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Technologies used:

  • Flask for web-server.
  • Sqlalchemy for ORM.
  • Mysql for production db.
  • sqlite for development db.
  • Celery for launching tasks.
  • Redis for storing celery task information.

General notes


Roster Generation for Daily Fantasy Sports: We developed a standalone application to generate optimal Rosters (fantasy team) for entry into daily fantasy tournaments. The objectives were to; generate teams of players that met the position constraints of the sport, were under the salary cap and would yield high fantasy points. The software infrastructure consisted of four parts; 1) Data-acquisition: crawling the web for updated vegas odds, MLB game statistics and fantasy salaries 2) Data-ingestion: storing the data found in 1) into an SQL database, 3) Training machine learning models to predict daily fantasy points per player and 4) Generating a set of optimal rosters based on predicted fantasy points per player.


  1. Purchase Mac.

  2. Create a virtualenv. Make sure your python3 is python3.6 (or latest version)

    $ virtualenv --python=/usr/local/bin/python3 env

  3. Activate virtualenv.

    $ source env/bin/activate

  4. Install all packages using pip.

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt

  5. Fix DataTables module (TEMPORARY).

    $ cp -r pypi_modules/datatables env/lib/python3.6/site-packages

  6. Create database tables. $ ./ create_all


redis-server must be running for celery tasks to work.

  1. Install and start redis.
    $ brew install redis
    $ brew services start redis
  1. Copy redis plists.

    $ cp /usr/local/Cellar/redis/3.2.3/homebrew.mxcl.redis.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents/

  2. Run the following command to auto-run redis-server on startup.

    launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.redis.plist

  3. Test if Redis server is running. If it replies, $ PONG, you're good~!

    $ redis-cli ping

Run server

To run the server, do:

$ make run

This will launch a Flask server and access it from http://localhost:5000.

Launch celery tasks in the background for mlbgame update, rotoguru, etc.

$ make celery


Automated Roster Generation for daily fantasy MLB






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Contributors 4
