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Model Mommy: Smart fixtures for better tests

Model-mommy offers you a smart way to create fixtures for testing in Django. With a simple and powerful API you can create many objects with a single line of code.



pip install model_mommy

Basic usage

Let's say you have an app family with a model like this:

class Kid(models.Model):
    happy = models.BooleanField()
    name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
    age = models.IntegerField()
    bio = models.TextField()
    wanted_games_qtd = models.BigIntegerField()
    birthday = models.DateField()
    appointment = models.DateTimeField()

To create a persisted instance, just call Mommy:

from model_mommy import mommy
from family.models import Kid

kid = mommy.make_one(Kid)

No need to pass attributes every damn time.

Importing every model over and over again is boring. So let Mommy import them for you:

from model_mommy import mommy

# 1st form: app_label.model_name
kid = mommy.make_one('family.Kid')

# 2nd form: model_name
dog = mommy.make_one('Dog')

Model Relationships

Mommy also handles relationships. Say the kid has a dog:

class Dog(models.Model):
    owner = models.ForeignKey('Kid')

when you ask Mommy:

from model_mommy import mommy

rex = mommy.make_one('family.Dog')

She will also create the Kid, automagically.

Defining some attributes

Of course it's possible to explicitly set values for attributes.

from model_mommy import mommy

another_kid = mommy.make_one('family.Kid', age=3)

Related objects attributes are also reachable:

from model_mommy import mommy

bobs_dog = mommy.make_one('family.Dog', owner__name='Bob')

Non persistent objects

If don't need a persisted object, Mommy can handle this for you as well:

from model_mommy import mommy

kid = mommy.prepare_one('family.Kid')

It works like make_one, but it doesn't persist the instance.

How mommy behaves?

By default, model-mommy skips fields with null=True or blank=True. Also if a field has a default value, it will be used.

You can override this behavior by explicitly defining values.

When shouldn't you let mommy generate things for you?

If you have fields with special validation, you should set their values by yourself.

Model-mommy should handle fields that:

  1. don't matter for the test you're writing;
  2. don't require special validation (like unique, etc);
  3. are required to create the object.

Currently supported fields

  • BooleanField, IntegerField, BigIntegerField, SmallIntegerField, PositiveIntegerField, PositiveSmallIntegerField, FloatField, DecimalField
  • CharField, TextField, SlugField, URLField, EmailField
  • ForeignKey, OneToOneField, ManyToManyField
  • DateField, DateTimeField, TimeField
  • FileField, ImageField


If you're not confortable with random data, or you have some custom fields, or even you just want to improve the semantics of the generated data, there's hope for you.

You can define a recipe, which is a set of rules to generate data for your models. Create a module called at your app's root directory:

from model_mommy.recipe import Recipe
from family.models import Person

person = Recipe(Person,
    name = 'John Doe',
    nickname = 'joe',
    age = 18,
    birthday =,
    appointment =

Note you don't have to declare all the fields if you don't want to. Omitted fields will be generated automatically.

The variable person serves as the recipe name:

from model_mommy import mommy


Or if you don't want a persisted instance:

from model_mommy import mommy


Recipes with foreign keys

You can define foreign_key relations:

from model_mommy import mommy
from model_mommy.recipe import Recipe, foreign_key
from family.models import Person, Dog

person = Recipe(Person,
    name = 'John Doe',
    nickname = 'joe',
    age = 18,
    birthday =,
    appointment =

dog = Recipe(Dog,
    breed = 'Pug',
    owner = foreign_key(person)

Notice that person is a recipe.

You may be thinking: "I can put the Person model instance directly in the owner field". That's not recommended.

Using the foreign_key is important for 2 reasons:

  • Semantics. You'll know that attribute is a foreign key when you're reading;
  • The associated instance will be created only when you call make_recipe and not during recipe definition;

Recipes with callables

It's possible to use callables as recipe's attribute value.

from datetime import date
from model_mommy.recipe import Recipe
from family.models import Person

person = Recipe(Person,
    birthday =,

When you call make_recipe, Mommy will set the attribute to the value returned by the callable.

Overriding recipe definitions

Passing values when calling make_recipe or prepare_recipe will override the recipe rule.

from model_mommy import mommy

mommy.make_recipe('model_mommy.person', name='Peter Parker')

This is useful when you have to create multiple objects and you have some unique field, for instance.


  1. Prepare a virtual environment.
pip install virtualenvwrapper
mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages --distribute
  1. Install the requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run the tests.
make test


Model-mommy was inspired by many great open source software like ruby's ObjectDaddy and FactoryGirl.

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