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Limited }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 Licensee may use Software for the purpose of:}{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 a. 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Publishing Software\uc1 \u8217 ?s output to Licensee and 3rd Parties;}{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\b1 \fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\b1 \fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 2}{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 . }{\b1 \fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 Non Assignable and Non-Transferable:}{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 Licensee may not assign or transfer his }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 rights and duties under this license.}{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\b1 \fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 3. With Attribution Requirements:}{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9  Licensee must, for any subsequent use of the }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 software attribute the code-base to the originator of the software as stated }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 within this license document.}{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\b1 \fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\b1 \fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 3.Term and Termination:}{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 The Term of this license shall be until terminated. Licensor may }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 terminate this Agreement, including Licensee\uc1 \u8217 ?s license in the case where Licensee : a)}{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 became insolvent or otherwise entered into any liquidation process; or b)exported The }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 Software to any jurisdiction where Licensor may not enforce his rights under this }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 agreements in; or c)Licensee was in breach of any of this license's terms and conditions }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 and such breach was not cured, immediately upon notification; or d)Licensee in breach of }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 any of the terms of clause 2 to this license; or e)Licensee otherwise entered into any }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 arrangement which caused Licensor to be unable to enforce his rights under this License.}{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\b1 \fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 4. Upgrades, Updates and Fixes:}{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9   Licensor may provide Licensee, from time to time, with }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 Upgrades, Updates or Fixes, as detailed herein and according to his sole discretion. }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 Licensee hereby warrants to keep The Software up-to-date and install all relevant updates }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 and fixes, and may, at his sole discretion, purchase upgrades, according to the rates set by }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 Licensor. Licensor may shall provide any update or Fix free of charge; however, nothing in }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 this Agreement shall require Licensor to provide Updates or Fixes. a)Upgrades: for the }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 purpose of this license, an Upgrade shall be a material amendment in The Software, which }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 contains new features and or major performance improvements and shall be marked as a }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 new version number. For example, should Licensee purchase The Software under version }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 1.X.X, an upgrade shall commence under number 2.0.0. b)Updates: for the purpose of this }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 license, an update shall be a minor amendment in The Software, which may contain new }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 features or minor improvements and shall be marked as a new sub-version number. For }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 example, should Licensee purchase The Software under version 1.1.X, an upgrade shall }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 commence under number 1.2.0. c)Fix: for the purpose of this license, a fix shall be a minor }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 amendment in The Software, intended to remove bugs or alter minor features which }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 impair the The Software's functionality. A fix shall be marked as a new sub-sub-version }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 number. For example, should Licensee purchase Software under version 1.1.1, an upgrade }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 shall commence under number 1.1.2.}{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\b1 \fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\b1 \fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 5. Support: }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 Software is provided with limited support, as detailed in the Software\uc1 \u8217 ?s SLA }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 detailed under the License Grant. Licensor shall provide support via TeamViewer and /or }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 electronic mail and on regular business days and hours. a)Bug Notification: Licensee may }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 provide Licensor of details regarding any bug, defect or failure in The Software promptly }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 and with no delay from such event; Licensee shall comply with Licensor's request for }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 information regarding bugs, defects or failures and furnish him with information, screen-}{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 shots and try to reproduce such bugs, defects or failures. b)Feature Request: Licensee may }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 request additional features in Software, provided, however, that (i) Licensee shall waive }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 any claim or right in such feature should feature be developed by Licensor; (ii) Licensee }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 shall be prohibited from developing the feature, or disclose such feature request, or }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 feature, to any 3rd party directly competing with Licensor or any 3rd party which may be, }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 following the development of such feature, in direct competition with Licensor; (iii) }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 Licensee warrants that feature does not infringe any 3rd party patent, trademark, trade-}{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 secret or any other intellectual property right; and (iv) Licensee developed, envisioned or }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 created the feature solely by himself.}{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\b1 \fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\b1 \fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 6. Liability:   }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 To the extent permitted under Law, The Software is provided under an AS-IS basis. Licensor shall never, and without any limit, be liable for any damage, cost, expense or any other payment incurred by Licensee as a result of Software\uc1 \u8217 ?s actions, failure, bugs and/or any other interaction between The Software  and Licensee\uc1 \u8217 ?s end-equipment, computers, other software or any 3rd party, end-equipment, computer or services.  Moreover, Licensor shall never be liable for any defect in source code written by Licensee when relying on The Software or using The Software\uc1 \u8217 ?s source code.}{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\b1 \fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\b1 \fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 7. Warranty: }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 a)Intellectual Property: Licensor hereby warrants that The Software does not violate or infringe any 3rd party claims in regards to intellectual property, patents and/or trademarks and that to the best of its knowledge no legal action has been taken against it for any infringement or violation of any 3rd party intellectual property rights. b)No-Warranty: The Software is provided without any warranty; Licensor hereby disclaims any warranty that The Software shall be error free, without defects or code which may cause damage to Licensee\uc1 \u8217 ?s computers or to Licensee, and that Software shall be functional. Licensee shall be solely liable to any damage, defect or loss incurred as a result of operating software and undertake the risks contained in running The Software on License\uc1 \u8217 ?s Server[s] and Website[s]. c)Prior Inspection: Licensee hereby states that he inspected The Software thoroughly and found it satisfactory and adequate to his needs, that it does not interfere with his regular operation and that it does meet the standards and scope of his computer systems and architecture. Licensee found that The Software interacts with his development, website and server environment and that it does not infringe any of End User License Agreement of any software Licensee may use in performing his services. Licensee hereby waives any claims regarding The Software's incompatibility, performance, results and features, and warrants that he inspected the The Software.}{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\b1 \fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\b1 \fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 8.No Refunds:  }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 Licensee warrants that he inspected The Software according to clause 7(c) and that it is adequate to his needs. Accordingly, as The Software is intangible goods, Licensee shall not be, ever, entitled to any refund, rebate, compensation or restitution for any reason whatsoever, even if The Software contains material flaws.}{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\b1 \fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\b1 \fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 9. Indemnification: }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 Licensee hereby warrants to hold Licensor harmless and indemnify Licensor for any lawsuit brought against it in regards to Licensee\uc1 \u8217 ?s use of The Software in means that violate, breach or otherwise circumvent this license, Licensor's intellectual property rights or Licensor's title in The Software. Licensor shall promptly notify Licensee in case of such legal action and request Licensee\uc1 \u8217 ?s consent prior to any settlement in relation to such lawsuit or claim.}{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\b1 \fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \tab }{\b1 \fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 10.Governing Law, Jurisdiction:  }{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 Licensee hereby agrees not to initiate class-action lawsuits against Licensor in relation to this license and to compensate Licensor for any legal fees, cost or attorney fees should any claim brought by Licensee against Licensor be denied, in part or in full.}{\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \par }\pard \plain \ql \li0 \ri0 \lisb0 \sa200 \lisa0 \sl276 \slmult1 \widctlpar \aspalpha \aspnum \adjustright \lin0 \rin0 \itap0 \fs21 \kerning2 \dbch \af2 \hich \af0 \loch \af0 {\fs22 \kerning2 \dbch \af4 \hich \af4 \loch \f4 \lang9 \langnp9 \par }}


No description, website, or topics provided.


Unknown, Unknown licenses found

Licenses found






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