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Here I break down what the scripts in this directory do. I may unite them with some form of interface script which is a huge waste of time but will make me feel better.

The scripts can roughly be broken down into a few categories

  • configuration
  • Noise model
  • Saturation estimation
  • Field numbers

## Configuration


This is the settings file for any NGTS specific settings. This sets such things as the read time and sky background.


This is the same as but with WASP specific settings

Noise model


This plots the noise model contributions for a given Config, by assuming an exposure time, calculating the noise contributions and binning up to a configurable total exposure (by default 3600 seconds, 1 hour).

The main configurable parameter is the magnitude, allowing an exposure time vs fractional error plot to be created.

usage: [-h] [-o Filename] -m magnitude
                             [-s {bright,dark}] [-z ZEROPOINT] [-r RENDER]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o Filename, --output Filename
                        Image filename
  -m magnitude, --targetmag magnitude
                        Target magnitude
  -s {bright,dark}, --skylevel {bright,dark}
                        Sky type (bright or dark
  -z ZEROPOINT, --zeropoint ZEROPOINT
                        Custom zero point
  -r RENDER, --render RENDER
                        Render tables file> 


(Also including

This script takes the other slice dimension through the magnitude/exposure time/fractional error cube from and takes an exposure time from the user and plots the more normal fractional rms type plot with the noise model and contributions.

usage: [-h] [-t TOTALTIME] -e EXPTIME
                                 [-s {bright,dark}] [-d DEVICE] [-w] [-n] [-S]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TOTALTIME, --totaltime TOTALTIME
                        Total integration time
  -e EXPTIME, --exptime EXPTIME
                        Science exposure time
  -s {bright,dark}, --skylevel {bright,dark}
                        Sky type (bright or dark
  -d DEVICE, --device DEVICE
                        PGPLOT device
  -w, --plotwasp        Overlay some WASP staring data
  -n, --plotngts        Overlay some NGTS prototype data
  -S, --satlimit        Do not plot saturation limit

Saturation estimation


Calculate the distribution of fractions in the centre pixel for a psf of given size as the psf is moved away from the centre pixel


Monte-Carlo simulation using the techniques in FractionVsCentre to plot the distribution of central pixel flux fractions, to estimate a typical value used in the saturation estimation.


Using the noise model, calculate the saturation magnitudes as a function of science exposure time.

Field numbers

### &

These calculate and plot (respectively) the high precision range, using data from SaturationVsExposure and the 1mmag point from TheoryNoiseWithBinning to produce the range at which an object is considered high precision but not saturated.


This script takes the high precision range from HighPrecisionRange and applies it to three fields using NOMAD data stored in the NOMADFields subdirectory. It plots the fraction of high precision objects in each field as a function of exposure time.


Plots the number of saturated objects in the three fields used in this study. Dark and bright time are used.


This calculates the number of exposures we require over a number of years for a given exposure time, and calculates the storage requirements.

## Other


This runs all scripts.


For calculating the NGTS error contributions






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