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Replication code for "The Structure of Toxic Conversations on Twitter" (WWW'21)


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The Structure of Toxic Conversations on Twitter

Martin Saveski, Brandon Roy, and Deb Roy

This repository contains code for replicating the analysis and experiments in the paper, "The Structure of Toxic Conversations on Twitter" published in the proceedings of The Web Conference 2021 (WWW '21).

The anonymized data needed for replication is available at the data repository hosted on the Harvard Dataverse. More details about the data under Data guide.

Code guide

The code is split into four directories:

  1. processing: which includes code that computes various metrics on the conversations. Both the analyses (Sec 4) and the prediction models (Sec 5) rely on the metrics implemented in these scripts.
  2. analyses: contains code for conducting the analyses of the conversations after the conversations are over (Sec 4).
  3. modeling: contains code for preparing the data for training the classification models as well as training and evaluating the models (Sec 5).
  4. plotting: includes the code for generating all the figures in the paper.

Before running any of the scripts, make sure to configure the paths to the data in processing/ and install the Python packages in requirements.txt.

Most of the code is written in Python, except for the analyses and plotting code which was written in R.

Since the datasets are quite large, most scripts allow parallel computation.

Analyses (Sec 4)

To generate the figures in the analyses section, run the following scripts for each of the two datasets (news and midterms).

  • User analysis (Fig 2): processing/, analyses/1_users.R (NB: this analysis cannot be performed on the anonymized data, see the data description section for more information.)
  • Dyad analysis (Fig 3): processing/, analyses/2_dyads.R.
  • Reply tree analysis (Figs 4 and 5): processing/, processing/, analyses/3_reply_trees.R.
  • Follow graph analysis (Fig 6): processing/, processing/, analyses/4_follow_graphs.R.
  • Plotting: finally, run plotting/analyses.R to generate the figures.

Note that computing some of the metrics takes awhile. The outputs of the scripts is included in the data repository in derived_data.7z.

Conversation toxicity predictions (Sec 5.1)

Run the following scripts:

  1. processing/ computes the metrics described in Table 1 at various stages of the conversation (i.e., first 10, 20, ... 100 replies). This script relies on many of the other scripts in the processing directory, each of which implements a different feature set.
  2. modeling/prefix_make_datasets.ipynb: creates the design matrices (X) for the prediction tasks for each prefix size.
  3. modeling/prefix_make_labels.ipynb: creates the outcome variables (y).
  4. modeling/ performs nested cross-validation with 5 inner and 10 outer folds training Logistic Regression and GBRT models for each of the feature sets described in Table 1.
  5. modeling/prefix_results.ipynb: takes the results of the previous step and generates a CSV in a format convenient for plotting.
  6. plotting/prefix_results.R: generates Fig 7.
  7. modeling/ performs the domain transfer experiments (i.e., training on one dataset and testing on another) described in Sec 5.3.

Next reply toxicity predictions (Sec 5.2)

Run the following scripts:

  1. modeling/next_reply_sampling.ipynb: samples pairs of toxic and nontoxic replies for the paired prediction task.
  2. processing/ compute the metrics described in Table 2.
  3. modeling/next_reply_make_datasets.ipynb: builds the design matrix (X) and the labels vector (y).
  4. modeling/ performs nested cross-validation with 5 inner and 10 outer folds training Logistic Regression and GBRT models for each of the feature sets described in Table 2.
  5. modeling/next_reply_results.ipynb: takes the results of the previous step and generates a CSV in a format convenient for plotting.
  6. plotting/next_reply_results.R: generates Fig 8.
  7. modeling/next_reply_domain_transfer.ipynb: performs the domain transfer experiments (i.e., training on one dataset and testing on another) described in Sec 5.3.

Data guide

We collected two datasets, one of conversations started by tweets that are posted by or mention five major news outlets (news dataset), and another one of conversations prompted by tweets that are posted by or mention 1,430 politicians that ran for office during the 2018 midterm elections in the US (midterms dataset).

The anonymized versions of the datasets are available at the data repository hosted on the Harvard Dataverse.

Data organization

Since the embeddedness (i.e., number of common friends) statistics among the conversation participants require a lot of storage, we provide two versions of the datasets: one with ( and and another without (news_jsons_no_embs.7z.001 and midterms_jsons_no_embs.7z.001) the embeddedness information.

Size of the compressed data:

  • news_jsons.7z: 7zip archive of the full news dataset split into 15 files (max 2GB each), total of 29.5GB.
  • midterms_jsons.7z: 7zip archive of the full midterms dataset split into 38 files (max 2GB each), total of 74.2GB.
  • news_jsons_no_embs.7z: 7zip archive of the news dataset excluding the embeddedness information, one file of 1.2GB.
  • midterms_jsons_no_embs.7z: 7zip archive of the midterms dataset excluding the embeddedness information, one file of 1.2GB.

Size of the corresponding datasets uncompressed:

  • jsons/news: 32GB
  • jsons/midterms: 77GB
  • jsons_no_embs/news: 2.8GB
  • jsons_no_embs/midterms: 3.6GB

To uncompress the data run the following 7zip commands:

7za x news_jsons.7z
7za x midterms_jsons.7z
7za x news_jsons_no_embs.7z
7za x midterms_jsons_no_embs.7z

Data structure

Each dataset version is stored in a separate directory in which there is one json (gzipped) file per conversation.

The json files have the following structure:

    "root_tweet_type": "post|mention",
    "tweets": {
        "tweet_id_0": { 
            "id": "tweet_id_0",
            "user_id": "user_id_0",
            "time": 0
        "tweet_id_1": { 
            "id": "tweet_id_1",
            "user_id": "user_id_1",
            "time": 30
    "reply_tree": {
        "tweet": "tweet_id_0",
        "replies": [
                "tweet": "tweet_id_1",
                "replies": []
                "tweet": "tweet_id_2",
                "replies": [
                        "tweet": "tweet_id_3",
                        "replies": []
    "network_features": {
        "user_ids": [
        "missing_user_ids": [
        "network": [
            [0, 1],
            [3, 1],
        "network_intersections": [
            [0, 2, 1],
            [0, 3, 3],
        "n_friends": [
        "n_followers": [
    "alignment_scores": {
        "user_id_0": 0.2717478138,
        "user_id_1": -0.1746591394,
    "toxicity_scores": {
        "tweet_id_0": 0.06521354,
        "tweet_id_1": 0.059626743,

Description of fields:

  • root_tweet_type: whether the root tweet was a post or a mention of the accounts we tracked,
  • tweets: dictionary of dictionaries, one per tweet: tweet_id (str) => tweet info,
  • reply_tree: tree-like data structure, each "node" is a dictionary and contains the tweet_id (str) and the list of replies to it, which in turn are also dictionaries with the same structure.
  • network_features: contains the follow graph information associated with the conversation participants
    • user_ids: list of user ids, all subsequent fields refer to the users by indexing this list.
    • missing_user_ids: user ids for which we could not obtain the follow graph information, hence are not included in the subsequent fields.
    • network: i, j pair where user with id user_ids[i] follow user with id user_ids[j].
    • network_intersections: number of common friends between each pair of nodes. Triple [i, j, k] means that user_ids[i] and user_ids[j] have k friends in common. If a pair is missing, the two users do not have any friends in common. (NB: Friends here refers to outgoing links in the Twitter follow graph.)
    • n_friends: number of friends (outgoing edges) the user has in the full Twitter graph. Follows the order in user_ids.
    • n_followers: number of followers (incoming edges) the user has in the full Twitter graph. Follows the order in user_ids.
  • alignment_scores: political alignment scores of the users ranging between -1 (left-leaning) and +1 (right-leaning) computed based on the users' content sharing patterns.
  • toxicity_scores: toxicity score of each tweet as predicted by Google's Perspective API. Refer to the documentation of the Perspective API for proper interpretation of these scores. We used the most recent version of the Toxicity model (TOXICITY@6) at the time, released in Sep 2018.

Note that the difference between the full datasets and the versions of the datasets that do not include the embeddedness information is that the field network_features -> network_intersections is missing in the latter.


Although all the information we used to build the dataset is public (public tweets and user profiles), we decided to take extra steps and anonymize the data to protect the users' privacy. We believe that this is especially important in this study, where we classify (sometimes inaccurately) some of the users' tweets as toxic.

We took the following steps to anonymize the data:

  • Replaced all tweet and user ids,
  • Removed the tweet text,
  • Normalized the tweet creation time relative to when the root tweet was posted (i.e., tweet_time - root_tweet_time in seconds).

Note that since we anonymized the user ids, it is impossible to track users across different conversations in the dataset.

Derived Data

The data repository also contains intermediary data derived for the purposes of the analyses (derived_data.7z). We decided to share this data as many of the aggregate statistics included in these files take a lot of time and memory to compute due to the size of the datasets.

The files include the outputs of various conversation metrics on the full conversations (Sec 4) and the outputs of the metrics used as inputs for the future toxicity and next reply prediction tasks (Sec 5). This data can be particularly useful if one is interested only in certain aggregate statistics on the conversations.

The complete list of output files can be found in The files in the news and midterms directories are generated using the similarly named scripts in code/processing ran on the complete conversations. The files in the modeling directory can be mapped to the notebooks and scripts in code/modeling.


    title={The Structure of Toxic Conversations on Twitter},
    author={Saveski, Martin and Roy, Brandon and Roy, Deb},
    publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of The Web Conference 2021},
    series = {WWW '21}


This code is licensed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE file.


Replication code for "The Structure of Toxic Conversations on Twitter" (WWW'21)







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