId is required Description: taskId for the task this message concerns
    • runId is required Description: runId of latest run for the task, _ if no run is exists for the task.
    • workerGroup Description: workerGroup of latest run for the task, _ if no run is exists for the task.
    • workerId Description: workerId of latest run for the task, _ if no run is exists for the task.
    • provisionerId is required Description: provisionerId this task is targeted at.
    • workerType is required Description: workerType this task must run on.
    • schedulerId is required Description: schedulerId this task was created by.
    • taskGroupId is required Description: taskGroupId this task was created in.
    • reserved Description: Space reserved for future routing-key entries, you should always match this entry with #. As automatically done by our tooling, if not specified.

Task Running Messages

  • queueEvents.taskRunning(routingKeyPattern) -> routingKey
    • routingKeyKind is constant of primary is required Description: Identifier for the routing-key kind. This is always 'primary' for the formalized routing key.
    • taskId is required Description: taskId for the task this message concerns
    • runId is required Description: runId of latest run for the task, _ if no run is exists for the task.
    • workerGroup is required Description: workerGroup of latest run for the task, _ if no run is exists for the task.
    • workerId is required Description: workerId of latest run for the task, _ if no run is exists for the task.
    • provisionerId is required Description: provisionerId this task is targeted at.
    • workerType is required Description: workerType this task must run on.
    • schedulerId is required Description: schedulerId this task was created by.
    • taskGroupId is required Description: taskGroupId this task was created in.
    • reserved Description: Space reserved for future routing-key entries, you should always match this entry with #. As automatically done by our tooling, if not specified.

Artifact Creation Messages

  • queueEvents.artifactCreated(routingKeyPattern) -> routingKey
    • routingKeyKind is constant of primary is required Description: Identifier for the routing-key kind. This is always 'primary' for the formalized routing key.
    • taskId is required Description: taskId for the task this message concerns
    • runId is required Description: runId of latest run for the task, _ if no run is exists for the task.
    • workerGroup is required Description: workerGroup of latest run for the task, _ if no run is exists for the task.
    • workerId is required Description: workerId of latest run for the task, _ if no run is exists for the task.
    • provisionerId is required Description: provisionerId this task is targeted at.
    • workerType is required Description: workerType this task must run on.
    • schedulerId is required Description: schedulerId this task was created by.
    • taskGroupId is required Description: taskGroupId this task was created in.
    • reserved Description: Space reserved for future routing-key entries, you should always match this entry with #. As automatically done by our tooling, if not specified.

Task Completed Messages

  • queueEvents.taskCompleted(routingKeyPattern) -> routingKey
    • routingKeyKind is constant of primary is required Description: Identifier for the routing-key kind. This is always 'primary' for the formalized routing key.
    • taskId is required Description: taskId for the task this message concerns
    • runId is required Description: runId of latest run for the task, _ if no run is exists for the task.
    • workerGroup is required Description: workerGroup of latest run for the task, _ if no run is exists for the task.
    • workerId is required Description: workerId of latest run for the task, _ if no run is exists for the task.
    • provisionerId is required Description: provisionerId this task is targeted at.
    • workerType is required Description: workerType this task must run on.
    • schedulerId is required Description: schedulerId this task was created by.
    • taskGroupId is required Description: taskGroupId this task was created in.
    • reserved Description: Space reserved for future routing-key entries, you should always match this entry with #. As automatically done by our tooling, if not specified.

Task Failed Messages

  • queueEvents.taskFailed(routingKeyPattern) -> routingKey
    • routingKeyKind is constant of primary is required Description: Identifier for the routing-key kind. This is always 'primary' for the formalized routing key.
    • taskId is required Description: taskId for the task this message concerns
    • runId Description: runId of latest run for the task, _ if no run is exists for the task.
    • workerGroup Description: workerGroup of latest run for the task, _ if no run is exists for the task.
    • workerId Description: workerId of latest run for the task, _ if no run is exists for the task.
    • provisionerId is required Description: provisionerId this task is targeted at.
    • workerType is required Description: workerType this task must run on.
    • schedulerId is required Description: schedulerId this task was created by.
    • taskGroupId is required Description: taskGroupId this task was created in.
    • reserved Description: Space reserved for future routing-key entries, you should always match this entry with #. As automatically done by our tooling, if not specified.

Task Exception Messages

  • queueEvents.taskException(routingKeyPattern) -> routingKey
    • routingKeyKind is constant of primary is required Description: Identifier for the routing-key kind. This is always 'primary' for the formalized routing key.
    • taskId is required Description: taskId for the task this message concerns
    • runId Description: runId of latest run for the task, _ if no run is exists for the task.
    • workerGroup Description: workerGroup of latest run for the task, _ if no run is exists for the task.
    • workerId Description: workerId of latest run for the task, _ if no run is exists for the task.
    • provisionerId is required Description: provisionerId this task is targeted at.
    • workerType is required Description: workerType this task must run on.
    • schedulerId is required Description: schedulerId this task was created by.
    • taskGroupId is required Description: taskGroupId this task was created in.
    • reserved Description: Space reserved for future routing-key entries, you should always match this entry with #. As automatically done by our tooling, if not specified.

Methods in taskcluster.Scheduler

// Create Scheduler client instance
import taskcluster
scheduler = taskcluster.Scheduler(options)

Create new task-graph

  • scheduler.createTaskGraph(taskGraphId, payload) -> result
  • scheduler.createTaskGraph(payload, taskGraphId='value') -> result

Extend existing task-graph

  • scheduler.extendTaskGraph(taskGraphId, payload) -> result
  • scheduler.extendTaskGraph(payload, taskGraphId='value') -> result

Task Graph Status

  • scheduler.status(taskGraphId) -> result
  • scheduler.status(taskGraphId='value') -> result

Task Graph Information

  • -> result
  •'value') -> result

Inspect Task Graph

  • scheduler.inspect(taskGraphId) -> result
  • scheduler.inspect(taskGraphId='value') -> result

Inspect Task from a Task-Graph

  • scheduler.inspectTask(taskGraphId, taskId) -> result
  • scheduler.inspectTask(taskGraphId='value', taskId='value') -> result

Ping Server

  • -> None

Exchanges in taskcluster.SchedulerEvents

// Create SchedulerEvents client instance
import taskcluster
schedulerEvents = taskcluster.SchedulerEvents(options)

Task-Graph Running Message

  • schedulerEvents.taskGraphRunning(routingKeyPattern) -> routingKey
    • routingKeyKind is constant of primary is required Description: Identifier for the routing-key kind. This is always 'primary' for the formalized routing key.
    • taskId Description: Always takes the value _
    • runId Description: Always takes the value _
    • workerGroup Description: Always takes the value _
    • workerId Description: Always takes the value _
    • provisionerId Description: Always takes the value _
    • workerType Description: Always takes the value _
    • schedulerId is required Description: Identifier for the task-graphs scheduler managing the task-graph this message concerns. Usually task-graph-scheduler in production.
    • taskGraphId is required Description: Identifier for the task-graph this message concerns
    • reserved Description: Space reserved for future routing-key entries, you should always match this entry with #. As automatically done by our tooling, if not specified.

Task-Graph Extended Message

  • schedulerEvents.taskGraphExtended(routingKeyPattern) -> routingKey
    • routingKeyKind is constant of primary is required Description: Identifier for the routing-key kind. This is always 'primary' for the formalized routing key.
    • taskId Description: Always takes the value _
    • runId Description: Always takes the value _
    • workerGroup Description: Always takes the value _
    • workerId Description: Always takes the value _
    • provisionerId Description: Always takes the value _
    • workerType Description: Always takes the value _
    • schedulerId is required Description: Identifier for the task-graphs scheduler managing the task-graph this message concerns. Usually task-graph-scheduler in production.
    • taskGraphId is required Description: Identifier for the task-graph this message concerns
    • reserved Description: Space reserved for future routing-key entries, you should always match this entry with #. As automatically done by our tooling, if not specified.

Task-Graph Blocked Message

  • schedulerEvents.taskGraphBlocked(routingKeyPattern) -> routingKey
    • routingKeyKind is constant of primary is required Description: Identifier for the routing-key kind. This is always 'primary' for the formalized routing key.
    • taskId Description: Always takes the value _
    • runId Description: Always takes the value _
    • workerGroup Description: Always takes the value _
    • workerId Description: Always takes the value _
    • provisionerId Description: Always takes the value _
    • workerType Description: Always takes the value _
    • schedulerId is required Description: Identifier for the task-graphs scheduler managing the task-graph this message concerns. Usually task-graph-scheduler in production.
    • taskGraphId is required Description: Identifier for the task-graph this message concerns
    • reserved Description: Space reserved for future routing-key entries, you should always match this entry with #. As automatically done by our tooling, if not specified.

Task-Graph Finished Message

  • schedulerEvents.taskGraphFinished(routingKeyPattern) -> routingKey
    • routingKeyKind is constant of primary is required Description: Identifier for the routing-key kind. This is always 'primary' for the formalized routing key.
    • taskId Description: Always takes the value _
    • runId Description: Always takes the value _
    • workerGroup Description: Always takes the value _
    • workerId Description: Always takes the value _
    • provisionerId Description: Always takes the value _
    • workerType Description: Always takes the value _
    • schedulerId is required Description: Identifier for the task-graphs scheduler managing the task-graph this message concerns. Usually task-graph-scheduler in production.
    • taskGraphId is required Description: Identifier for the task-graph this message concerns
    • reserved Description: Space reserved for future routing-key entries, you should always match this entry with #. As automatically done by our tooling, if not specified.

Methods in taskcluster.Secrets

// Create Secrets client instance
import taskcluster
secrets = taskcluster.Secrets(options)

Create Secret

  • secrets.set(name, payload) -> None
  • secrets.set(payload, name='value') -> None

Delete Secret

  • secrets.remove(name) -> None
  • secrets.remove(name='value') -> None

Read Secret

  • secrets.get(name) -> result
  • secrets.get(name='value') -> result

List Secrets

  • secrets.list() -> result

Ping Server

  • -> None


A python implementation of the Taskcluster Client Library






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  • Python 97.7%
  • Shell 1.7%
  • Makefile 0.6%