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ooniprobe - Open Observatory of Network Interference

"The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it." - John Gilmore; TIME magazine (6 December 1993)

OONI, the Open Observatory of Network Interference, is a global observation network which aims is to collect high quality data using open methodologies, using Free and Open Source Software (FL/OSS) to share observations and data about the various types, methods, and amounts of network tampering in the world.

ooniprobe is the first program that users run to probe their network and to collect data for the OONI project. Are you interested in testing your network for signs of surveillance and censorship? Do you want to collect data to share with others, so that you and others may better understand your network? If so, please read this document and we hope ooniprobe will help you to gather network data that will assist you with your endeavors!


Note: ooni-probe takes no precautions to protect the install target machine from forensics analysis. If the fact that you have installed or used ooni probe is a liability for you, please be aware of this risk.

Getting started with ooniprobe is easy (with Vagrant)

  1. Install Vagrant and Install Virtualbox



If youd don't have it install homebrew

brew install git

On debian/ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install git
  1. Open a Terminal and run:
git clone
cd ooni-probe/
vagrant up
  1. Login to the box with:
vagrant ssh

ooniprobe will be installed in /ooni.

  1. You can run tests with:
ooniprobe blocking/http_requests -f /ooni/inputs/input-pack/alexa-top-1k.txt

The easy way to prep your system for running ooniprobe

We believe that ooniprobe runs reasonably well on Debian GNU/Linux wheezy as well as versions of Ubuntu such as natty and later releases. Running ooniprobe without installing it is supported with the following commands:

git clone
cd ooni-probe
./bin/ooniprobe --asciilulz

Your first network test

We run ooniprobe with a test deck - this is a collection of tests in a single file that tells ooniprobe how to run and what data to check or process:

./bin/ooniprobe -i decks/before_i_commit.testdeck

The report output files from the above command will be located in the reports/ directory of the source code checkout. The report output ends with the .yamloo suffix.

The details

We haven't actually installed ooniprobe - we just added the ooniprobe python to your PYTHONPATH. We also installed all of the dependencies with your native package manager or into a local directory managed by your user.

ooniprobe requirements explained

Basic system requirements:

The more detailed way follows

On Debian or Ubuntu GNU/Linux based systems these can be installed with:

sudo apt-get install git-core python python-pip python-dev build-essential tor tor-geoipdb obfsproxy tcpdump

Other packages that may be of interest:

libdumbnet1 python-dumbnet python-libpcap python-pypcap python-pcapy python-dnspython
python-virtualenv virtualenvwrapper tor tor-geoipdb obfsproxy

The Python dependencies required for running ooniprobe are:

Install Tor

Install the latest version of Tor for your platform:

Download Tor

(Optional) Install obfsproxy

Install the latest version of obfsproxy for your platform.

Download Obfsproxy

Configurating a virtual environment

You are highly recommended to install python packages from inside of a virtual environment, since pip does not download the packages via SSL and you will need to install it system wide.

This will require you to have installed virtualenv.

sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv virtualenvwrapper

To create a new virtual environment do

mkdir $HOME/.virtualenvs
mkvirtualenv ooni-probe

You will automatically enter the environment. To re-enter this environment in the future, type:

workon ooni-probe

For convenience, you may want to add the following to your .bashrc:

if [ -e ~/ooni-probe/bin ]; then
    export PATH=~/ooni-probe/bin:$PATH
if [ -e ~/ooni-probe ]; then
    export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:~/ooni-probe

Add the following to $HOME/.virtualenvs/ooni-probe/bin/postactivate to automatically cd into the working directory upon activation.

if [ -e ~/ooni-probe ] ; then
    cd ~/ooni-probe

Installing ooni-probe

Clone the ooniprobe repository:

git clone
cd ooni-probe

Then install OONI with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you are not in a virtualenv you will have to run the above command as root:

sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

Install libdnet and pypcap python bindings

It's ideal to install these manually since the ones in debian or ubuntu are not up to date.

The version of pypcap and libdnet ooniprobe is current tested with are libdnet-1.12 and pypcap 1.1, any other version should be considered untested.

If you don't already have Subversion installed:

sudo apt-get install subversion

For libdnet:

tar xzf libdnet-1.12.tgz
cd libdnet-1.12
./configure  && make
cd python/
python install
cd ../../ && rm -rf libdnet-1.12*

For pypcap:

git clone
cd pypcap/
pip install pyrex
make && make install
cd ../ && rm -rf pypcap-read-only

Including your geo data in the test report

Including geografical information on where your probe is located helps us better assess the value of the test. You can personalize these setting from inside of ooniprobe.conf

If you wish to include geografical data in the test report, you will have to go to the data/ directory and run:

make geoip

Then edit your ooniprobe.conf to point to the absolute path of where the data/ directory is located for example:

geoip_data_dir: /home/your_user/ooni-probe/data/

Running some tests

To see the possible command line options run:

./bin/ooniprobe --help 

For interesting tests to run look in the nettests/core/ directory.

To run a test you can do so with:

./bin/ooniprobe -o report_file_name path/to/

Normally tests take options, you can see them with:

./bin/ooniprobe -o report_file_name path/to/ --help


By default ooniprobe will not include personal identifying information in the test result, nor create a pcap file. This behavior can be personalized by editing your ooniprobe.conf configuration file.

Bridges and obfsproxy bridges

ooniprobe submits reports to oonib report collectors through Tor to a hidden service endpoint. By default, ooniprobe uses the installed system Tor, but can also be configured to launch Tor (see the advanced.start_tor option in ooniprobe.conf), and ooniprobe supports bridges (and obfsproxy bridges, if obfsproxy is installed). The tor.bridges option in ooniprobe.conf sets the path to a file that should contain a set of "bridge" lines (of the same format as used in torrc, and as returned by If obfsproxy bridges are to be used, the path to the obfsproxy binary must be configured. See option advanced.obfsproxy_binary, in ooniprobe.conf.

Setting capabilities on your virtualenv python binary

If your distributation supports capabilities you can avoid needing to run OONI as root:

setcap cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw+eip /path/to/your/virtualenv's/python