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ROS-based project on multi-robot collabaration in partially observable, dynamic environments developed at TUM as part of the class "Smart Self-Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems" under direction of Ana Petrovska and Prof. Pretschner. Group members: Sebastian Bergemann, Martin Büchner, Malte Neuss and Muhammad Ansab Shohab

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Top level structure

We updated this repository with our own packages. Each of them contains one node and maybe some more support files in order to handle one specific task. In the follwing they will be introduced briefly (in pipeline order), but more details will be given by their own readmes inside their packages.

These packages were initially provided and not changed by us:

  • exploration_monitor
  • goal_provider
  • morse_internals_publisher
  • robot_pose_publisher

Map transformer

This node takes the OccupancyGrid of the map_server and transforms (especially scales) this into a new map with less cells (better performance for our own algorithms -> needed for the last step, the local_path_planner. It also reduces not used grid cells outside of the room walls (no robot will every be there) and made the life simpler with some other gimmicks.

Dirt generator

This node generates dirt (objects or positions) at random places at random times in the map (accordingly to a probability map or a standard distribution (currently close to Gaussian) and other parameters).

Dirt detection

This node receives sensor data from the laser sensor and uses that to detect whether the obstacle in front of the robot is a patch of dirt or something else. Earlier it performed the trignometric calculations and the transforms by itself but now it makes use of a built in funciton to transfrom the laser scan into a point cloud.

Goal list

This node receives all (possible) detected dirt piles, manages them (storing them and modifying their trust values) and publishes the most reliable ones (as goals) together with providing statistics about them and also deleting them and their related gazebo map model.

Task allocation

This node uses minimum spanning trees to segregate all the dirts that have been spawned into two subgraphs each of which is associated to a robot. A depth first search is performed on each of the two subgraphs to determine the order in which each robot performes the task.

Goal manager

The goal manager was used to handle all communication between move_base and the task_allocator for the global goal allocation. Since we have implemented local path planning the node is of no further use. To test just global task allocation alone it needs be reactivated.

Global manager

The global_manager handles all communcation between the local_path_planner, the task_allocator and the local_manager. Its task is to manage the global goal traverse and subsequently push the next global goal when one is reached. The node is launched per robot.

Local path planner

The local path planner uses a uniform cost graph search to determine the path each robot traverses from its current position to the location of the next task. The uniform cost search is performed on the modified occupancy grid and the cost which is minimised is expressed as C = distance - alpha * exploration_gain. The exploration gain is the sum of the cumulative probabilities of the grid cells that are moved into vision when the robot chooses a particular action. The alpha parameter determines how much exploration is valued and has to be manually set within the node.

Vision discretizer

The vision discretizer node is used to map the circular sensor range onto a grid of a resolution matching the resolution of the modified occupancy grid.

Vision determiner

The vision determiner node takes the discretized vision calculated from the vision discretizer node and places it onto the current position of the robot. Susbequently, the impact of the static and dynamic obstacles onto the vision are considerd. In particular, this means that the robots cannot see into or through walls.

Probability grid updater

This node calculates and updates the probability grids. These grids consist of the probabilty grid, which stores the probability of a piece of dirt appearning in said grid cell in the next second, the expected grid, which stores the expected number of dirt pieces in the given grid cell and the cumulative probability grid, which stores the probability of at least one piece of dirt being currently at a given grid cell.

Local manager

The function of the local_manager is to handle all the communication between the move_base on the one hand an the local-path planning on the other hand. Furthermore, it provides the global_manager with information about reached (global) goals so that the next global goal can be published to the local_path_planner. It establishes a node move base client instance for direct interaction with the move_base according to the actionlib-protocol. After exhaustive testing the node is capable to react to all seen actions and works smoothly. The node is launched once per robot.


ROS-based project on multi-robot collabaration in partially observable, dynamic environments developed at TUM as part of the class "Smart Self-Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems" under direction of Ana Petrovska and Prof. Pretschner. Group members: Sebastian Bergemann, Martin Büchner, Malte Neuss and Muhammad Ansab Shohab






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