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Theano Encoder-Decoder

Generic encoder-decoder RNN implemented in Theano. Based on the original 2014 paper by Cho et al. The code is made to be readily extendable without abstracting away too much of Theano's functionality.

Modules (e.g. a GRU or LSTM) can be defined in the initModules() function in

def initModules():
  return {
    "encoder": layers.GRU(inputSize, hiddenSize), 
    "decoder": layers.GRU(outputSize, hiddenSize), 
    "ffout"  : layers.FF(hiddenSize, inputSize)

which are initialized and stored in self.modules. These can be accessed for use with Theano's scan function:

encoder = self.modules["encoder"]

states, updates = theano.scan(encoder.step, 
  sequences = x, 
  outputs_info = T.zeros(self.hidden))

Modules are autodifferentiated by calling their getUpdates() method, given some cost:

lr = T.scalar('learning rate')

updates = encoder.getUpdates(cost, lr) + 
          decoder.getUpdates(cost, lr) + 
          ffout.getUpdates(cost, lr)

self.SGD = theano.function([x, y, lr], updates = updates)

Model parameters can be saved and loaded with and Model.load(). These will be stored in .npz format.


Predicting the next sentence. 1000 hidden units. Outputs from training on the Project Gutenberg KJV overnight:

input: so abram departed, as the lord had spoken unto him; and lot went with him and abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of haran.

output: and the king said unto him , i will give thee to the king of israel , and i will give thee to the king of babylon , and i will give thee to the king of babylon , and

input: the house is on fire

output: and they said unto him , i will not hear my voice , and i will be my god .

Notice that while the network has successfully learned grammar and a biblical style, its responses are totally generic. This is probably because the sentences are too long for the encoder to really contribute much. Try: training on clauses rather than sentences and reverse the inputs like in this paper.


Prose synthesis with ANNs







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